Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)
Posted by _Dalida_ on Jan 18, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 966 posts
...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(
haha that's all i have at the moment...
... when you miss a really REALLY important e-mail because you receive way too much junk e-mail?
... when people have completely irrelevent ideas or facts that to them mean vegans arent natural and people shouldnt be vegan, and animals cant be either. mainly when its your brother claiming a hermit crab eating its own exoskeleton and humans drinking cows milk are the exact same thing. So vegans are completely wrong and unnatural. I can point out so many fallacies in his logic..
...when you can tell that there's obviously an animal in the wall/ceiling scratching around and probably chewing on wires, but your SO sits there and says "eh, it's just the house shifting" and acts like you're an idiot.
since when does the house shifting sound like little tiny animal claws scratching on wood?
I have an animal in my walls too. It definitely sounds like a rat. I didn't even think of the wire chewing aspect of things. Ehh... I don't know what to do about it.
the thing is... he KNOWS we have mice. but no, "it's the house shifting" ::)
...when someone rear-ends you and when you pull over to get their insurance info etc. they just drive off. And you didn't even get the license plate number.
...when you're waiting to make a turn on your scooter and some asshole in a car swerves around and ahead of you right when you were about to pull out. (I was so close to using my horn... which I never do... not that it would have done any good... but I just took a deep breath, rolled my eyes and said to myself, It's better that a jerk like that is gone, out of your way, not behind you trying to run you over.)
...when you get suckered into waiting 3 hours with your mom for your (ignorant, alcoholic, queen-of-the-world) sister so that she can go SHOPPING for BEAUTY PRODUCTS that a). they don't need b.) are paying obscene prices for, io and c). You clearly do no want to go with!!
... when you miss a really REALLY important e-mail because you receive way too much junk e-mail?
Try gmail exercise all day, treat yourself to a cupcake and then hear crap about how you were supposed to start a diet today spend breakfast musing about how muesli is God's perfect food, only to find out an hour later that the school's muesli, which you have been eating for breakfast on a semi-regular basis, contains whey powder. :(
...and, after you start drinking your delicious instant miso, you notice on the packet "ALLERGY INFORMATION: CONTAINS SOY AND FISH."
... when people have completely irrelevent ideas or facts that to them mean vegans arent natural and people shouldnt be vegan, and animals cant be either. mainly when its your brother claiming a hermit crab eating its own exoskeleton and humans drinking cows milk are the exact same thing. So vegans are completely wrong and unnatural. I can point out so many fallacies in his logic..
Really!?! see someone wearing a fur coat and get an almost undeniable urge to walk over and punch them in the face. see someone wearing a fur coat and get an almost undeniable urge to walk over and punch them in the face.
Corollary: You see a throw in a v. expensive shop window and realise--yes, it's real. Yes, it's a leopard pelt. Yes, that's illegal. And you want to throw a brick through the shop window, but you don't because YOU are the one who will be fined for wilful damage, while the nation's laws blissfully ignore the violation re: animal pelts because the manifests are all in place. And because the administration doesn't really give a toss. (I have actually been told, "Well, it's already dead, there's not much you can do now.")
...when you're waiting to make a turn on your scooter and some asshole in a car swerves around and ahead of you right when you were about to pull out. (I was so close to using my horn... which I never do... not that it would have done any good... but I just took a deep breath, rolled my eyes and said to myself, It's better that a jerk like that is gone, out of your way, not behind you trying to run you over.)
I haven't had my scooter long and I have already had a few close calls! I really enjoy riding my scooter, but I really hate how distracted people are behind the wheel... it's like they have forgotten that they are driving something that can cause serious hard and have a responsibility to operate it safely for EVERYONE on the roads (or sidewalks...)
Glad that you weren't hurt!!
...someone creates a vegweb account with the sole purpose of advertising for some rediculous product when they know it is against vegweb rules. Oh yeah, putting a random picture on the profile doesn't fool anyone.;u=100466
...someone creates a vegweb account with the sole purpose of advertising for some rediculous product when they know it is against vegweb rules. Oh yeah, putting a random picture on the profile doesn't fool anyone.;u=100466
Whoa! Messed up!!!
...when you're waiting to make a turn on your scooter and some asshole in a car swerves around and ahead of you right when you were about to pull out. (I was so close to using my horn... which I never do... not that it would have done any good... but I just took a deep breath, rolled my eyes and said to myself, It's better that a jerk like that is gone, out of your way, not behind you trying to run you over.)
I haven't had my scooter long and I have already had a few close calls! I really enjoy riding my scooter, but I really hate how distracted people are behind the wheel... it's like they have forgotten that they are driving something that can cause serious hard and have a responsibility to operate it safely for EVERYONE on the roads (or sidewalks...)
Glad that you weren't hurt!!
Thanks! No harm done, so far. *crosses fingers*
I can't get over how impatient and irresponsible so many drivers are in my city. I've been thinking that driving a scooter is kinda like being vegan, or anything else non-mainstream, as it seems to make people feel threatened, like they have to assert their bigness over the little person. ::)
This is exactly why I don't ride the municipal bikes, aside from the usurious rates and the fact that you have to keep a certain amount of money in your account at all times to cover the possible loss of the bike. The big factor is that drivers here seem to think that bikes are fair game. Yes, we have bike lanes now, but not nearly everywhere, and certainly not in the most dangerous part of town, the old town where cars shouldn't even be allowed.
So I don't ride cuz I duzn't haz deathwish.
So I don't ride cuz I duzn't haz deathwish.
I know it's not the most appropriate response, but *tee hee*
that totally made me laugh yabbit, which is exactly what I needed right now. I heart yabbit!
your neighbors are noisy & nosy :boooo: realize you've been wearing your cardigan inside out all day...haha and nobody at home bothered to tell you!