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Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)

...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(

haha that's all i have at the moment... mess up knittinggggggggg

What happened?  Can I help?

0 likes mess up knittinggggggggg

What happened?  Can I help?

Just not measuring right. Ugh. i haven learned my lesson.

0 likes mess up knittinggggggggg

What happened?  Can I help?

Just not measuring right. Ugh. i haven learned my lesson.

Oh OK.  A frustrating but necessary lesson.


You wake up with heart palpitaions... :(
You have errands to run but don't dare to leave the house because your stomach feels "weird". :-\

Part 1: I hope you're not having mini panic attacks b/c they are no bueno  :-\

As for the tummy issues I was told I had a viral infection (when I really had strep) so the infection got so bad that I couldn't eat or drink anything and even drinking water burned (plus at this point I was talking like I was deaf) So I went to the ER and then my primary care doc who then FINALLY gave me antibiotics which cured the strep but my tummy has not reacted well or adjusted to them yet  :boooo:

...You request off of work b/c it's your birthday BUT THEY SCHEDULE YOU ANYWAY!!!  :nono:

0 likes have to wait eighteen minutes for a bus service that's supposed to come every ten minutes.
...your first bus driver is driving like a maniac to make up time, because he's running many minutes late.
...your second bus driver doesn't see you or doesn't care to wait a few seconds while you run for his bus, which you missed because the first one was late.

At least I had a good book. ::)

0 likes are stuck in a group with two people who refuse to put effort into your non-individually-graded school project. And you end up doing the entire thing for them.


...your mom decides to spend non existent money to redo the bathroom, meaning you must use your brothers disgusting bathroom for a week. and it must be shared by 4 people.... who get ready at the same time some mornings... and theres only a tiny mirror..

Try this with one tiny bathroom which is physically not large enough for 2 people to be in at the same time, and it's the only one you have, and you have to rip the guts out of it to get rid of a black mould problem. And it's basically a hole in the wall for a month, so you have to buy a urinal to be used in another room with the door locked. And just to add to the fun, your "friend" shows up that week.

At least you have your brother's bathroom.


..a creepy neighbor kid thinks it's funny to shine little red lasers into your windows at night when it's pouring blankets and you're home alone.


Try this with one tiny bathroom which is physically not large enough for 2 people to be in at the same time, and it's the only one you have, and you have to rip the guts out of it to get rid of a black mould problem. And it's basically a hole in the wall for a month, so you have to buy a urinal to be used in another room with the door locked. And just to add to the fun, your "friend" shows up that week.

At least you have your brother's bathroom.

Eek!! i will apreciate it more now!

....when some one decides to liquify onions in a blender so everyone in the houses eyes burn like crazy.

... when unimportant things are way more important to you than you should be, and you put knitting a hat ahead of writing a paper and cleaning up stuff that will be thrown out in the morning if you dont.


...when your Mum is driving you to work in the semi-dark of dawn, and you're both looking at a bird flying just ahead between the trees, wondering aloud what kind of bird it is, and the next moment there's a great FLASH because the bird has hit some power lines by the side of the road and electrocuted itself, and it falls to the ground, dead.
...and you can't stop thinking of it as a kind of omen or sign. Very disturbing!! :o :'(


...everyone else in you home/family eats meat and other animal products making you the 'vegan freak'

...the closest co-op or nature foods store is 35 minutes away and your car is in the shop

...your the only vegan in your school of 1,200, resulting in extreme loneliness. The only thing all the other guys do is hunt and drink beer. The girls that are a least vegetarian get all defensive because they think veganism has something to do with being a supremacist... ERRRRRRR live in the middle of nowhere and have to drive 20 minutes to get any faux-meat, earth balance, or soymilk because your local grocery store doesn't carry it.


.. when the same kid who comments on new years resolution, tells you today (since you're feeling under the weather)... 'Oh man, that means you need more protein.'

glad I reacted how I did (with a kind heart) and growl and bark at him. haha.

0 likes live in the middle of nowhere and have to drive 20 minutes to get any faux-meat, earth balance, or soymilk because your local grocery store doesn't carry it.

Agreed. Except I have gotten used to driving 45 miles to the nearest Co-op. And it's so normal for me that I don't even think it's weird.


Agreed. Except I have gotten used to driving 45 miles to the nearest Co-op. And it's so normal for me that I don't even think it's weird.

yikes! I will establish my own co-op before I let that happen


My closest co op is in NJ about 2 1/2 hour drive.
If you think you live in rural country you could try out where I am.
I have a decent health food store about 45 minutes from me and the markets 1/2 from me have some decent organic items.
Nothing local till the farmers market opens up at the end of May

Agreed. Except I have gotten used to driving 45 miles to the nearest Co-op. And it's so normal for me that I don't even think it's weird.

yikes! I will establish my own co-op before I let that happen


..when you know  bad news is coming, and you don't feel any comfort from knowing ahead of time when it finally does.  :-\


... when you start coughing so bad you leak alittle urine.  lol.

0 likes go way out of your way for someone and they shit on you....

0 likes go way out of your way for someone and they shit on you....

glad to see you back!


... when you start coughing so bad you leak alittle urine.  lol.

Or sneeze and the same happens. Wait till you're over 40 and it will be a common occurence.  :(



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