Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)
Posted by _Dalida_ on Jan 18, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 966 posts
...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(
haha that's all i have at the moment... have an idea for something, or are in charge of something and other people keep trying to take over thinking you cant do it yourself.
...people that break promises
...teachers give you tons of homework because you have 2 days to do it, and every other teacher thinks the same way so you're completely overloaded
You buy things like spices in bulk and then you get too much and it won't fit in the you end up with all these little baggies of extra spices and no where to put them!
..whole foods stops carrying the awesome vegan parfait cups and puddings in their desserts case. wtf?? they were soooo freaking delicious
..bathroom designers decide to attach the towel rack (or in a public bathroom the air dryers or paper towel dispensers) above chest level. i hate it when i get water dripping down my arms while i have to reach up to get a towel!
..whole foods stops carrying the awesome vegan parfait cups and puddings in their desserts case. wtf?? they were soooo freaking delicious
Did you discuss this with them? They usually try to accommodate if possible. They special order me scones when I ask nicely. :)>>>
I'm disturbed by this, although I haven't had the parfait in a while... but it was damn tasty.
...whole foods is too far away to have ever even tried said parfaits :'(
.. people put CDs/DVDs in the wrong cases!! Ugh.. Drives me mad! :o
....people tell me, "I love dogs but I can't stand cats." Never fails to piss me off.
...whole foods is too far away to have ever even tried said parfaits :'(
There, there... you've always got riblets.
I'm allergic to cats, but if I really like the cat, I will brave the allergy and pet him/her anyway. Then take massive amounts of Benadryl and a shower.
....publix stops selling riblets (or at least restocking them, i havent seen them in wel over a month, havent asked yet though) :'(
Must find riblets...
I must find some one to take me to the HFS this week, hmmm
....people tell me, "I love dogs but I can't stand cats." Never fails to piss me off.
Yes! This is usually followed by 'cats are so moody'. Not all cats are moody! Not all dogs are friendly!
Other things I hate
...Bad manners
Glad you mentioned litterbugs, MD! Don't even get me started on that...I have to pick up garbage on my lawn or in front of my driveway on a daily basis. Fortunately, there's never anyone out there to hear my verbal reaction. ;)
....people tell me, "I love dogs but I can't stand cats." Never fails to piss me off.
Yes! This is usually followed by 'cats are so moody'. Not all cats are moody! Not all dogs are friendly!
Other things I hate
...Bad manners
Agreed, with everything. Ew humidity.. stupid florida..
i havent talked to wf about the parfaits cus i honestly bought them so rarely (i don't buy treats much, especially when theres no nutrition label on them) but i loved them whenever i had them and i always felt good that they were there for me if i ever felt like splurging (moneywise & caloriewise)
... you get excited/happy about something and the person you love just brings you down about it :-[
...your entire body has allergic reactions to nothing and you can't figure out why
...someone shits all over you for no fucking reason at 3am and none of your mates gives a shit so you have absolutely nowhere to go...sleeping on the street anyone?
...just FUCK
You ask someone to take a digital pic and they do, but they never email it to you. You remind them three or four times and the last time they just make a joke about it. You realise they're never going to send it, for no reason at all except their own laziness. (Dude, next time just say no.) leave a perishable item of food out by accident overnight or longer and it goes bad. get excited at the store when you are behind someone in the checkout line buying soymilk and produce, and then watch as they pull packages of bacon and other assorted meats out of their cart. let one rip while alone at work, only to have someone walk into the room seconds later. :-[ cook a dish you are sure your SO is going to love, and all you get is "It's edible." (Is it just me or is this a nice way to say, "I wouldn't walk across the street for it."?)
...your aunt, who has had been in 3 accidents within the last year backs into your car
...your SO asks your opinion again of how to remodel the house and then yet again decides his idea is much better. seriously. i don't even know why he bothers to ask.
...there's not enough time. there's never anytime. :-\ find out your pills are in gel-caps, and are forced to consider why doctor-prescribed stuff in gel-caps is okay, but equally-important non-scrip stuff in gel-caps is not.