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Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)

...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(

haha that's all i have at the moment...

When you're fishing in World of Warcraft and you forget to re-equip your axe and shield when you're done, so when you go into the next battleground you start attacking people with a fishing rod and everyone sees. I whipped that elf for ages before someone pointed it out to me  :-\


Lol, I don't play WoW but that gave me such a funny mental image. ;D

...I have an energetic puppy who needs some entertainment but it's cold and rainy so I don't feel like taking him anywhere.  And I can't let him inside because he won't behave.

...I really need a job but can't find anything that I'm qualified for that looks even remotely interesting.

...I haven't had a good night's sleep in a while and I'm getting all tired and cranky.


When you're fishing in World of Warcraft and you forget to re-equip your axe and shield when you're done, so when you go into the next battleground you start attacking people with a fishing rod and everyone sees. I whipped that elf for ages before someone pointed it out to me  :-\

I can relate! One time I beat a dragonkin for a full minute with my fists before I realized something was terribly wrong. Luckily it was lower level than me. That could have been bad.



When you're fishing in World of Warcraft and you forget to re-equip your axe and shield when you're done, so when you go into the next battleground you start attacking people with a fishing rod and everyone sees. I whipped that elf for ages before someone pointed it out to me  :-\

I can relate! One time I beat a dragonkin for a full minute with my fists before I realized something was terribly wrong. Luckily it was lower level than me. That could have been bad.


Oh yes, that sounds familiar too. I really can't figure out how I managed to flail my way to level 80. Looked at my stats the other day and I have 50-something deaths from falling  ???


So, what--WoW is an online form of Dungeons and Dragons?

I remember playing with some sarcastic folks at DandD once. The DM announced "Night falls" and someone asked, "Did I get hurt?" Tired of the cynicism, the DM rolled for damage points--it darn near killed her!!


So, what--WoW is an online form of Dungeons and Dragons?

I remember playing with some sarcastic folks at DandD once. The DM announced "Night falls" and someone asked, "Did I get hurt?" Tired of the cynicism, the DM rolled for damage points--it darn near killed her!!

Kind of. You pick a race and class and tackle quests, professions, crafts and - if you're into it - other players. It's ludicrously good fun, especially if you play with friends  :)


... your grandmother laughs at your decision to become a vegan based on ethics (how are ethics hilarious)
... you're hungry and it seems like there is nothing in the house to eat
... people stare at you in the grocery store or when you are walking down the street. what? do I have something on my face?


...some one that lives a block away from you refuse to give you a ride home, or even to their house so you can walk from theres, and decide to let you sit at school waiting for some one to magically appear to get you home.

...your mom gets mad at you for not giving her man friend the avacado that you were eating with your dinner, and is so caught on it that she gets mad again the next day.

...your moms extremely overweight man friend gets her to eat unhealthy and she gains back all the weight she lost and takes her away from how close she was to going veg.


... you are rolling and going really good, then suddenly you hit a plateau and everything smacks you in the face and you can't seem to figure anything out...  :-\

0 likes get 2 estimates to fix the dent in your car (that your aunt caused) and you trust the people more that gave the higher estimate than the people who gave the low estimate, but you know since your aunt is a crap driver and doesnt want to report it to her insurance, that she's gonna pick the cheaper one cuz she's paying out of pocket

(the higher one-$825- works with my uncle, the lower one--which is half as much--works with my boyfriend) i'm gonna have to figure out how to get around for 3-4 days without my car


...your neighbors keep playing the theme song for Requiem for a Dream LOUD on their piano (with pedal) and you hear it every night through your open windows ... I'm beginning to think they're obsessed with that movie (it's a good movie, but still)  :bear2:


Oh, yeah - in case I didn't make it plain - my scooter has refused to start since early this week, and I am severely pissed off. At least, when I can't help thinking about it. And the probably huge mechanic's bill for which I will have to rustle up the money. >:(


...also: when your store carries the right brand of veggie sausages - the ones with the best texture - but they never have the best flavour; just the bland one. >:( I'ma have to speak to them about this.


... your grandmother laughs at your decision to become a vegan based on ethics (how are ethics hilarious)
... you're hungry and it seems like there is nothing in the house to eat
... people stare at you in the grocery store or when you are walking down the street. what? do I have something on my face?

Obviously you are drop-dead gorgeous. We knew this! It's the healthy diet that makes you glow with that inner something. They can't help it, they just can't keep their eyes off you. ;)b


You wake up with heart palpitaions... :(

You go outside to drive your son to drop off his jeep to be worked on and when the dog jumps in the back seat she has dog poop all over her paws and covers your back seat in it. >:(

When you start up your car the lcd screen reads "fill coolant" for the third time even though you have filled it each time...obviously it is leaking or something and needs to be looked at and repaired, >:(

Your youngest son calls from school and needs to be picked up because he is sick and vomiting in class.  :-X

You have errands to run but don't dare to leave the house because your stomach feels "weird". :-\


My car is so frustrating lately.
Not sure why I am driving the 92 Mazda when there is a new van just sitting there never used.
The power steering makes some horrific noise every time I start the car or when really cold.
To cold for me to work on it right now.
Actually more embarrassing the frustrating

0 likes dog pushes his way out of the gate when I'm putting the recycling out and runs down the street to chase the garbage truck, nearly gets run over twice and generally scares the shit out of me.  And I'm running after him in the rain in my jammies.  But at least he came back, unharmed.


You wake up with heart palpitaions... :(

...You go to sleep with heart palpitations.

...when boys will be boys.


The pancake mix that you thought was vegan turns out to have buttermilk powder in it...and you didn't find that out until after you eat several pancakes... >:(


...your mom decides to spend non existent money to redo the bathroom, meaning you must use your brothers disgusting bathroom for a week. and it must be shared by 4 people.... who get ready at the same time some mornings... and theres only a tiny mirror.. mess up knittinggggggggg

...people invite themselves over keep forgetting to buy soy sauce



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