Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)
Posted by _Dalida_ on Jan 18, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 966 posts
...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(
haha that's all i have at the moment...
...when the people who were supposed to move my piano call AGAIN to push back the time AGAIN, and I have to call the people I'm buying it from to reschedule AGAIN. I was supposed to have the piano moved to my house yesterday, then they changed it to today, now it's "tentatively scheduled" for tomorrow, which brings me to,,,
...when I call for quotes to see how much it'll cost to get a piano moved, and hire the ones who are about $200 cheaper than anywhere else, but they turn out to be incredibly disorganized and unreliable. Meaning I'll probably end up paying for one of the more expensive places to do it anyway, after going through all the stress that the cheap ones are creating.
And, completely unrelated to the piano:
...when the dog gets into the chili garden, bends and breaks a bunch of plants, digs a big hole and knocks the still green chilies on the ground. And, in an attempt to teach him not to do it again, I gave him a piece of a scotch bonnet and HE LIKES IT. Wtf?
...when the dog gets into the chili garden, bends and breaks a bunch of plants, digs a big hole and knocks the still green chilies on the ground. And, in an attempt to teach him not to do it again, I gave him a piece of a scotch bonnet and HE LIKES IT. Wtf?
Yes, I remember my dad telling me that once to try and train his dog to not eat from people's hands, he gave the dog a jalapeno, the dog came back for a second and a THIRD!! But! He didn't come back for another.... Which led my dad to assume it burned more "coming out" than "going in" be patient!'re enthusiastically grinding black pepper into your bowl of guacamole, only to have the pepper grinder suddenly lose its head - spilling hundreds of whole peppercorns into your guac. :waa: Now I have to pick them all ouuuuuuuuuuuut! >:( *stomps*
eta: Ten minutes later, it's done... and if you knew me, you'd have been seriously amazed at my lack of wrath when faced with such a FAIL situation. In fact, I didn't stomp or wail or throw anything - I swore, once and not very loudly, then calmly spent ten minutes fixing the problem. 8-) :P ::)
....your idiot ex-husband wants to show off the Elk hide he finished tanning from a hunting trip he went on last year. There are oh so very many reasons why this idiot is my ex! >:(
...people who either don't like dogs or only like their own dog(s) go to the off-leash dog park and yell at you for having your dog off-leash. ??? >:(
A student bails on a 90 min class without calling or texting or anything and when you try to reach him he has his cell turned off. >:( Talk about being so far in denial he might as well be Egyptian!
...people who either don't like dogs or only like their own dog(s) go to the off-leash dog park and yell at you for having your dog off-leash. ??? >:(
wtf... ???
...people who either don't like dogs or only like their own dog(s) go to the off-leash dog park and yell at you for having your dog off-leash. ??? >:(
wtf... ???
My dog walked over to his dog (no jumping, growling, or any sign of aggression...just walked) and he went completely psycho, screamed at my dog to get away from him, then yelled at me for like 5 mins about how I obviously (::)) have no control over my dog and he shouldn't be allowed off-leash. Um... ???
You're making Smlove pie and blending the chocolate and tofu mixture together in your food processor and you turn your back for ONE SECOND and the ENTIRE food processor manages to jump off the counter and on the very dirty floor flinging the filling EVERYWHERE and you have NO substitute ingredients so you have to make do with what you can scrape together hygienically. And its for your Grandmother's birthday get together later in the afternoon. >:( :'(
I'm so disappointed.
Plus the food processor blending container is now broken.
Your moms man friend is a BBQ caterer, and the house always smells like gross dead cows/pigs/whatever animal people bbq.
Ew. Thanks for making me lose my appetite.
Or, you make hummus for the first time in 6 mos, using the hand-blender chopper box because you're trying to make a tiny quantity...and it makes the most awful thumping noise and you realise you have damaged the top of the chopper box (the part that makes it work) and have no idea where to get a new one or how much it will cost.
Once my mother and I foolishly tried to make hummus in a blender instead of a food processor. It was too tall and narrow to allow the mixture to move, so we turned it off now and then and stirred it with a wooden spatula. Somehow, it switched itself back on at the wrong moment, and... hummus on the ceiling!!! :-D I laughed; Mum, not so much.
... when your car's battery dies for the millionth time in the past year.
Finally starting to believe its the alternator...
Goodbye car.
.... grrrr.... when you buy something at the local healthfood store at a discount (sale rack) and then find out its not vegan! grrr!
but give it to the friend that drove you there after you found out your car wouldn't turn on, so its all good.'re mentally gearing yourself up to try out General Tao's Tofu, only to find, upon opening the tofu, that it's gone stinky - a month before it's due-by date. >:( :( No tofu for Heli today.'re mentally gearing yourself up to try out General Tao's Tofu, only to find, upon opening the tofu, that it's gone stinky - a month before it's due-by date. >:( :( No tofu for Heli today.
agh! I hate that! Or even when it goes stinky after two days after opening it!
Tofu is so good, but so quick to go bad!! wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, open your bedroom door and step directly into a pile of cat puke! There's just no going back to sleep after that. wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, open your bedroom door and step directly into a pile of cat puke! There's just no going back to sleep after that.
agh! lol. I'd step in dog pee all the time acouple of years ago when we were still potty-training our new puppy.
Its definitely not fun to have pee-wet socks.
you realize you have a court appearance at the end of the week and you'll probably still be under the influence of painkillers.....hmmm....wonder if it is too late to file for a delay? wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, open your bedroom door and step directly into a pile of cat puke! There's just no going back to sleep after that.
Or wake up in the morning and find a massive hairball puke next to you on your hand-made quilt. What a present. >:(