Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)
Posted by _Dalida_ on Jan 18, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 966 posts
...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(
haha that's all i have at the moment...
...your parents raised you to be crazy pariniod about lots of things and youre still afraid or hesitant to open doors for people and have to make your brother answer doors Really, why does this still freak me out? And when the kid turns out to be doing a magazine sale thing? really? haha really need a vacation and find a really good deal on a flight to London with hotel included for 2 nights! You get really excited because you don't even need to take time off of work and still have a mini getaway! Frantically you look for someone to go with, but are totally prepared to go alone because that's how bad you need to get out of albany, ny because you feel like it's sucking your life force from you...then you're all excited ready to go and decide to read over the fine print one last time only to be beaten down by the fact the quoted price is only for a one way ticket! Idiot! You feel like you should have known better all those tricky advertisers, but you just fell for the oldest trick in the book! Now you're torn because you still want to go, but now it's twice as expensive...i hate airlines.
...your parents raised you to be crazy pariniod about lots of things and youre still afraid or hesitant to open doors for people and have to make your brother answer doors Really, why does this still freak me out? And when the kid turns out to be doing a magazine sale thing? really? haha
i'm the same way. unfortunately, the guy that reads the gas meter comes on my day off when i'm home alone and i'm forced to let him in and show him to the basement... which by the way, i'm terrified some day he's gonna realize i'm home alone and like... kill me or something
...your parents raised you to be crazy pariniod about lots of things and youre still afraid or hesitant to open doors for people and have to make your brother answer doors Really, why does this still freak me out? And when the kid turns out to be doing a magazine sale thing? really? haha
i'm the same way. unfortunately, the guy that reads the gas meter comes on my day off when i'm home alone and i'm forced to let him in and show him to the basement... which by the way, i'm terrified some day he's gonna realize i'm home alone and like... kill me or something
You open the door though!, I hide by the door with my dog haha, the guy at the door today saw me run to my brothers room through the window too :-[ Eek, why is it so scary
...your parents raised you to be crazy pariniod about lots of things and youre still afraid or hesitant to open doors for people and have to make your brother answer doors Really, why does this still freak me out? And when the kid turns out to be doing a magazine sale thing? really? haha
i'm the same way. unfortunately, the guy that reads the gas meter comes on my day off when i'm home alone and i'm forced to let him in and show him to the basement... which by the way, i'm terrified some day he's gonna realize i'm home alone and like... kill me or something
You open the door though!, I hide by the door with my dog haha, the guy at the door today saw me run to my brothers room through the window too :-[ Eek, why is it so scary
when i was still living at my parents house i would hide too. i'd turn off the tv quick and hide right under the window so if he looked in he wouldnt be able to see me. i have to open the door now, dean would be pissed if he knew the electric guy came by and i didn't let him in, cuz then the company will estimate our usage and the bill will skyrocket
...your parents raised you to be crazy pariniod about lots of things and youre still afraid or hesitant to open doors for people and have to make your brother answer doors Really, why does this still freak me out? And when the kid turns out to be doing a magazine sale thing? really? haha
i'm the same way. unfortunately, the guy that reads the gas meter comes on my day off when i'm home alone and i'm forced to let him in and show him to the basement... which by the way, i'm terrified some day he's gonna realize i'm home alone and like... kill me or something
You open the door though!, I hide by the door with my dog haha, the guy at the door today saw me run to my brothers room through the window too :-[ Eek, why is it so scary
when i was still living at my parents house i would hide too. i'd turn off the tv quick and hide right under the window so if he looked in he wouldnt be able to see me. i have to open the door now, dean would be pissed if he knew the electric guy came by and i didn't let him in, cuz then the company will estimate our usage and the bill will skyrocket
i used to do that if i saw a car of jehovas witnesses pull into my driveway. sometimes i wouldnt see them and so i couldnt get the tv off in time but id squeeze myself against the couch and hope they couldnt see me thru the window- haha. i'm pretty sure they saw me..
...people use you to vent their anger at themselves for something they haven't done. And suddenly it's all your fault.
.... the train that you commute home from is canceled... two days in a row.
...You keep putting off / forgetting to visit the one tiny HFS in town that you know stocks a particular range of veg*n/animal-friendly skincare products that you've been meaning to try... and when you finally get your butt over to the store, it's closed down. ::) >:('re hungry but nothing in the house is appealing really need a vacation and find a really good deal on a flight to London with hotel included for 2 nights! You get really excited because you don't even need to take time off of work and still have a mini getaway! Frantically you look for someone to go with, but are totally prepared to go alone because that's how bad you need to get out of albany, ny because you feel like it's sucking your life force from you...then you're all excited ready to go and decide to read over the fine print one last time only to be beaten down by the fact the quoted price is only for a one way ticket! Idiot! You feel like you should have known better all those tricky advertisers, but you just fell for the oldest trick in the book! Now you're torn because you still want to go, but now it's twice as expensive...i hate airlines. get excited because there's a possibility of a vegwebber visiting your home city and then realise that they probably won't
... you use a public microwave, only to find that someone had removed your food after 30 seconds because they "didn't see you" >:(
...people don't pick up their dog's poo.
...people don't pick up their dog's poo.
that's the worst >:(
esp. if you accidentally step in it-- irresponsible pet owners should be fined!
...drivers either literally or pretendily "don't see me" on my scooter (or bicycle), and pull into my path, sometimes dangerously close to hitting me. Folks around here these days are driving like they've had lobotomies, or something. :-\'s in the negative degrees and your unversity's president won't cancel classes and then the sidewalks on campus aren't even shoveled so you have to trudge through a foot (literally) of snow against the biting wind and then the thought pops into your head Hey, remember that time you wanted to go to the University of Miami? I'm getting out of Pennsylvania as soon as I graduate!
...your cat sleeps on your laptop, which is cute in most cases except when you wake up to blaring Linkin Park music at 4:30 in the morning because your cat opened your iTunes accidently.
...your to-do list just gets too damn long.
...your omni friends say shit like "I can't wait until you go back to eating meat that way we can have really good dinners." just posted a topic on a vegweb forum that you're super excited to see what everyone else has to contribute and no one is responding and you think a.) it's late at night so ppl aren't really on, b.) no one has anything to contribute because they don't know , or c.) your topic isn't really that interesting. Frustrating!! Patience really IS a virtue .'ve been drinking for seven days.
Actually no. I don't hate that. I'm way past that. :P
... those ooey-gooey, PDA-okay!, uber-affectionate couples coordinate outfits... like say, both are wearing ugly-ass oatmeal-colored sweaters and jeans with peacoats. YUCK!
... those ooey-gooey, PDA-okay!, uber-affectionate couples coordinate outfits... like say, both are wearing ugly-ass oatmeal-colored sweaters and jeans with peacoats. YUCK!
I feel this. It's worse when it's your parents and they get off a plane in Europe dressed in matching magenta pants suits with pink tops and tennies. And he's a hugely obese man in his 60's and she's a skinny woman with a Fro-perm in her late 50's.
That was years ago and it still embarasses the hell out of me.