Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)
Posted by _Dalida_ on Jan 18, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 966 posts
...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(
haha that's all i have at the moment...
... when you start coughing so bad you leak alittle urine. lol.
Or sneeze and the same happens. Wait till you're over 40 and it will be a common occurence. :(
and occasionally a littl fart will come out too!!
.....real life takes over and you have no time for vegweb :(
... when the lumbering behemoth of inefficiency that is the National Health Service takes nearly two months to get you an ultrasound appointment and you have to write a 4000 word essay, an 8000 word dissertation, weekly translations and a Russian presentation with back and kidney pain.
... when you know damn well that the university won't take that as 'special circumstances'...
... and when you know even if they did, the doctor's surgery would charge you for a letter to prove it.
...your cat comes in in the middle of the night in a lot of pain, and you don't know what happened or what's wrong with him. :'(
(We think we know now, and he's resting in my bed, but... ugh, distressing.)
....when you hear an old man say to a younger random girl, "you're a sexy little slut baby" in public.
... when you start coughing so bad you leak alittle urine. lol.
Or sneeze and the same happens. Wait till you're over 40 and it will be a common occurence. :(
and occasionally a littl fart will come out too!!
haha, I can't wait... lol.
When everyone you know keeps telling you that you should host a get together at your place and then half of them back out!! WTF here people?!?! >:( think everything is ok and you've moved on, but then you realize that it's not true. :-\
when you try to make black bean cakes but realize you didnt put enough bread crumbs to hold them together in until they're burning hot, and you taste the burning hot mush and burn your mouth and throat worse than you ever have the day before a speach/presentation thing
You have a group project and you're the only one who does any work...
I wish I had typed that in all capitals or something...I'm PISSED! >:(
You have a group project and you're the only one who does any work...
I wish I had typed that in all capitals or something...I'm PISSED! >:(
Ughhh, im always stuck with people like that too. it SUCKS.
When everyone you know keeps telling you that you should host a get together at your place and then half of them back out!! WTF here people?!?! >:(
That was why I stopped doing holiday meals. Try this 24 hrs before the Thanksgiving meal, when you already have stuff to feed about 8 people laid in... >:( They didn't even have the grace to give an excuse, it was just, "Oh, we're not coming..."
.....real life takes over and you have no time for vegweb :(
lol yeah see cookies with delicious looking pictures and you have all the ingredients and they look super simple and you figure "why not make them less fatty and use half applesauce, half oil?" and they do not come out at all like the pictures :'( use the rest of your chocolate chips in above recipe, and you can't buy more until you get your money for march.
cryyy. see cookies with delicious looking pictures and you have all the ingredients and they look super simple and you figure "why not make them less fatty and use half applesauce, half oil?" and they do not come out at all like the pictures :'( use the rest of your chocolate chips in above recipe, and you can't buy more until you get your money for march.
i feel your pain......sorry ponycakes!
...your farfalle (pasta bowties) totally farfallapart. And I mean every single one of them. >:( This has happened before, so I looked at the bags before I bought them, and there were little lines all over them where they'd obviously be prone to break into pieces - and yeah, they did. If only there was another brand of this shape of pasta... I loves me some farfalle. :( Don't know if it's because the manufacturers are doing something wrong, or my store's staff in handling them, or something in between. Mebbe I should email the pasta co.
Yes, they still taste fine, of course; all pasta tastes the same (delicious to a carb-lover like me). But it's the principle of the thing! Pasta shapes are FUN. Well, they're meant to be. This spoils my fun. *stomps*
...your store (i.e. the one where you work) has a demo/sampling stand in the butchery department for fried deathburgers, for two days (so far - mebbe more :-\), and you have to 'run the gauntlet' more than ten times each day to get past it, desperately holding your breath. OH MY GOD, the SMELL. :'(
...when the alarm goes off, and the time that seemed perfectly sensible when you set the silly thing last night seems totally absurd when it starts to ring.
...your farfalle (pasta bowties) totally farfallapart. And I mean every single one of them. >:( This has happened before, so I looked at the bags before I bought them, and there were little lines all over them where they'd obviously be prone to break into pieces - and yeah, they did. If only there was another brand of this shape of pasta... I loves me some farfalle. :( Don't know if it's because the manufacturers are doing something wrong, or my store's staff in handling them, or something in between. Mebbe I should email the pasta co.
Yes, they still taste fine, of course; all pasta tastes the same (delicious to a carb-lover like me). But it's the principle of the thing! Pasta shapes are FUN. Well, they're meant to be. This spoils my fun. *stomps*
have you tried cooking the pasta 1 or 2 minutes less than directed? maybe that would work ???
..when you spend a decent amount of $$ on some furniture pieces and have to do a ridiculous amount of assembly work :(