Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)
Posted by _Dalida_ on Jan 18, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 966 posts
...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(
haha that's all i have at the moment...
when you go back to classes after Christmas break and someone asks you if you are still Vegan...
you say yes, why?...
just thought you'd make a new years resolution ((to start eating meat???)
Uh, whut? Thats retarded...
...your dog hasn't pooped all day and you know she has to go but refuses to because there is snow on the ground and she doesn't want to poop in the snow so she just holds it no matter how many times you walk around the block to "get things moving".
*Shuffles feet, drops head* At the risk of sounding like a total dweeb....a total nerd...
It's the full edition (520 pages) of Visage de Therese de Lisieux, a fully-illustrated hardback full of photos of St. Therese de Lisieux, and places and things relating to her life. And I'm not Catholic...she's just an obsession of mine.
I knew the book was unavailable before...but then Bernadette shows up with a copy! Apparently, her sister had it in the house. It only came out in 1996 and now it's out of print. Ah well, she did promise to lend it to me; and trust me, it's the sort of book I will wash my hands before touching. It scares me to have her lend it to me--because there aren't anymore from where that came from. I actually have the cheap, cut-down (less than 200 pages) paperback Spanish edition.
Seeing it "in the flesh" as it were was quite an experience; one I don't expect anyone to relate to! :-D
...your dog hasn't pooped all day and you know she has to go but refuses to because there is snow on the ground and she doesn't want to poop in the snow so she just holds it no matter how many times you walk around the block to "get things moving".
...your dog hasn't pooped all day and you know she has to go but refuses to because there is snow on the ground and she doesn't want to poop in the snow so she just holds it no matter how many times you walk around the block to "get things moving".
maybe shovel a little square out of the lawn so she recognizes the ground.. mine used to do that cus she'd sink through the snow so she'd end up going on the sidewalk. finally have a good interview and it looks like you might possibly get a job, but none of your references will return your potential new boss's phone calls!
Seriously! I gave this lady 4 references and she cannot get a hold of any of them. What the heck? buy your animal companion some fancy expensive toy and they'd rather lick their own ass than play with it. buy your animal companion some fancy expensive toy and they'd rather lick their own ass than play with it.
you don't need a fancy expensive toy ;) we gave my cat a little stuffed nemo out of a cereal box and he's been dragging it around ever since (last 3 days) buy your animal companion some fancy expensive toy and they'd rather lick their own ass than play with it.
Ya know, even if I could pull that trick...I don't see the attraction. But then I don't sniff people's butts to say "hello." Different cultures have their different customs. ;D
You went awol and dropped under the radar for weeks on end spontaneously and had a great time but...
...You didn't bring enough of the pill and have yowey owey cramps :(
...You've been sleeping on the floor for two weeks and it now hurts to move your head/neck/back and going to sleep tonight again is completely unnapealing
...You have no money left, no clean clothes, and you need a shower but have no towel
...You just got yelled at by a stripper with no clothes on
...You rescued a lost dog from getting run over and fell in love with him and tried everything but couldn't find his owner so had to call the animal people even though you wanted to keep him, because you know his owners will be missing him and you so hope they find him... :(
...Yet somehow despite all this you would give anything to stay here forevere and not to get on that flight home tomorrow :'(
Aw... {{{theo}}} I hope you find your happy, and get back home safe with it intact. :-*
if you don't get on your flight then how would you get to your new awesome flat?
oh - and i hate it when the landlord doesnt listen to you and leaves your apartment unsafe!
speaking of landlords.....
--when they post a note on your door at, um, say 9am... about a (insert person like a plumber, etc) coming by at 10am...
and you don't see it until you let the person in!!
Aw... {{{theo}}} I hope you find your happy, and get back home safe with it intact. :-*
All wil be well :) *hugs* thank you Heli darling
if you don't get on your flight then how would you get to your new awesome flat?
oh - and i hate it when the landlord doesnt listen to you and leaves your apartment unsafe!
This is true... :D Still a couple of weeks away but definitely something to look forward to!
I've got one better, teade!
Last week the pipes in my building froze and the building manager let himself in - WHILE I WAS SHOWERING to check the water.
Omg, that actually happened to my roomie before I lived here... (not the pipe bursting thing)
I don't understand, I thought there was a law about that? agh!
...someone tries to convince you that earning your degree in Fashion Merchandising is as hard as earning your degree in Chemistry. want to enjoy your night home alone (til 9pm anyway) but you keep getting freaked out by all the noises in the basement....there's a chair in front of the basement door right now...
...someone tries to convince you that earning your degree in Fashion Merchandising is as hard as earning your degree in Chemistry.
it probably would be for me... ;)
...someone tries to convince you that earning your degree in Fashion Merchandising is as hard as earning your degree in Chemistry.
it probably would be for me... ;)
Me too, especially if it involves sales figures, statistics, or math in any form. ::)
...your dog has fleas and now he hates you and is sulking and won't look at you because he doesn't understand why you've finally come home to him and he can't sleep on your bed :'(