Reasons to frown
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Oct 01, 2009 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
Ok, so we have a smiling thread. This thread is for all of the little dumb things that make you frown, or angry, or sad, etc., etc.
I'll start. I had chili for lunch today. I brought some crackers for the chili and a banana for breakfast. THE CRACKERS ABSORBED THE BANANA FLAVOR THROUGH THE BAG, SO I HAD BANANA FLAVORED CHILI FOR LUNCH! >:(
pg ~ I'm so very sorry. I've been there. I hope your today and tonight are amazing to help even out the awful that you endured. The worst is when you can't do anything to help.
aml ~ What is the verdict on your job?
Thanks, llg. This isn't the first time it's happened, but it hasn't been this bad in a looong time (maybe ever...I think most other times he's screamed that bad we usually had at least a good guess as to why). My best guess is teething, but he's not showing any other signs of teething so I'm not sure. Other than some initial crankiness/clinginess this morning he's been his normal, mostly happy self. So I guess that's good (I was afraid he'd turn out to be really sick this morning and then I'd have a ton of guilt). I hope I don't get any drama at nap time....
aww pg and Vincent, I hope today is a much better day for you both!! : /
PG, sorry to hear that you and Vincent had a rough night. Glad to hear he is doing better though. It is so rough when kids do that. Good thing most of us survive. ;) (and don't kill them)
I hope today is going better for both of you.
my reason to frown, tomorrow i get to find out if i am fired or not... love my life... righhhhhtttt :'(
How'd today go?
ok my butt is sparred for now... i think if the monsters that are trying to out me got there way i would be done for... i think HR probably said they couldn't fire me over something so stupid... they are at the point now where i look at someone wrong and i'm screwed... i got my 3rd write up and i am suspended mon, tues, and wed of next week BECAUSE THIS WEEK IS TOO BUSY... i didn't get those other jobs i applied to but i know i did great on both interviews (you can just kind of vibe you know if you did well or not)... this whole weekend i will be fine tuning my accounting and vegan resume (i have a friend that has a lot of connections in the health food industry) and hopefully i can get some interviews on those days i have off... i am stoked i didn't get fired but now i really gotta gtfo! i was seriously packing my stuff this morning cause i couldn't imagine trying to pack with them staring at me... bastards... it's total retaliation bs
i also kicked some peeps to the curb and told them to stay away i don't need drama, i am camping out and laying low for the next few weeks... reflection and job finding time for real
thank you for caring
eta: i am not literally camping out LOL more like keeping to myself in my pad haha
PS eta: PG i cannot even imagine that torture i do not envy that!
woah, aml - that sounds super tough / awful. You're such a kind lovely person you deserve to have an awesome job that you love.
I really truly hope you get a job in your time off.
PG, thanks for posting the Bert and Ernie vid, every time I have trouble sleeping I will think of that! Hope today is a much better day for you both. I can. not. imagine 3 hours of screaming baby. Or rather I can---strewth.
AML, you are in my pocket. Talk to me, I'm listening.
AML - Your current place sounds so toxic. My first job out of college was like that, but then I got into my current office. You'll find something and it'll be so much better.
Good fortune to ye, amymysis. :)>>>
pg & aml
Thanks everyone! Vincent slept all the way through the night last night (8pm-6am). Unfortunately I woke up at 3am feeling like I was going to throw up (I didn't), but still, I had a much better night than the night before.
YG, I love Bert and Ernie. :)>>> The newer seasons of Sesame Street don't feature them very often (except in claymation form in Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures), so I spend a lot of time with Vincent watching classic Bert and Ernie on youtube.
Glad to hear you slept better PG. One of the best pieces of advice I was given when my kids were young was to remember "this too shall pass". It has many applications when dealing with kids.
<3 @ amy
thank you everyone so much! my recruiter called me again today and i told her i was open to even just a horizontal move (not a promotion just a change) so hopefully she can help me get some interviews...
hh yes this is my first job out of college and it is very toxic... i really hope to breathe again soon because i am suffocating :(
I've cut my grocery budget to the bone to try to save some cash but I can't keep pace with rising prices. Can you say "profiteering"? We live in the fruit and veg producing capital of Europe and yet those are the things whose prices are rising the fastest.
They say grains are next. :( ??? >:(
Last night I accidentally tried to cut my finger off with a kitchen knife and was moderately successful, cleaving into the fleshy part of the finger pad. Pain and cussing and bleeding all over the hardwood floors ensued. I should have had the nerve to just cut off the "fleshy flap" that was still attached but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I taped it back down to the open wound. If it doesn't reattach, which is unlikely without stitches, hopefully it will shrivel up and come off as the cells die. It is seriously impeding my typing ability today and it hurts like hell.
Finger pad cuts are the worst. >:(
Youch Storm. Been there with the side of my index finger and a rotary cutter. Sounds like you got the bleeding stopped on your own thankfully. Take care of it and keep it dry. It is amazing how much you do that irritates things like that but never thought about before.