Reasons to frown
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Oct 01, 2009 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
Ok, so we have a smiling thread. This thread is for all of the little dumb things that make you frown, or angry, or sad, etc., etc.
I'll start. I had chili for lunch today. I brought some crackers for the chili and a banana for breakfast. THE CRACKERS ABSORBED THE BANANA FLAVOR THROUGH THE BAG, SO I HAD BANANA FLAVORED CHILI FOR LUNCH! >:(
Unfortunately, they like to prod me to respond/participate every so often so I have to pay at least some attention to what is going on. I am grateful, though, that I am at a branch office and don't have to actually attend the meetings.
If you have a cordless phone, at least, so you can nip in to the bathroom if you're desperate for a pee...yeah I know they might hear, but that might encourage them to cut it short!
i have explosive diarreah (sp?) and I have to teach in 2 hours. boo.
my face hasn't turned to raw tempeh as expected (yet!)
The "Asian style" frozen stirfry veggies I bought smell kinda like ass.
i have explosive diarreah (sp?) and I have to teach in 2 hours. boo.
my face hasn't turned to raw tempeh as expected (yet!)
yay for the face! boo for the squirts!
the guy recently met and mentioned on the rts thread told me he only wanted to f*** me and that's it, that's all he wanted me for... good thing i didn't sleep with the prick! what's wrong with being friends and not putting out these days?! geese that really makes me weary of boys even more :/
Oh no! I'm in the "friend-zone!!!"
Frown AND pout.
he just sent me a naked photo of himself! wtf?!
he just sent me a naked photo of himself! wtf?!
o_O run away. Run away and never look back.
naked photos are the worst...
My rtf
My hubby's favorite uncle is dying, as well as one of my best friends' mother.
Weirdo guy, amy. Be glad he had a strange moment of lucidity in which he told you his intentions. You are well out of that one!! He could have turned out to be some kind of violent abusive strangehat.
My RTF: I did something to my cellphone and now it won't send messages. And I'm not smart enough to sort it out. So I have to take it back where I bought it and see.
Bad, bad, horrible night of sleeplessness and a day that started at 5:30am and won't end until 8:00pm tonight.....if I'm lucky.
So sorry Jess :(
Amy I agree with Fufu Run away!!
Storm I hope you sleep like a baby tonight :)
I just got 6 teeth removed yesterday. 4 wisdom teeth and broken teeth. They're healing fine, the bleeding stopped and I'm just all swollen and can't move my mouth now however my sick is coming back. I had a chest / head cold a few weeks ago and then I went to chicago. Being around 200000 other people probably got me sick again. I'm kind of worried about how my body is going to heal now that I have a cold and am trying to heal my teeth.
thank you larisuena, hubbys uncle passed away today, I am still waiting for my friend to call and tell me about her mother. both had brain bleeds, one stroke and one attempt to fix an anyruism gone wrong. the plus side is both of these amazing people were mobile and independent people, and his uncle was walking with the dogs on the ranch enjoying life to the last day. <-- I want to go out like that!
Preston, i hope you heal fast and that the sick goes AWAY!
Yes Preston I hope you get better quick so you can move to FL.
My condlences Jess.
Vincent and I take baby swimming lessons, and I found out today that his teacher is leaving. Today was her last day. She's been his teacher since he first started at the beginning of this year and I'm really going to miss her. :'( Also, the lady who's taking over our class is a baby talker. :P
Vincent's a good little swimmer, isn't he. Yes he is. Yes he is. *cooing sounds*
I don't want to go to Nashville tomorrow!!! :(
Edit: I'm going to have to retract that statement. If I get to meet secondbase I'll be totally happy to go to Nashville tomorrow!
I'm a grown, GROWN woman with an ear infection. It hurt so bad (ice pick stabbing kind of pain) yesterday that I went to the ER. Now I'm on these fabulous antibiotics that make it impossible for me to be away from a bathroom for more than an hour.
Hope you feel better Lauren! (((hugs))) Ear infections are AWFUL!
My RTF is that my daughter is sick in bed. I'm worried about her because when she's sick she can't eat and she's already severely underweight. :(