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Hair washing

Some of us use shampoo and conditioner, some baking soda, some just water...let's chat this out!

I always used s & c until a few months ago when I used baking soda. I liked it for a few months, but then my hair just couldn't decide how to be-it was sometimes oily, sometimes dry, sometimes weird. I learned, however, that it's not normal to have my hair coming out so much. Apparently, shampoo (all different kinds over the years) made my hair come out. Not a ton, but way more than was coming out with just a baking soda scrub. I went back to s & c for a short time, but now I'm trying the water only method. It's quite annoying to have such oily hair right now, but not a huge deal to wear it up/braided...which is usually what I do anyway.

P has only used water for a few months now, and says his is way less oily. I'm going to try to see how this goes! My hair doesn't feel dirty, and smells just like that's fine. It looks fine as well, just oily on top! I just rinse well, then try to scrub really well all over my head, rinse again.

hehehe, yes...that freaking oily tunnel.

Thanks! I do like my hair long..I just never do anything with it, so it's like...why have it there? I dunno...I guess I'll see how this turns out, and decide what to do after that. This is going to be so exciting if the WO washing does make it perfect.

Vh, how's your hair doing?


so a question to the people with long hair (ie AC!).  How's the bottom of your hair?

The top of mine is really greasy (to be expected) but the bottom is feeling really dry.
I am getting scared coz I'm used to having very smooth hair and it just doesn't feel like that now.

Also AC, how in the hell does you hair still look so good.

I'll try to remember to take photos of mine tonight, just to join in on the photo club!


Hmm, I think the bottoms are ok? Don't seem excessively dry, but dry compared to the top! haha, I don't feel like it looks that good! I think it looks ok, but I would not be comfortable wearing it down because of the greasiness (and it's still too hot to wear it down).


oh ok.  Maybe the photos don't really show the true greasiness?

I water washed my hair this morning and the ends don't feel quite as dry as they did before but certainly not good.

I'll see how they are in a coupla days after the next 'wash' and if it's still the same I'll have to use shampoo/conditioner.

I've once had my hair this dry (when using a super eco vegan healthy type shampoo) and I ended up having to get it all cut off coz it was snapping.  I don't want that to happen again.
Hmm, maybe I'm just paranoid coz of my past experience?


I think it looks ok, but I would not be comfortable wearing it down because of the greasiness (and it's still too hot to wear it down).

yeah, the greasiness definitely doesn't show up in those pics, I don't think it looks greasy at all.

Shell, that is scary about your hair reacting so severely to drying out...  I dunno what I'd do, but hopefully you can give it a little longer and it will start to improve...

I don't feel like mine is greasy or oily so much as just heavy and flat. 

I'll try to remember to take photos of mine tonight, just to join in on the photo club!

I approve, please do! 


how long are you guys going without washing?

i normally wash 1x a week but i'm going for 2 weeks this time. what i like about it is that, though my hair winds up getting oily, it's not super dry after washing finally.


how long are you guys going without washing?

i normally wash 1x a week but i'm going for 2 weeks this time. what i like about it is that, though my hair winds up getting oily, it's not super dry after washing finally.

I can't imagine doing a wash (even just water) only once a week (2 weeks!). I do about every other day.


how long are you guys going without washing?

not going without washing, going without shampooing!

I would have gotten pretty close to a week between washes when I didn't go to the gym every day.
Recently I'd been shampooing approx every 3 days, but now with just water I'm washing every two days at most, sometimes daily, depending on how it looks/feels.


Yea I'm water washing about every 2 days or so...I'm aiming to keep this up for about a month to see if my hair does this miraculous "looking after itself" thing that apparently starts to happen!

Ooh Shell that does sound a bit scary, certainly don't want to damage your hair.

Mine is a bit greasier today than it has been, probably because I've had it down and am noticing it more? The ends are drier than normal but not to a point where I'm concerned. It certainly feels a lot heavier and even coarser, which is really weird because I have very fine hair.


haha, here i was wondering about how extreme you guys were being, and it turns out i was more 'extreme' this whole time. i wash my hair once a week, and don't get it wet in between. It's far too dry and frizzy. It's been particularly bad lately, so I'm going to try a two week gap.
I can't imagine washing my hair every day. I would have a fro.


haha.  I would never normally wash my hair this often either, but while my hair is 'adjusting' to the no-shampoo regime I feel it needs washing/rinsing more often.
I guess I've always been lucky that while my hair does get pretty boofy, it's never really been all that dry, or oily at all. 

Also, you should just be extra extreme and washwashwash your hair till you get a fro.  THEN TAKE PHOTOS OF THE FRO FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT.  That is all.


hm, maybe if i'm in a situation where i'm not leaving the house for... a week. it's hard to look presentable for work with a fro, y'know?


that, and you might lose Charlie in there.


I had gitten down to washing my hair like every 5 days.  The last coupla days would have been greasy but I just tied it back.
The main issue is my fringe type bit.  It's just so greasy it's staying back on its own accord!

So photographic evidence of my grease (which like everyone else's isn't really showing up in the photos!)

tied up:

down loose - nice kink where it's been tied up all week!

and I just wanted to include this one because my boob looked big in the photo!

I don't really have any recent ones of my hair when I was regularly washing it, so here's an old one to show how shiny it can be after washing / straightening:


SEXY PHOTO!!!!!!!!! Shell = hotness!

Yes I think that all our photos are not showing the greasiness we are feeling... your hair still looks fine from here!


I have to admit that none of those photos looks any greasier than when I just don't bother to wash my hair at all for a day or two. Like, yeah, give it a wash (with water or whatever) but not "oh gross, this person is filthy and hasn't washed in forever".

I will also admit that I wash my hair every day or 2 days, partly because I like the smell of shampoo. As I said, I often buy it on the basis of scent. I love when someone else washes my catisfaction.


lol, yabbit i hope you intended to say CATisfaction..makes that statement a whole bunch awesomer. I love when someone else washes my hair too. I saw this one scene from a movie once when I was very small, where there is a couple out alone at sea and this guy is washing his girl's hair beneath the sun and salty breeze and the whole thing was all very sensual and comfortable and nice. I think because of this I always get this weird connection thing going on between me and the person washing it. I'm sure when I go to a salon like, 2x a year for a rinse/cut the people are shes really relaxed...... hahaha


I did indeed mean "catisfaction." Unfortunately it's not mine..."total catisfaction" was the tag line for Whiskas catfood for years. I only quote from the best! LOL

SoG, I have been known to start to drift off to sleep when having my hair washed. As my hairdresser says, she prefers that to me purring. Which I have also been known to do.


that, and you might lose Charlie in there.

hahaha, she's about the right color, too.


Shell, you do have nice boobs!

You all inflated my ego a bit, so I wore my hair halfway down today (pulled up in the front). I used another mirror to look at the back, and didn't look too bad! I think I have some faith in this method..



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