Spinal Fusion....UPDATED with fun details from surgery.
Posted by Storm on Oct 26, 2009 · Member since Sep 2006 · 4238 posts
Well, I've spent the last year and a half trying to avoid spinal surgery but it appears that I am out of options. I went back to the orthopedic surgeon this morning to review my latest MRI and CT-scan films and there was further disc degeneration. I'm scheduled for a lumbar fusion (L4-L5) on November 17th. If anyone has ever had this done I would appreciate hearing about your recovery. I have great fear of surgery and quite frankly, of anesthesia.
All cyber hugs accepted.
I'm sorry Storm :( *hugs* I hope you have a speedy recovery.
I'm so sorry. Let us know if you need help with anything..
so sorry to hear that. i would feel exactly as you do, i believe, so i can imagine how scared/wary you are.
best of wishes, i hope everything goes well for you.
My dad had this exact surgery done two years ago. He was only in the hospital one night, and the surgery is pretty quick. Doing all your prescribed PT is the key to quick recovery.
Awe storm! I hope it all goes super well and you have a speedy kick ass recovery.
One zillion hugs coming your way. <3
When I was 20 I had to have surgery for scoliosis. My spine was not only curved but also rotating inward. I had a 56 degree curve over 4 vertebrae. They went in, removed one of my ribs and several discs. Then they straightened my spine up and put in some titanium rods. The rib they chipped into the space where the discs used to be and fused everything together. I'm fused at T11- L3. I spent a total of 5 days in the hospital (keep in mind this was almost 15 years ago). I had a hospital bed at home for almost 2 months and had to go to physical therapy for three months. Beginning in a pool and then in a regular therapy setting. Right after surgery I couldn't lift anything over 5 pounds for about a month i think and also i couldn't lift anything higher than chest level. Getting dressed was a challenge but luckily I lived at home and someone was always there to help. I also had to have help washing my hair. Gradually I could lift heavier things over a period of time. I carried a pillow with me wherever I went for the first 2 months so i was more comfortable in chairs...that included restuarants and the movies. Of course I was embarrased about it so I made my twin carry it. :) I'm trying to think of what else I did but it was so long ago i don't remember. I don't think I could drive on my own for a while because I couldn't move very fast..so my reaction time was really slow. I also carry around a card that has a mini x-ray of my hardware on it in case I set off a metal detector.
As far as anestesia...I was sick to my stomach when I woke up but they gave me shots of anti-nausea (sp?) meds because they didn't want me throwing up. I wasn't scared of the surgery itself. Right before i went in I read the book COMA. I was in the same number operating room and i was making jokes about it with the doctors. I think it all depends on the doctors. I had really good ones and I liked them a lot so I wasn't worried.
If I think of anything else I'll let you know. I'll keep you in my thoughts Storm!!
Thanks for all the hugs guys.
Mirrya, thank you so much for the details of your procedure. May I ask if you still have any pain or problems with range of motion?
Hugs to you!!!!
I think your diet will help you heal since Vit C and other good things found in fruits and vegetables promote healing.
Mirrya, thank you so much for the details of your procedure. May I ask if you still have any pain or problems with range of motion?
I don't have any pain but then again I didn't really have any before the operation. They found my curve on an x-ray when I went for my military entrance physical. I will occasionally get stiff if I sit or lay in the same position for a long time. Before surgery I used to sleep in the same position all night without moving but now I'm very restless and change positions often.
As far as range of motion...obviously I'm not flexible at all where the rod/fusion is located. If I try to bend at the waist to pick something up I feel a lot of pressure and I have to get right back up. That's about it though.
aw im sorry storm!! :[[ im sure you'll do fine!! hugs times infinity!!
don't worry everything will work out and u will feel much better than u do right now! i know everything will be okay so be strong and just remember in the long run it will be worth it... i will keep u in my prayers :)
Please let me know if I can do (or send) anything your way.
Well, I'm out of time now guys. My surgery is tomorrow so I'm signing off for a while. Hopefully my recovery will be quick and complete and I'll be back to my obnoxious self before you know it. Thanks for all the support and in case they slip with the scalpel, it's been nice knowing you!
good luck!! :)>>>
I'm sure you'll be fine! You'll be back to VW and ignoring baklava before you know it!
i'll be thinking of you!
goood luck Storm, will be thinking of you : /
Arg, I just saw this thread for the first time.
***HUGS*** Good luck Storm, my best wishes go out to you.