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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

shell if you're lucky you'll be like me, I far prefer running on the road, so after all your treadmill training the actual run should be fun! : )

haha, I know 5:30 is not lazy, it's just that it means I can't work out in the morning, which feels pretty crap.  and it's soooooo much hotter in our house at 6:30pm, I get pretty horrible and sweaty!!

Gardening is great exercise, yah for a super squat workout!! ; )


I've always battled with sticking to any type of workout regimen. Sometime in the middle of December I started up again, just getting workouts off the web. And then i found It's a website of this sweet lady and her husband who are all about home workouts being awesome. And personally, I'm a bit more into working out at home, you can fit it in when ever and it doesn't cost anything-plus it's harder to say I don't have the time. I've stuck with these workouts for a month-which for me is amazing. The workouts are mostly based on bodyweight, so there are alot of reps and she usually has a workout up everyday. I'm telling everyone i know to check it out. 
other than doing the workouts on the bodyrock website I'm patiently waiting for spring. I can't wait to go running again. I'm a bit of a fair weather runner. If it's super chilly outside ie: winter. I'll be inside.


trex - I've subscribed to Zuzana on yt for ages, but I haven't done a single one of her workouts.  They seem intense.

ska - Coworkers bike to work and they make it seem like both fun and hard work (going up hills in the wind).

Jessi - I can relate.  Totally.  It doesn't help that the beginning few days of exercising make me even more tired, but after you work through that it's really energizing.  Just getting started, tho'...

shell - I'm so impressed that you're running even though your friends dropped out.  You're made of kick-ass.

Cali - How are your knees?  Your workouts sound like they are paying off!

oww - It's good to hear your shoulder feels better.  When your parents are there, what if you run in the morning and while you're out, do some of the exercises you can do without equipment, or just burpees.

I went to the gym last night.  It's been a couple of months since the accident.  When I went a couple of times in the interim, I lifted really light.  I lifted full weights yesterday and I could feel that it's been a while.  I finally did the treadmill incline.  It was hard for the first 15 minutes or so, but then my body calmed and got into it.


Ha, I know what you mean about yuor body finding it hard and then calming down when walking/running.

I did a personal best on the treadmill yesterday - 5mins fast walk to warm up and then 17.5mins running, 2mins walking, 2mins running and 5mins walk.  The first 10mins of running was bad, but then when I approached 15mins (my target) my body just kind of got used to it.  Less having to think about the mechanics of running and suddenly less out of breath - that's why I did the extra 2.5mins.  So yeah, totally understand HH.
Also, abs and arms last night.

Pump class tonight, which I am loving.  And not sure what I'll fit in tomorrow as I need to take my car to the garage.  The weekend will be spent sorting stuff out for N's parents getting here, but tidying up is exercise right ; )


Oww- i totally got up at 8:30 this morning!! :D in which i spent my time making breakfast for the 6 kiddles and playing... they are always put to bed before i get home from work, so i don't get much quality time with them and i miss them... i am going to try to have a 7am wake up time so i get to spend really good quality time and excersise. :)

hh-  I will get started, i swears......


hh, you mean do burpees out on the road?!?  haha I'm not that brave.
I'm sure I'll be fine to do my usual p90x stuff at home, I'm not that loud and do it with the sound off on the dvd usually anyway, but if I wake them the first day I'll just switch to evenings - not ideal, but it's only a week.

I went to the gym last night.  It's been a couple of months since the accident.  When I went a couple of times in the interim, I lifted really light.  I lifted full weights yesterday and I could feel that it's been a while.  I finally did the treadmill incline.  It was hard for the first 15 minutes or so, but then my body calmed and got into it.

awesome.  I kind of like that feeling of it's-been-a-while because it reminds you that you really are gaining/maintaining strength by going regularly! : )
Kickarse work on the treadmill too!

I did a personal best on the treadmill yesterday - 5mins fast walk to warm up and then 17.5mins running, 2mins walking, 2mins running and 5mins walk. 

wow, that's awesome!  You sure got up to running decent distances a hell of a lot faster than I did! .
Does your fancy treadmill tell you how 'far' you went in 17 minutes?  Great work anyway, you're going to be kicking arse by round the bays!!

Oww- i totally got up at 8:30 this morning!!

haha, I totally understand wanting to spend time with the family, must be tough coming home and not getting to see them in the evening : /  And good luck with your playtime and exercisetime plan, I know you can do it!!

me, I did legs and back last night and I was a disgusting sweaty mess but it felt good.  Kenpo this morning with my 2.4kg/5lb weights was a pretty good workout too.  Looking forward to legs and back tomorrow morning!  : )


I did a personal best on the treadmill yesterday - 5mins fast walk to warm up and then 17.5mins running, 2mins walking, 2mins running and 5mins walk. 

wow, that's awesome!  You sure got up to running decent distances a hell of a lot faster than I did! .
Does your fancy treadmill tell you how 'far' you went in 17 minutes?  Great work anyway, you're going to be kicking arse by round the bays!!

it's only coz round the bays is so super close - a week and a half away.  And with Nialls parents here next week and it being their first week, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to train next week.

I should hopefully be able to do round the bays in my target time, but we'll see.


I'm with oww.  You built up your running impressively fast, regardless of the reason - especially since you struggled with it before this.


I am trying to find time/mostly energy to use my eliptical.... things have been busy at work and home though... and i get tired.. i know i will have more energy if i give a little to that danged machine. I will try to get in a bit tonight. y'all sound like you are doing good though.

Hi!  I love vegweb.  It's like Health Conscious People Unite!!!! 
So I read your post and I (and many others) struggle with the same problem: Where do I find energy to workout?  And I have 3 things to say on the subject (well maybe four):

1.  How is your diet?  We get energy from what we eat and when everything is in balance we have more energy.  Being a vegan or a vegetarian I'm sure you already know this, but I figure I couldn't leave it out of this post. Make sure you're getting enough iron and protein, and reduce carbs. When I stopped eating pasta and bread and I replaced them with quinoa and rice, my world changed. But when I eat carbs, they come mostly from fruits and veggies. I eat my carbs like quinoa and oatmeal mostly in the morning. Then the rest of the day my diet is more protein-orientated. Also, I eat ALL THE TIME. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, bed. But they're pretty small in calories and healthy. Keeps my blood sugar stable.
2.  Is it your body that's tired, or is it your mind?  I know when I skip a workout it's mostly because I don't want to or I feel like I don't have time or because my mind is tired.  Because it's not like my muscles are sooooo fatigued that I can't move, it's all in my head.  Funny enough when I do workout, it wakes me up. In college if I was studying and I started feeling tired I'd do squats and lunges to wake me up. Even when I'm in the middle of a run, I hear myself saying "just walk for a little... just slow down... I'm tired...." but I KNOW my muscles aren't fatigued.  It's just that little inner child going "BUT I DONT WANNA!!!!" And I need to learn how to calm that voice down. But recognizing that voice is very difficult.
3. Ellipticals aren't fun.  Convenient, but not fun. Can you go outside and run or walk? It's 21 F today and I went running. And I walk. But you can always turn on the tv or listen to music to make machines fun. Oooooo or Zumba or some other class (or DVD), even if it's just on the weekends. But there are easy ways to fit workouts in. Like every hour on the hour do 20 pushups or 20 lunges or 20 burpees. Or break working out into 3 ten minute segments in your day.  Everyone thinks they need to cut an hour to 1 1/2 hrs out of their day to workout, and while that's ideal it's not always realistic (especially if just starting out), so try small bits or try to have fun with it. It doesn't always have to be hard to see results, you just have to stick with it.


hh, I'm not that impressive really but I'll take the love that you're giving me!

Pump class yesterday and I increased my weights by 1kg (not much I know byut the theory is little weight with lots of reps).  I think I may go higher next week as I'm not sore today : /
Oh and also an hours worth of gardening when I got home.....I sweated lots when mowing the lawn - it's either good exercise or I'm just that out of shape!


what is this pump class of which you speak?  I do kenpo with 2.4kg weights and I get pretty sore/tired at the time, so if it's anything like that then a 1kg increase is heaps!

My legs/arse are still sore as from Wednesday.  Must have done extra good squats this week!


the 6 kids at home (ages 11 months - 11 years old) and a full time job... that pretty much wears me out. but i have been getting a bit, and i have been going on my 2 1/2 hour walk/hikes with my friend most sundays... my diet is pretty much a ton of fresh raw fruits and veggies, very little pasta and bread... just never been much of a carb person i guess, and i always start my morning off with a fruit smoothie. just finding mental energie after/or before work...


I told you you are a machine just for dealing with your everyday life, Jess! : )
Big weekend hikes sound great, a good way to get some exercise and fresh air and enjoy good company all at the same time! : )

I'm doing ok, chest and back on Friday, plyometrics on Saturday, shoulders and arms yesterday and the tough half of yoga x this morning.  I'll see how I feel this evening/how much stuff there is to do at home for whether I try and do the second half of yoga or skip it/leave it for tomorrow...

How's the running, Shell?  Not long to go now!! : )


What's the tough part of yoga, oww?  I know there are a bunch of different kinds, some more six-pack inducing than others.

Run, shell, run!!!

Jess, do it!  You won't feel better after the first few days, but after a couple weeks you'll feel so much better.  One of the things I do to get psyched is make a specific, timed playlist of music I'm really in to and then I won't let myself listen to it unless I'm exercising.  Right now I'm re-listening to my early college years CDs (e.g., Screaming Trees).


Back in the saddle again! It's been a crazy year, I got a full time job and moved to Michigan, and gained 10 pounds :( I also tore a ligament in my left clavicle, so I need to get serious about getting my ass in shape.

I was doing pretty well until November, a desk job, crappy weather, and lack of affordable gyms don't go well together. I'm pretty sure my inactivity led to my injury and I'm a little pissed about it. I'm able to ride my bike to work, but stopped after the first snow. I'll pick up again in March. I'm also planing on walking everyday at work during lunch and trying a yoga class one town over in a couple weeks after my clavicle heals a bit. They run six week sessions all year and they're focusing on strengthening back and core next, which should be helpful in my recovery. Plus it's more affordable than any of the gyms around here. Hopefully that will be a plan I can stick with.

So how have you all been?


I just came back form a zumba class at my gym! It was super fun- I highly reccommend it!


Just got back from my lunch break walk. It felt good to get out even though the wind was cranking today. At least the sun is out and the snow is melting :)


alright guys i am going to do it tonight, and i love your idea hh of the playlist... i am such a music person like yourself, and if i banned myself from certain bands til i excersised i would be on that thing a whole lot more. i am thinking some old old incubus like science, it gets me moving, so does girl talk though...hmmm


I ran home from work yesterday....well mot of the way, not the super steep hill bit - I took the scenic route which goes past the zoo - it was fun to look in on the monkeys and ostriches whilst running.....but I forgot that the scenic route has super steepness for a while and I ended up having to rest and walk part of it.


Another chilly walk today at lunch, but it should start warming up tomorrow :)



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