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Fourteen Simple Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Fourteen Simple Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer
By John Mericle M.D.

1. Increase your consumption of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
2. Avoid using any pesticides or chemical sprays in your home. Try to avoid new carpet.
3. Avoid drinking tap water.
4. Decrease alcohol consumption.
5. Start an exercise program.
6. Increase consumption of organic whole grains and fiber.
7. Decrease meat, poultry and fish consumption.
8. Stop smoking.
9. Increase consumption of phytoestrogens from organic sources.
10. Decrease or stop consumption of processed foods.
11. Avoid trans-fatty acids found in margarine and some vegetable shortenings.
12. Take two capsules of organic flaxseed oil daily or just add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil to your daily organic salad.
13. If you are pregnant definitely breast feed.
14. Gets lots of sunshine as breast cancer is less prevalent in areas where there is ample sunlight unobscured by fog or smog.

The US has one of the safest water supplies in the world. This guy must get paid by the people who sell bottled water.


If you are talking about well water, yes, but public water often has a lot of things in it that I don't care to be drinking.  I am glad we have a well.


Gosh, thanks John Mericle, M.D.! As a student it is totally practical for me to buy organic produce and bottled water. And of course I never eat processed food, no, I have unlimited time to make myself delicious food from scratch with my organic groceries. I promise to avoid new carpet like the plague.

Urgh. These 'simple' lists are always written by people with their heads in the clouds.


I will have no problem avoiding new carpet in my shithole apartment


Many of these should be easy for us here on vegweb. 

Who still smokes? 
Soy, tofu and flax seeds contain phytoestrogens
Who here eats meat? 
Not drinking tap water doesn't mean bottled water - get a filtration system.  (reverse osmosis, brita, etc..)
Try to take a 15 minute walk everyday in the sunlight hours (that is a base level for 5 & 14)

Right there we took care of 6 of the 14 things that supposedely will reduce our risk. 

I eat lots of fruit, veggies and whole grains.  They are not always labeled Organic, does that mean they don't count??  I don't think so.


I will have no problem avoiding new carpet in my shithole apartment

I second that!


1. Increase your consumption of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. 
3 points
2. Avoid using any pesticides or chemical sprays in your home. Try to avoid new carpet.
10 points
3. Avoid drinking tap water.
5 points
4. Decrease alcohol consumption.
7 points
5. Start an exercise program.
4 points
6. Increase consumption of organic whole grains and fiber.
2 points
7. Decrease meat, poultry and fish consumption.
10 points
8. Stop smoking.
10 points
9. Increase consumption of phytoestrogens from organic sources.
3 points
10. Decrease or stop consumption of processed foods.
2 points
11. Avoid trans-fatty acids found in margarine and some vegetable shortenings.
3 points
12. Take two capsules of organic flaxseed oil daily or just add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil to your daily organic salad.
0 points
13. If you are pregnant definitely breast feed.
14. Gets lots of sunshine as breast cancer is less prevalent in areas where there is ample sunlight unobscured by fog or smog.
10 points

69/130 points = 53%  Crike.  I have some work to do.


1. Increase your consumption of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
8 points
2. Avoid using any pesticides or chemical sprays in your home. Try to avoid new carpet.
10 points
3. Avoid drinking tap water.
0 points, b/c that's all I drink-- but I've had mine tested, and it's actually in fine shape
4. Decrease alcohol consumption.
5 points
5. Start an exercise program.
8 points
6. Increase consumption of organic whole grains and fiber.
8 points
7. Decrease meat, poultry and fish consumption.
10 points
8. Stop smoking.
10 points
9. Increase consumption of phytoestrogens from organic sources.
8 points
10. Decrease or stop consumption of processed foods.
8 points
11. Avoid trans-fatty acids found in margarine and some vegetable shortenings.
10 points
12. Take two capsules of organic flaxseed oil daily or just add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil to your daily organic salad.
4 points-- I don't take flaxseed oil, but I do eat ground flax almost every day in my oatmeal
13. If you are pregnant definitely breast feed.
14. Gets lots of sunshine as breast cancer is less prevalent in areas where there is ample sunlight unobscured by fog or smog.
10 points

99/130= 76%, not too bad. I'm not going to change the tap water, but I could maybe add some more flax-- maybe use flax oil on salads instead of olive oil. Could also drink a little less. I don't drink as much as I used to, but every once in a while I definitely binge... like last night, heh.


I bought flax oil to up my count today.


I think all of these things listed promote good health in general and will reduce the risk of all diseases, not just breast cancer specifically.  The sunlight link is also found with many other diseases and is because of the protective effect of vitamin D.


I just realized why 3. Avoid drinking tap water bothered me.  Just because you buy water in bottle form doesn't mean that it's anything other than tap water.  Until they regulate it better, so what?


Tap water is fine as long it's filtered.  It doesn't cost that much to use a water filter.

Here is a site telling what to eat and what not to eat and certain exercises for breast health.  It's too much to list so you can go here


The US has one of the safest water supplies in the world. This guy must get paid by the people who sell bottled water.

My thoughts exactly.  Bottle water is really no safer than tap water.  In fact most bottled water (unless it says "spring" water) is tap water that has gone through some more processes set up by the individual company.  Brands like Aquafina and Dansani which are owned by Coke and Pepsi are tap water that has been processed so much they actually add minerals back to it to give it a better taste.  Public water is subject to EPA regulations to meet drinking water standards.  Bottled water is regulated under the FDA.,0,5771949.story


That is a very interesting list, however, I have a comment on bottled water, especially Aquafina, it is me, but this water tastes awful, it tastes like the plastic it's in. Everytime I drink it, I get nauseous. Anybody else like me?


I heard something on NPR that alcohol consumption greatly increases your chance of developing breast cancer a few days ago. Especially if you have 1 or 2 beers a day.


I don't see why tap water would cause breast cancer. I really disagree with anyone telling people that municipal water is unsafe. If you are concerned about water quality have your water tested and invest in a filtration system. Bottled water is terrible for the environment and it undermines peoples trust in their local water supplies. Water is not a commodity to be sold and for people to profit from and fear mongering like this drives me crazy.


I don't see why tap water would cause breast cancer. I really disagree with anyone telling people that municipal water is unsafe. If you are concerned about water quality have your water tested and invest in a filtration system. Bottled water is terrible for the environment and it undermines peoples trust in their local water supplies. Water is not a commodity to be sold and for people to profit from and fear mongering like this drives me crazy.

:)>>> pagan_veela

I finally did get a filter, but only because my tap water tastes bad...not because it's unsafe or unhealthy...


When I lived in Houston, I had a Purr filter because the water tasted so bad.  But up here in NY, I drink the tap because it is well water.  I LOVE well water.

But the best water I ever had...ever...was glacier meltwater in Alaska.  It was May, we were walking on the Root Glacier in Wrangell St. Elias National Park, there were little streams of meltwater flowing on the glacier, I dunked my water  bottle, filled it up, it was cold, crisp, oh, the best water ever!

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