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Okay, this might not be news or debate... so I apologize if its in the wrong section...
but somebody please tell me things about cigarettes that make them non-vegan that way I can completely quit.
Health doesn't scare me enough, and at least I stopped eating dairy once I realized the vegan extreme to it.

I just stopped in to say that cigarettes suck. Quit for your health and the rest of your life!


i've heard that ALL tobacco that goes into fags uses honey...

that's what made me stop bumming the random cig while drunk.


Smoking cigarettes is inherently not vegan.  It is slowly taking your own life.  :(


i've heard that ALL tobacco that goes into fags uses honey...

that's what made me stop bumming the random cig while drunk.

Interesting. Could that be the sweet scent of unsmoked cigarettes?


I just read in my Ide@l Bite email:
"A NJ study found that about 1/4 of all litter comes from takeout packaging - second only to cigarette butts."
I never thought about cigarettes much with respect to environmentalism, but GROSS! Imagine all that disgustingness in landfills, to say nothing of the air pollution we know all about.

I quit three weeks ago.


I've quit multiple times in my short life so far... I have been without a cigarette for 3 days now, hoping that I can stay quit for a bit.. haha.
I find myself sure and positive now, that American Spirits would be the only cigarette I'd smoke (talk about expensive!)  but I'm hoping to rid myself of smoking in general.
I'm all for the animals.
My health isn't all that important but I do eat really healthy, strangely.
I am more focused on things that are natural.. like eating a loaf of bread I made vs. a loaf bought in a store.

I don't get it exactly though, because Native Americans were avid smokers, so...
and a good amount of people drink... and that is definitely bad too... when alcohol was introduced to Natives, it killed them in the same sort of way that tobacco killed white people...

But nicotine is bad... I was thinking of getting filters to roll my own herbs, but I'm guessing that would be bad too and its not exactly the same.

I'm not condoning or condeming it.
I know I feel better lung-wise without cigarettes...


I quit three weeks ago.

Awesome!  ;)b


As an ex-smoker, I can tell you that since I quit (going on 18 months now), I can actually BREATHE!!! and also, I don't have to worry about when I'm going to get the chance to smoke (if I'm going to a meeting or such), how I smell when I get back, being socially excluded on breaks, etc. Planning when and how you are going to get your next smoke break can be very, very stressful.


my #1 reason would be money.  How much are they now?  $4 a pack?  If you smoke a pack a day, when you quit you could use that money to buy a pretty good laptop after 6 months.  Two packs a day is your monthly car payment* (or something similar); it would be my rent.

*Fine print: assuming you have a 5-year $12,000 loan with 8% APR.


Flik!!  Always thinking in mathematical terms.  ;)b

I've heard that cigarette tar is actually a ground up liquid of spleens, snouts, throats & tongues.  Factory farms sell it to tobacco companies at a discount price.  Will that work?


A kitten cries every time you smoke.


A kitten cries every time you smoke.

No, a kitten dies everytime you smoke. That's better.


it would be my rent.

not fair! your rent is so cheap! i'd have to smoke over 6 packs a day to equal my rent...

A kitten cries every time you smoke.

No, a kitten dies everytime you smoke. That's better.

yeah, kittens drying is almost cute. almost.


A kitten cries every time you smoke.

No, a kitten dies everytime you smoke. That's better.

A whole litter of kittens and puppies and a unicorn dies everytime you light up! Say no to killing cuteness!


Very good point Pixie.  I forgot all about the smell... it really isn't pleasant...

And looking at it as a loan thing, I really should consider setting aside that money (not that I've bought cigarettes in a while... and I used to get those $1 cigar ones...) to pay my student loan that'll be happening soon....

I appreciate all the helpful incentives and information everyone is giving.
I was considering going and buying a pack this morning but I am not going to... since this morning is another day I am breathing better.
How long does it take for the withdraw?


not fair! your rent is so cheap! i'd have to smoke over 6 packs a day to equal my rent...

all you have to do is live in a small town in alabama and have a roommate.  the plus side for that expensive rent--you don't have to live in alabama.

How long does it take for the withdraw?

I remember it coming on pretty quickly, but I quit smoking a long time ago (when I was 15).  I had only smoked for a couple years, but I chewed through a bunch of pencils the next few weeks.  And I would say it never really goes completely away; there are still rare times now that I think, I could use a cigarette.  Then I remember the last time I smoked for a couple months when I was 19 or so, and how much it hurt my throat.  That's why I stopped that time.  Though it didn't stop me from smoking other things for a few more years.


A kitten cries every time you smoke.

No, a kitten dies everytime you smoke. That's better.

yeah, kittens drying is almost cute. almost.

Awww, who got the kittens all wet?!


How long does it take for the withdraw?

It can take up to 72 hours for your body to metabolize the nicotine. After that, it's the mental battle. Kill the Can is a useful information site. It was written for those who dip tobacco, but the addiction is the same.

I am sending you positive thoughts. Quitting will far be one of the best things you can do for yourself.


Food tastes better when you can actually smell it. If you quit you will smell (and taste) things you had forgotten were there.


I was considering going and buying a pack this morning but I am not going to... since this morning is another day I am breathing better.

Good for you!!  I'm currently reading a book called "Mega Nutrition" and came across an interesting quote about smoking:

"Cigarette smoke will cause cancer in anyone in time; it simply takes longer for some than for others."



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