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How do you keep your recipes?

I thought it would be interesting to share how we keep our recipes!

I don't use the recipe box here on vegweb, but I have a technique that I use. If I see a recipe I want to try, I put it into my recipe word document..and wait until I fill up at least one page, then I print them on notebook paper, and cut the paper so that each recipe is on its own little piece of paper. I have two file folders: not tried and rated...and I file the recipes in not tried..until I try them..then I rate them, write comments..and put them in the tried/rated folder. I don't have any dividers...but just keep them in order: non-food, sauces, spreads, dips, appetizers, soups, salads, pasta, sandwiches, potatoes/sides, casseroles, greens and other vegetables, ethnic (mainly Indian and Mexican), tofu and other meat alternatives (lots of tofu), breads, breakfast, misc. dessert, cookies, cakes, frosting

A couple of years ago I made a giant recipe book, and spent MONTHS on it: finding recipes, printing, and cutting (I reuse a lot of paper), organizing...etc. I used dividers for different categories, and organized it all in a GIANT binder. I also decorated it and made indices. The only 'problem' now is...that it's vegetarian, but not all vegan (I wasn't vegan yet). BUT I still love it...and I can definitely modify a lot of those recipes.

Share your recipe keeper techniques!

Oh wow!  That's awesome! 

I use a little recipe box that I made.  I copy recipes that I like and will use again onto index cards and keep them there.  I don't have a system for organizing recipes I would like to try but haven't.  I also have a folder full of wrinkled, scribbled down recipes that I've copied down quick on scrap pieces of paper.  It's anarchy.  I'll probably get rid of it when I move.


I thought it would be interesting to share how we keep our recipes!

A couple of years ago I made a giant recipe book, and spent MONTHS on it: finding recipes, printing, and cutting (I reuse a lot of paper), organizing...etc. I used dividers for different categories, and organized it all in a GIANT binder. I also decorated it and made indices. The only 'problem' now is...that it's vegetarian, but not all vegan (I wasn't vegan yet). BUT I still love it...and I can definitely modify a lot of those recipes.

Share your recipe keeper techniques!

I have a huge binder just like this.  I just reorganized it with new dividers and everything.  It took forever(ok...its still not done...) but it is so convenient to be able to find things. 

My problem is trying to decide what category something is...arg...I have tons of stuff that could go into several categories.  Most of my tofu recipes are ethnic, and some of my breads could be considered desserts...or breakfast...oh dear its chaos...and I have a bunch of pasta recipes that could be in salads or Italian or pasta or casseroles...okay, I'm gonna stop thinking about this right now.


My problem is trying to decide what category something is...arg...I have tons of stuff that could go into several categories.  Most of my tofu recipes are ethnic, and some of my breads could be considered desserts...or breakfast...oh dear its chaos...and I have a bunch of pasta recipes that could be in salads or Italian or pasta or casseroles...okay, I'm gonna stop thinking about this right now.

haha, I know what you mean. I just try to stick with the MAIN thing. If it's ANYTHING with tofu..I put it in tofu (I just realized this isn't even true...I have the tofu lettuce wraps with salad)....if it's a bread..but breakfast bread..I'd probably go with breakfast..b/c there are plenty of other breads, but it's still breakfast....I just go by what...comes in my head first!  ;)

I haven't compiled all of my vegan recipes into anything other than the folders (loose pieces of paper) b/c I like to be able to move them around..and I want to conserve paper. So, they all stay separate on small pieces of paper...maybe some day, I'll think of a new way to do them. I might even try to go through my binder..and re-organize it into a vegan binder!


i have an index card box and i write recipes on my index cards. if i don't like something, i write "gross" on it to remind me.

In my rating system, I go from X-4 stars...but I do recall writing gross...on one recipe..(and put an X)


When I find a recipe I like I write it on a recipe card and then put it in a photo album. The kind with the little plastic sleeves. The recipe cards are the same size as a 4x6 photo so they fit perfectly. I only have one little album right now but I will eventually have one for different things like desserts, salads, soups, dinner entrees etc. A recipe will only make it into my album if I have tried and liked it. I have a whole word document which is stretching to 80 pages long of untried recipes. I can't wait to have my own kitchen so I can start trying them all out.


i bought a neat old recipe box on ebay and sort it alphabetically actually.  i never even though to sort it by type of food... hm.  that would probably make more sense.  ohwell.

ac - that is a very organized method.  way to go!


I copy and paste recipes I'm interested in onto a blank word document, and then eventually get around to editing them (i hate leaving in stuff like "ingredients:" and "directions:" ) and incorporating them into categorized word documents on my computer. I used to only have one file for everything, but it got too big (thanks Lost Recipe Club), so I now have separate word documents divided into categories like: breakfast, breads, desserts, super american, italian, japanese, etc. Yes, "super american." I have my laptop in the kitchen (daring, i know) when i cook and refer to it... I like it better than printing a bunch of crap out and then crossing out or throwing out recipes when i realize they suck, or editing it in pencil. also, that way i never have a binder caked in my stray powdered sugar and cake batter... and frying oil  :P
Save trees!

Hey, that makes me think... instead there could be something just for word docs (like than Kindle thing on amazon?) that i could just use for recipes. But that would be too fancy for my broke college student budget.


I copy and paste recipes I'm interested in onto a blank word document, and then eventually get around to editing them (i hate leaving in stuff like "ingredients:" and "directions:" ) and incorporating them into categorized word documents on my computer. I used to only have one file for everything, but it got too big (thanks Lost Recipe Club), so I now have separate word documents divided into categories like: breakfast, breads, desserts, super american, italian, japanese, etc. Yes, "super american." I have my laptop in the kitchen (daring, i know) when i cook and refer to it... I like it better than printing a bunch of crap out and then crossing out or throwing out recipes when i realize they suck, or editing it in pencil. also, that way i never have a binder caked in my stray powdered sugar and cake batter... and frying oil  :P
Save trees!

Hey, that makes me think... instead there could be something just for word docs (like than Kindle thing on amazon?) that i could just use for recipes. But that would be too fancy for my broke college student budget.

and a cooking cover for laptops!  i cook with my laptop around as well, and i dont know if its because i eat next to my computer sometimes or because i cook near it sometimes, but theres food on it.  ha.


oh my. I am apparently extremely unorganized with my recipes. I thought my crappy folders with full-page printouts of recipes was creative. I don't ever rate anything and right now it's all out of order and a nightmare to look through. I really need to think this through and organize everything neatly. Y'all have inspired me!


and a cooking cover for laptops!  i cook with my laptop around as well, and i dont know if its because i eat next to my computer sometimes or because i cook near it sometimes, but theres food on it.  ha.

I totally do this. I look up a recipe on VW, unhook my laptop, and carry it to the kitchen.

I guess I need a method for my madness. I never write anything down. I must just have a damn good memory when it comes to food. I can almost 100 percent of the time remember where a recipe is that I have made and liked, including what it is called and whether I saw it on VW, in a magazine, or a cookbook.

I do write notes in my cookbooks though (changes, substitutions, etc.)

And I have most of my favorite recipes entirely memorized.


I utilize the recipe box here, but have been trying to get them all written easy task.

I also have a HUGE storage tub and Ii have file folders in there, jam-packed with tons of recipes. I also have many recipes that I have yet to file.

I love the idea of a cookbook binder. I think I may do something like that at some point. :)


nice, you all have some great ideas! you've inspired me too... currently i have recipes in many places: my recipe box, my "favorites", a random word document, many random emails that i send myself, and random pieces of junk mail with recipes scribbled on them... i really need to organize this stuff.

the binder ideas are a good way to sort of make your own cookbook. a while back i saw a post on simply recipes about Tastebook (, a site where you can input up to 100 recipes of your choice and then have it printed and bound in a nice hardcover, your own title, and your own recipe pictures-- very professional looking. however last time i checked the cover choices were limited and you had to go by their section system which included a meat section. plus it's like 35 bucks.


Yay! Inspiration to organize... ;D

I sometimes just use my laptop..but I don't carry it in the kitchen (not enough room)....and I just walk over and look at it periodically. This usually happens when I don't have enough recipes to fill a document to print. I'm feeling inspired to revamp my vegetarian binder--> vegan! I love doing those types of things....


and a cooking cover for laptops!  i cook with my laptop around as well, and i dont know if its because i eat next to my computer sometimes or because i cook near it sometimes, but theres food on it.  ha.

I totally do this. I look up a recipe on VW, unhook my laptop, and carry it to the kitchen.

Same here.  I have a recipie folder on my laptop.  When I see a recipie that I want to try I copy paste it to a word document.  Then I put it on my desktop.  I go home, try it.  If I like it, it goes into my recipie folder.  If I don't, it gets deleted.  I have a bar separating the kitchen from the living room so I can put my computer up on that, it is easy to see, and out of the way. 

To store my recipies I put them in a folder, then in subfolders titled as the main ingredient of the dish.  For example, if it is a tofu thing I put it under tofu, if it is a spinach thing I put it under spiinach.  But this is not a very effective way of storing them, I have to come up with something else eventually. 


Yay! Inspiration to organize... ;D

I sometimes just use my laptop..but I don't carry it in the kitchen (not enough room)....and I just walk over and look at it periodically. This usually happens when I don't have enough recipes to fill a document to print. I'm feeling inspired to revamp my vegetarian binder--> vegan! I love doing those types of things....

I'm in the process of doing this. I've had recipes on my laptop for a couple of years now. Once each one's tried and tested, just the way I like it, I enter it into my little Word template, print it out and keep it in my little A5 mini-binder. I had LO recipes in there too... now, I've either veganised each of them and kept it, or swept it under the rug (into another folder which I never look at anymore). The little binder makes it easy to share recipes with curious workmates. Plus it's easier than lugging my laptop and its power cord to the kitchen... heehee, yeah, I must stop doing that. I'm terrified of spilling things on the keyboard  ::)


this is embarrassing, but i never use recipes so whatever.
i rarely write them down and when i do it is on scrap paper that i consequently lose. honestly, i make a recipe once and if i like it i remember it generally and it morphs into a hannah dish. after a while everything starts to be the same and i find new inspiration. meh. i'll just call myself a kitchen artist.

i will say, about a year ago in an effort to be organized i got a recipe box. i have about three recipes written on those cards. i lose.


I have three recipe files in word perfect.  One is my main file that when opened is categorized into the following:

-Appetizers, Drinks and Miscellaneous
-Breads and Cereals
-Entrees and Main Dishes
-Pickles and Jams
-Vegetables and Side Dishes

Each category is then sub-divided into more categories. For example:

-Cookies and Squares
-Dessert (gooey, creamy stuff)
-Dry Mixes
-Frozen Treats

I have a separate file for Vegan recipes organized the same way and I have a third file for recipes I've collected on websites that I haven't tried and which are not categorized.  When I try one of those new recipes I then decide where it will be filed.  Sometimes it goes in the main collection and in the vegan collection also.  Then I remove it from the "Try It" file.  If I don't like the recipe I send it to the trash.  Some recipes are cross-indexed also.  The recipes that I use over and over go in a recipe binder inside clear plastic page protectors.  Most of my printed recipes are in an 18 font or larger so I can prop up the binder and read the recipe from across the room.  These are my super organized recipes.

Besides these I have a large collection of bits and pieces on scraps of paper which I am slowly adding to the computer files.  I also have a large collection of cookbooks which are well spattered and dog-eared.  The most beloved recipes are finding their way to the computer files also and some of them are in the binder.  I have many of my mother's hand written recipes that I'm starting to try out and add to my collection also.  My eventual aim is to compile a collection of family favorites and print  and burn off copies for my two sons to be kept as family heirlooms and passed on to generations to come. (I'm delusional.  ;D)


Yay! Inspiration to organize... ;D
I'm feeling inspired to revamp my vegetarian binder--> vegan! I love doing those types of things....

To quote you and KMK..DO IT!  It is kinda fun and mentally cleansing to sort through and discard what you don't need.


Yay! Inspiration to organize... ;D
I'm feeling inspired to revamp my vegetarian binder--> vegan! I love doing those types of things....

To quote you and KMK..DO IT!  It is kinda fun and mentally cleansing to sort through and discard what you don't need.

DO IT!  ;D


I have a big (4"?) notebook that I put recipes that I've printed out from here and ones I've gotten from the Fat Free Vegan site using the print recipe option from the site.  Other recipes I find that don't have a print option for a nice print out get copied into a Word document and then printed.  I put them in sheet protectors and that keeps them from getting stains from dips or messy fingers. I need to go through VwaV and Vegan Planet and scan and print the recipes that I make from them because the books are starting to get a bit messy looking!  I used to have them categorized but when they get taken out of the big book and used, they don't always get put back in the right section.  I think I'd have a stroke if my DH ever put anything back where he got it from!  I do need to organize them better.  Sometimes though when I'm looking for a recipe I decide to make something else that I didn't remember having put in the book!  I never keep the print out of a recipe that we didn't like.




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