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Somedays I hate this site.


I hate how you can post something & it just disappears into the ethernet. Arghhh!!! I know I should type all my responses into Word first, but DAMNQ!!@# when you lose a whole section of thought . . . . . .  >:(

Also, this board moves too fast for this old timer.

I love you young people, I do!!! You refresh me, you give me hope, I just feel old & in the way some days.


I remember when I could post a new topic here and sometimes had to wait till the next day before someone read it and replied. Now you post something, come back two hours later and you're already on page 3!


i completely agree. i have to be on here all the time in order to 'keep up.' in fact, i have had days where i have done little else.


i completely agree. i have to be on here all the time in order to 'keep up.' in fact, i have had days where i have done little else.

True that! If I spent as much time on my home work, with the same kind of passion as I do vegweb--well i would be done with grad school by now  :P



i completely agree. i have to be on here all the time in order to 'keep up.' in fact, i have had days where i have done little else.

True that! If I spent as much time on my home work, with the same kind of passion as I do vegweb--well i would be done with grad school by now  :P

HAHA!  Or at least I'd be done with my practice statistics test by now!!! 
Someone asked me, "so what have you been doing all day if you haven't been studying?"
I didn't know what to say.
Um, on vegweb; otherwise aimlessly surfing the 'net, checking my MySpace, my AOL, and my yahoo!
I really need to get priorities in check!!!



i completely agree. i have to be on here all the time in order to 'keep up.' in fact, i have had days where i have done little else.

True that! If I spent as much time on my home work, with the same kind of passion as I do vegweb--well i would be done with grad school by now  :P

HAHA!  Or at least I'd be done with my practice statistics test by now!!! 
Someone asked me, "so what have you been doing all day if you haven't been studying?"
I didn't know what to say.
Um, on vegweb; otherwise aimlessly surfing the 'net, checking my MySpace, my AOL, and my yahoo!
I really need to get priorities in check!!!

yeah, my friends 'know' vegweb because i will be like well i heard from the vegweb people. really, really, sad. but you guys just make me happy :)


i tried explaining to my mom about vegweb. i said "it's like a myspace for vegans. but we're cooler times 100 compared to myspace."


yeah, my friends 'know' vegweb because i will be like well i heard from the vegweb people. really, really, sad. but you guys just make me happy :)

I second that (vegweb peeps making me happy).  
Guess I should do more than urge everyone I know to join, send them links to pics and recipes on here; I should start referencing y'all too!!
All to prove my veggie love.

i tried explaining to my mom about vegweb. i said "it's like a myspace for vegans. but we're cooler times 100 compared to myspace."

OMG so true!!!!
I heart vegweb.


I remember when I could post a new topic here and sometimes had to wait till the next day before someone read it and replied. Now you post something, come back two hours later and you're already on page 3!

Yes!  And then I feel like I'm butting into a conversation when I post!


I remember when I could post a new topic here and sometimes had to wait till the next day before someone read it and replied. Now you post something, come back two hours later and you're already on page 3!

Yes!  And then I feel like I'm butting into a conversation when I post!

Ha! If I'm not up-to-date with vegweb (read: checking it hourly) and I come in on a post that is on page 3, even if it's brand new and I do have something to say, a lot of times I just let it go. Too much effort.  ;D


:( this makes me sad. I hate it when things change! Sorry!


I too spend faaaar too much time on VegWeb!! Most of my friends are people about whom I actually know very little! DH gets like, "Put. down. the mouse, and step. away. from the computer." All he needs is a police bullhorn to give it the right effect.  ;)


I'm in the process of moving so I unhooked my computer and packed it up.  I thought would just use my boyfriends computer until I have the internet hooked up again.  Then he went and took his computer to be upgraded so neither one of us have one (I'm at work now).  So last night I was all upset.  I said, "I can't check vegweb tonight!  By tomorrow morning I will be so far behind in the posts!"  It's sad really ;D


HAHAHHA I was just thinking this!!! I was busy at work Friday & didn't check this site all weekend. It's Monday morning and I feel so lost!!! I've been here at work for an hour & a half and am no where near ready to close the site and do some work!


Will asks me from time to time "how are your veg-friends doing?"  It seems that everytime he walks in the office and I'm supposed to be working (I am really I am) that I'm on this site doing something (this site and one other). He never walks in when I'm legitimately working.  ::)

And I know what you mean about butting into a conversation...especially when people are clearly chatting.  The thing that sucks is I get to know all of you on a deeper level, but because I don't pipe in, I  remain anonymous (and while there are advantages to that, it's not really the desired effect for this).


Too fast???  Now there's a new complaint.  :)

I remember my ex used to walk around saying "VEGGIES UNITE!!" like a battle cry, which is what this site used to be called back in a day.  :)


My boyfriend likes reading vegweb over my shoulder. He is always saying "Hey everyone on there writes at least three sentences, it's like you're actually talking to eachother" and "LOOK! correct punctuation on a forum?" haha...

This place does seem to be going a lot faster nowadays, I tend to just follow one or two threads per week because I'm lazy like that.


And I know what you mean about butting into a conversation...especially when people are clearly chatting. 

I always figured that people were "clearly chatting" because no one else was chiming in. Since this is an open forum, I never have a problem saying something if I feel I have something to contribute (and have the time to get into it). :)


I've been on and off of here in spurts lately and I feel overwhelmed when I check in. It'll take me at least a day to read everything. I feel like I have to do triage and just read the post that look the most interesting and relevant ::)

I miss every one. I should be on more regularly next week. :) See you guys then.



and sometimes, when you should really get off your butt and go running, or maybe do some homework, you are glue to this site like none other. AND it just makes you want to make cookies (or other, similar, things)



and sometimes, when you should really get off your butt and go running, or maybe do some homework, you are glue to this site like none other. AND it just makes you want to make cookies (or other, similar, things)

Certainly does...I'm usually more "why do I have to work...I'm missing all the good posts!"  My twin has taken now to asking me "what was good on vegweb today?"  I think that pretty soon I might talk her into her own account. 



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