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Banned Goveg Ads

Hey Guys--I just heard on TMZ (I gossip) that Alicia Silverstones "goveg" ad for PETA has been banned in Texas! It's believed that it was banned, not for the nudity, but because it is advocating not eating meat!

Here is the ad from PETA so everyone can check it out--she looks really hot!

the ironic thing about the A.S. ad is that it was probably geared to catch mens attention but the average meat eating ones (i say meat eating because veggie ones wouldve had their attention caught because of the rarity of seeing veggie ads) probably didn't listen to it enough to get the message.  I saw a study on some PBS show where it had a random sample of men watch 2 different newscasts, one with a regular man telling the news and one with a really attractive woman (who was dressed in the normal newsanchor attire).  afterwards they asked the guys what the newscasters talked about in their stories.  it was ridiculous!  they totally remembered the topics and many details of the mens newscasts, but when it came to the woman they were clueless.  many of them were like "ohh she was very pretty.. she had on a red blouse, she had a very nice mouth/hair/etc" and they could barely remember any facts that she talked about.  it was like once they saw her sitting on the tv in front of them they just glazed over and only could use one sensory organ at a time - eyes won out over ears.


Have we all seen this?

just another example of their repetitive use of image and sexualization over substance.

What really has me pissed is their "State of the Union Adress". I wrote them about it, but for some reason, have not heard back. (~_^)

edit: That would be "State of the Union UNdress" found here: 
for those who haven't seen it.

Thanks for the link... I had not seen that.  That's just... Peta sucks.

edit:  I just emailed them. 


the ironic thing about the A.S. ad is that it was probably geared to catch mens attention but the average meat eating ones (i say meat eating because veggie ones wouldve had their attention caught because of the rarity of seeing veggie ads) probably didn't listen to it enough to get the message.  I saw a study on some PBS show where it had a random sample of men watch 2 different newscasts, one with a regular man telling the news and one with a really attractive woman (who was dressed in the normal newsanchor attire).  afterwards they asked the guys what the newscasters talked about in their stories.  it was ridiculous!  they totally remembered the topics and many details of the mens newscasts, but when it came to the woman they were clueless.  many of them were like "ohh she was very pretty.. she had on a red blouse, she had a very nice mouth/hair/etc" and they could barely remember any facts that she talked about.  it was like once they saw her sitting on the tv in front of them they just glazed over and only could use one sensory organ at a time - eyes won out over ears.

Good point.
And A.S. is naked, emerging wet from the water, gving over the shoulder looks, and posing like she is going to do a sexcat crawl toward the camera. It is not just showing the human body... there is a very clear and intentional sexual element - which is why everyone is saying the ad is sexy.
The part of the brain triggered by sexual stimuli is completely different and is more base/instintctual than that collecting, analyzing, and retaining informational data. One is clearly more deeply rooted and can overpower the other.

Regardless of what he is talking about, when I have a naked man in front of me, I am not thinking of abstaining from meat. ;)


Regardless of what he is talking about, when I have a naked man in front of me, I am not thinking of abstaining from meat. ;)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Have we all seen this?

just another example of their repetitive use of image and sexualization over substance.

What really has me pissed is their "State of the Union Adress". I wrote them about it, but for some reason, have not heard back. (~_^)

edit: That would be "State of the Union UNdress" found here: 
for those who haven't seen it.

Thanks for the link... I had not seen that.  That's just... Peta sucks.

edit:  I just emailed them. 

I agree...PETA sucks! I emailed them, too! I told them that they have a responsibility, dammit. That chick in the state of the undress union video is not NEARLY HOT ENOUGH! (She's no Alicia Silverstone!) What were they thinking?!

Subversa, I can barely comprehend what you write because I'm so distracted by your avatar pic.  ;)

EDIT: For the record, I'm being sarcastic here. Just thought I better point that out, because I've written posts in the past that have been misinterpreted, and not recognized for the sarcasm I intend. I mean no harm--I'm just having some fun.  :) Oh, how I miss the posts of old...especially that post on semen a few months back. The good old days...


On this site alone, when typing in that I am a woman searching for a man in the VegFriends thing 680 possible men come up, versus the 1800+ that come up when I search as a man looking for a woman....could it just be that there are more vegan women in the world? That's just a guess as a possible reason why so many women have stepped up to get naked vs. the number of men, I really have no fact to back it up.

Women will stop being "exploited" when they want to.  Putting on makeup, wearing a bra, shaving your legs, plucking your eyebrows...none of these things are fun, none of these things are expected to be done by men.  I'm not saying I don't do them, I do.  I'm young and single and I want to attract a mate, and today, this is what boys expect.  I want to be desired, and that's why I do those things. It's sad. And half the time we do it for other women, worried about what they think of us.  Also sad.

So I don't think PETA or Alicia Silverstone should be condemned for this, they're recognizing what people do/want. PETA never claimed to be a feminist organization, this problem is at a root of society and not really what PETA is fighting for.


Maybe instead of a nude woman (or man)........PETA could make this little "hottie" the star of their next ad campaign:

PS: No she's not one of mine.....though I do love the blue leather couch!  :o


Maybe instead of a nude woman (or man)........PETA could make this little "hottie" the star of their next ad campaign:

PS: No she's not one of mine.....though I do love the blue leather couch!  :o

Haha--cute! Way to lighten the mood  ;D That doggie has an attitude!


I go back and forth with PETA, sometimes their approach is questionable

but when push comes to shove, Im in their corner 100%

theyre like the crazy maniac friend that you want with you in a gang fight


I actually kept reading this thread all day yesterday but couldn't make up my mind how I felt so I didn't contribute. I completely understand where those of you are coming from who are against these sexy ads. However, I think PETA is just trying to get attention to their cause. A commercial on tv is going up against other commercials, many of which are sexy, its what gets people's attention. And attractive women tend to grab the attention of both men and women, while a half naked guy would cause about half of men to purposely not look. So I'm for the ads. They get people's attention, and thats the point. I think most people who see it, even if they don't listen to the whole thing, will at least think, ohhh Alicia Silverstone looks great, what is this? oh she's a vegitarian, hmmm


I couldn't even finish that undress video- the end with the animal cruelty stuff made me cry my eyes out.


Maybe instead of a nude woman (or man)........PETA could make this little "hottie" the star of their next ad campaign:

PS: No she's not one of mine.....though I do love the blue leather couch!  :o

Love it Dave!

I go back and forth with PETA, sometimes their approach is questionable

but when push comes to shove, Im in their corner 100%

theyre like the crazy maniac friend that you want with you in a gang fight

That's perfect! And you know--if I was in jail, I would want to be with the SHAQ 7--I'm sure they no how to make a shank by now! Has anyone sen any updates about them?


Dave, best photo ever! Or how about this cute little number...there's even a pool involved!


Dave, best photo ever! Or how about this cute little number...there's even a pool involved!

No no no...feelinsoreal! far as those that would bash PETA and the Alicia Silverstone advertisement would be concerned......that pup is a sexy "temptress"  in a HOT TUB trying to turn other pups on....!  ::)

Kidding girls and boys....and those "in-between"...... ;)

I've just been donating lots and lots of stuff today getting ready for my move back up north......
It always feels good to give away things I no longer need.... nor want any longer...always.........


Dave, best photo ever! Or how about this cute little number...there's even a pool involved!

Scandal! But we can not simply exploit dogs...cats should get fair air time too!

I've just been donating lots and lots of stuff today getting ready for my move back up north......
It always feels good to give away things I no longer need.... nor want any longer...always.........

I love doing that too Dave...of course I'm one of those scary virgos tha has to be super organized, so when I clean out my closets it's more selfish for me because I like doing it so much...but I'm glad my old cloths and stuff can help others!


Doesn't PETA like to use Bunnies in their ads?

...Or am I missing something? ;)


whats with all the mammal only ads around here?


Have we all seen this?

just another example of their repetitive use of image and sexualization over substance.

What really has me pissed is their "State of the Union Adress". I wrote them about it, but for some reason, have not heard back. (~_^)

edit: That would be "State of the Union UNdress" found here: 
for those who haven't seen it.

i think i am going to email them, too. that was awful. everything about it. i didn't like how frumpy the girl looked before the took her clothes off, i didn't like how she looked after for that matter, i didn't even understand what the hell she was trying to get at with her monologue, crappy editing, etc.



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