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Banned Goveg Ads

Hey Guys--I just heard on TMZ (I gossip) that Alicia Silverstones "goveg" ad for PETA has been banned in Texas! It's believed that it was banned, not for the nudity, but because it is advocating not eating meat!

Here is the ad from PETA so everyone can check it out--she looks really hot!

Oh, you know it, Capture! I'll find any excuse to look at/post pictures of hot men, especially if they're veg. :)

Okay, not hot (IMO), but...

"Eating meat is just not logical."


Oh, you know it, Capture! I'll find any excuse to look at/post pictures of hot men, especially if they're veg. :)

Okay, not hot (IMO), but...

"Eating meat is just not logical."

I'd like to see Spock eating a tofu sandwich wearing just his skivvies, too. Would that be exploitation and objectification of Vulcans? ::)


i wasnt at all offended by this commercial, in itself i didnt think it gratuitous.....but on a general level, yeah. all of advertising seems to exploiting women.
i think this commercial was an example (like some other nude peta ads) of fighting fire w/ a sense, getting to the average tv watcher's sells, and gets noticed. how effective would a commercial be if she were standing there w/ a bowl full of fresh veggies and tofu?
if nothing else, i hope this ad caught ppls attention enough to maybe talk about the message...but seeing the blatent banning in tx...maybe not. >:(


I'd like to see Spock eating a tofu sandwich wearing just his skivvies, too. Would that be exploitation and objectification of Vulcans? ::)

Maybe so, maybe so - we'd have to be careful or else SAVE (Society Against Vulcan Exploitation) might complain! :D


I'd like to see Spock eating a tofu sandwich wearing just his skivvies, too. Would that be exploitation and objectification of Vulcans? ::)

Maybe so, maybe so - we'd have to be careful or else SAVE (Society Against Vulcan Exploitation) might complain! :D

ROFL! *tee hee hee* You guys are silly!

Check it out--even hobbits know that the veggis rock!
I believe Sam is the vice president of Hobbits for vegan elevensies!


This is a very interesting thread, I liked reading everyone's thoughts on this! And nice pics capture and feelinsoreal :} 

I am in no way knowledgeable about this topic, but I think this ad was focusing on only one part of the vegetarian lifestyle- personal health. There's no way that all the aspects of vegetarianism could be covered in one short commercial.  I see this as far from objectifying women. It is showing a confident, vibrant, happy and obviously healthy woman (who doesn't seem to be airbrushed at all to me) who is comfortable in her own skin and publically known to be outspoken in her convictions. Women with those qualities are hardly ever the ones that allow men to control their lives, and more often these qualities result in an intelligent and powerful woman.


Wait a sec, I'm confused!  Are you guys posting pics of hot men, or hot VEG*N men?!


I'd like to see Spock eating a tofu sandwich wearing just his skivvies, too. Would that be exploitation and objectification of Vulcans? ::)

Maybe so, maybe so - we'd have to be careful or else SAVE (Society Against Vulcan Exploitation) might complain! :D

ROFL! *tee hee hee* You guys are silly!

Check it out--even hobbits know that the veggis rock!
I believe Sam is the vice president of Hobbits for vegan elevensies!

I don't know, he totally made a rabbit stew.  However, he did focus on the PO-TA-TO  ;D


Hi all - I go take my dog for a walk for a few days, and bam! There's a whole thread on PETA that I missed.

Anyway, I agree with Kylissa that this is really interesting (dang it! why isn't the potluck today, I would prefer to discuss in person) thread, but I agree with my original post: this is commercial is HOT!

How many threads are there on here where people complain about coming out vegan and being met with, "How do you get your protein? That can't be healthy..etc.etc." Alicia is helping us not have to answer questions like that. Wouldn't it be great if after a round of these commercials we start getting asked, "Hey, I've heard being a vegan is really healthy & beautiful, what do you think?"

Perhaps I'm coming at this from a slightly different p.o.v., 'cause PETA's been buying full-page color ads in the local street paper that's sold by homeless vendors. Many of these are naked men & women (including David Cross, Dennis Rodman, Tommy Lee: I was proud of PETA for supporting a worthy cause through advertising and thought that they made an intelligent choice in their target market.

Let's face it, marketing is not about an intelligent dicussion, and no one's going to notice your veganism from across the room. it's about getting people to notice what your message is. No one is unclear about PETA's message.

Now, unlike Ecstatic, I do consider myself feminist, but I can't agree that this ad is offensive. Women are beautiful. Period. There's no argument about that. BigBeer uses them to maintain an edgy, "bad" appeal. If more beautiful women use their power of attraction for good, it will take away the appeal for the lowlifers...just my thoughts.

Man! I'd love to be having this as a conversation IRL over some vegan beer!


Let's face it, marketing is not about an intelligent discussion, and no one's going to notice your veganism from across the room. it's about getting people to notice what your message is. No one is unclear about PETA's message.

Oh yeah! You are spot on.

I'd show my boobs to save an animal. Ok, so they are not as perky as 30 years ago, but I have photos of those boobs! I could digitize them!  ;D 
Is anyone interested?  LOL

I used to be outraged by these types of ad campaigns. I'm not sure what happened over the years to temper my outrage. Maybe my recognition that DNA prevails. Young women will always be the icon of fertility, sexuality & virility. It is tied to the propagation of our species, the main directive of our DNA.

Yes, we need to expand our horizons. We need to find alternatives to objectifying women as sexual objects, & yet, we can not eradicate our sexuality in this process & remain women. Men are allowed their sexuality, even in all it's perverse forms.

In my personal life, I know how to be sexual & yet, not be sexual, if that makes sense. It comes from many, many years of fearing for my safety as a woman in a man's world, yet trying to get ahead in a man's world. Denying my sexuality while also exploiting it. Do I like this type of conformity? No. Do I want to shake up these sexual roles? More than you can imagine. Do I know how? No.

I try to portray who I am as accurately as possible. But I don't take any sh*t either. I think for myself & come to my own conclusions. Anyone who doesn't like me is welcome to walk away.

I'm not sure what I say even makes sense to young women. There is something to be said for experience. This is not a put down to young women. I am merely expressing my sentiments from my own evolution as a young woman to a middle aged woman. Times change & your experience will be different. But trust me, time will shade your view.


Hey Dink! Thanks for that link! Those posters were cool!

Wait a sec, I'm confused!  Are you guys posting pics of hot men, or hot VEG*N men?!

We're posting veg*n men! YEAH! And I should have mentioned that Sean Astin is a veg*n--not Sam the Hobbit--oh well--

More hotness!

I know david has been put up once all ready--but damn! He is doubly hot!


I'd show my boobs to save an animal. Ok, so they are not as perky as 30 years ago, but I have photos of those boobs! I could digitize them!   ;D 
Is anyone interested?  LOL

I used to be outraged by these types of ad campaigns. I'm not sure what happened over the years to temper my outrage. Maybe my recognition that DNA prevails. Young women will always be the icon of fertility, sexuality & virility. It is tied to the propagation of our species, the main directive of our DNA.

Good call Lezly! You know, I always thought that women, if we bonded together, could rule the world--I don't want to insult the intelligence of men--but it does seem to be a sad fact that men are easily distracted by a set of breast or nice back side--I'm down with a little nudity if it meant liberating our animal friends  :D

And also, I find the DNA reference fasinating! Was this discovered as part of the human Genome  project?


Here's this year's Sexiest Vegetarian, Kevin Eubanks. He needs to wear more tanks on the Tonight Show!

"I've got two tickets to the gun show..." ;)


Good call Lezly! You know, I always thought that women, if we bonded together, could rule the world--I don't want to insult the intelligence of men--but it does seem to be a sad fact that men are easily distracted by a set of breast or nice back side--I'm down with a little nudity if it meant liberating our animal friends  :D

I don't like this line of thinking.  I really don't think that men are any more likely to be distracted by female nudity than a woman will be distracted by male nudity, or shoes, or babies, or whatever.  I do think that it seems that way b/c boys are socialized in that manner (if you don't go ga-ga over boobies, you're less of a man).  I think it's offensive to suggest that men really are so out of control that they depend on women's modesty and "good" behavior to "keep them in line".  Bullshit.  


Here's this year's Sexiest Vegetarian, Kevin Eubanks. He needs to wear more tanks on the Tonight Show!

"I've got two tickets to the gun show..." ;)

Man- he eats fish according to Wikipedia.  :P


^ :( For real? Because he got the PETA award.


I don't like this line of thinking.  I really don't think that men are any more likely to be distracted by female nudity than a woman will be distracted by male nudity, or shoes, or babies, or whatever.  I do think that it seems that way b/c boys are socialized in that manner (if you don't go ga-ga over boobies, you're less of a man).  I think it's offensive to suggest that men really are so out of control that they depend on women's modesty and "good" behavior to "keep them in line".  Bullshit.  

Here's my take:

Complementary vs. competitive

Human beings are a complementary species. We need both female & male to survive. Sadly, we are conditioned to believe that men are the strength of our species, & women are merely an extension of the man,  but that is not the case. We need both. Women have their own strengths & those strengths are complementary to the males strength, not competitive to it.

Sometimes I wonder if men are not a little bit concerned that, reproductively, anyway, they are more dispensable than females are. After all, with a good sperm bank & a decent number of viable human females, the human species could survive.


I understand your reasoning.  We all have our strengths.  But to me, it's like some creep saying that a woman was raped because she was wearing a miniskirt, and thus "asking for it".  Nuh-uh.  I'm quite certain that a man can control himself as well as a woman.

I also don't really think that any given character trait is "masculine" or "feminine".  Traits simply are.


Good call Lezly! You know, I always thought that women, if we bonded together, could rule the world--I don't want to insult the intelligence of men--but it does seem to be a sad fact that men are easily distracted by a set of breast or nice back side--I'm down with a little nudity if it meant liberating our animal friends  :D

I don't like this line of thinking.  I really don't think that men are any more likely to be distracted by female nudity than a woman will be distracted by male nudity, or shoes, or babies, or whatever.  I do think that it seems that way b/c boys are socialized in that manner (if you don't go ga-ga over boobies, you're less of a man).  I think it's offensive to suggest that men really are so out of control that they depend on women's modesty and "good" behavior to "keep them in line".  Bullshit.  

Woo there--I never said that men were some pathic, stupid creatures that had no control over their minds or bodies when a women was partially or totally naked! I said they can be "easily distracted" by these assets--you're kind of blowing my words up. As I said before in an earlier post--I'm not starting a war here.


TKitty, oh definitely, men can control themselves as women do. However, we must face the fact that we are a complementary species, even if only in reproduction, although, I think we are complementary in more ways than that. Men have immediate strength, women have endurance strength. That is just one example & I am too lazy to look for more.

You were right that men are conditioned to not restrain themselves. Our current social conditioning includes the belief that men do not need to control themselves to be respectable members of society. If they behave out of bounds, it is the women's fault. Women, however, must always conduct themselves with restraint & if they fall victim to a man who fails his standards of conduct, the shame is on the woman, not the man.

This plays right into the competitive meme. One is better than the other. The complementary meme states that we are simply different. Our combined strengths are complementary, not better than.

As for the masculine/feminine meme, you are right again -- traits simply are. It is social. Here's an interesting site that discusses the history of 'pink is for girls & blue is for boys.' You can see that it wasn't always that way.



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