Banned Goveg Ads
Posted by Capture on Sep 21, 2007 · Member since Jul 2007 · 3981 posts
Hey Guys--I just heard on TMZ (I gossip) that Alicia Silverstones "goveg" ad for PETA has been banned in Texas! It's believed that it was banned, not for the nudity, but because it is advocating not eating meat!
Here is the ad from PETA so everyone can check it out--she looks really hot!
Davedrum & Feelinsoreal-
Obviously, I agree with the animal rights issues PETA puts out there. Of course, it is cool if these ads appeal to some people and "convert" them.
I am not disagreeing with the "message" (in ads that actually include a message), I am disagreeing with the way they put the message out there. I know you do not disagree and that is fine. We are all entitled to our opinions.
However, this ad is crap. I am really not into the whole celebrity thing (though I am more okay with that, when it is done in a commercial that actually includes relevant ideas) or pushing sex appeal or any given image to sell something that is not sexual or image-related. I think it is even worse when it is an ideology.
No issues are discussed in this ad. It is a wet naked girl (which, again, I am a big fan of) that casually mentions she is a vegetarian.
This ad does nothing to raise social consciousness. It creates temporary veg*ns that do it for an image, because it is the latest fad (at least in public, while scarfing down a cheeseburger behind drawn curtains), or girls with self esteem problems that think this could be a way to mask their eating disorder or get thinner.
I became a vegan because of Animal Rights animal rights....PETA was a big part of it for me. It was not any 1 advertisement I could put my finger on....nor was it 1 single billboard as that pulled me in....
It was a few things I got from them....or saw from them....that made me "curious" about what they were preaching....and know what?!...... It worked!!!! worked for me (it was for a few other reasons ...and a few other organizations as well)...
But.....overall....PETA helped turn me into a veggie....and then a vegan. It was not about naked models in ads......
For me.....their message came through loud and made me personally want to research the issue on my own. When I received their literature, and their videos......hell yeah!....I swore off eating dead flesh forever!
That is great if a compilation of several ads touched you and motivated you to do some research and some introspection. My point was this ad does not contain a vegetarian/vegan or human rights message. This particular ad only appeals to sensuality, image, and body image. I, personally, don't think it is a respectable way to appeal to people on what is a much deeper issue.
You said: : "or pushing sex appeal or any given image to sell something that is not sexual or image-related. I think it is even worse when it is an ideology. "
Just like an ad with a sexy girl (or guy) can sell a car, an SUV, or a burger does not mean it's "right"..or "good"...or you "need it".....well maybe if it works....if it makes one single person "CURIOUS"...maybe they're onto something....
This is where you and I differ. As i stated, I just cannot subscribe to the "ends justify the means" arguement. That is my own personal stance and I am well aware that not everyone shares it. That is more than okay with me. My post was not, in any way, an attack on people who do. (Seems like you maybe took it a little personally or it somehow pissed you off..?... maybe, you are just a really passionate person whenever you "speak" and I mistook your bolds and italics and excllamation points as something else.)
If you can see using a near naked female (direct me to even a handful of ads with greased up 1/2 naked guys selling cars and burgers and I will open mouth and insert foot) to sell a car or burger as exploitative, but "on to something" and therefor good to use to further animal rights causes, then you and I will just have to agree to disagree.
It might turn you off....maybe you're looking way too deep...maybe not. We all look at things different. Like god for instance. One may believe and live their life around a belief in what I consider to be a hoax. Does it make me right? Does it make them wrong? They were "sold" on the belief of something they can't even see!!!!!.....(needed to add: that's just the way I see it)..... Is the church wrong? "my eyes"...yeah they are...they are "false advertising" something.... though, their approach obviously works for many. Does it make what they do wrong? Do they not false advertise? Do they sell "Fear" to many? Maybe....but it works for brings them BIG BIG money...every single week....for those "sinners" trying to "buy" their ticket to heaven....... I don't agree....yet I believe they have a "right" to advertise" any way they want.
As does PETA and everyone else. I am a big proponent of free speech, no matter how distasteful it may be, to me personally. Every one absolutely should have the right to think/speak/paint/dance/sing/advertise as (and what) they like. I also enjoy the freedom to express the fact that I disagree with their tactics and not fund their efforts (as I do other animal rights orgs)
But....just above my post..... I did see plenty of girls here name guys they'd like to see in ads for PETA....
For me...whatever will help direct people to the cause and thinking of farm animal rights may have a chance of changing minds. Many are turned off by PETA'S marketing....but for me...though it was not the "ONLY" was a "BIG" part of what pushed me over the edge..
I don't think the ad would have been any more relevant or informative with a naked male emerging from the water and casually stating he is a vegetarian. So no, I wouldn't be one advocating the objectification of a man to sell an ideology that is not even represented in the ad. BUT it should be noted that men were certainly not sexualized, physically and sexually brutalized (sanctioned by law), and quite literally objectified (as property) for millennia, based soley on their anatomy.
BTW, I have "meat your Meat" on my comp and have showed and sent it to numerous people.
Again, I am not stating that every approach they take is wrong (in my eyes). I was just drawing attention to ones I have an issue with.
Aside from creating at least temporary veg*ns, which in itself is good, it is inevitable that many of those that start out "temporary" will wind up having their eyes opened.
That is also a good (extremely optimistic) point, and I do not disagree.
To me, this ad is just like another dumb ass beer commercial, where some scantilly-clad women hears dude crack open a bottle of Coors light water and then pretends like he has made a good decision, and is now attracted to him, without presenting any relevant information about the product. I obviously believe in not eating animals, but we are treading higher ground here people, we need to avoid all types of bigotry. Like it or not, PETA primarily uses women to sell their message, just like Big Beer.
To me, this ad is just like another dumb ass beer commercial, where some scantilly-clad women hears dude crack open a bottle of Coors light water and then pretends like he has made a good decision, and is now attracted to him, without presenting any relevant information about the product. I obviously believe in not eating animals, but we are treading higher ground here people, we need to avoid all types of bigotry. Like it or not, PETA primarily uses women to sell their message, just like Big Beer.
Well said, Camillus and Subversa. Very well said indeed. Exploitation is exploitation, be it human or animal.
This is an interesting thread. I'm actually not a terribly big fan of PETA. Though their literature may be commendable, and I think they have some redeeming qualities about their approach, their militaristic campaigns are thoroughly counterproductive to the animal rights movement (making disgruntled enemies is a dead end/making enlightened allies produces more and more allies). I won't go into that here (though I have a lot to say about it), that could be a whole other thread. But what I DO have to say is...
Strangely for me, I don't find this ad offensive or sexist in any way. I think it's GREAT that they are showing off the totally HEALTHY body of a beautiful vegetarian...curves and all. Alicia is no skinny waif. YAY for curvaceous women who eat their veggies! And she talks about how much energy she has...and how great she feels...and she LOOKS like she feels great. She doesn't look like she's starving, and that's something refreshing in terms of advertisements these days. I dig her. If PETA showed off some skeletal sixteen year old swimming around half naked with her ribs busting through her skin, then I would object.
Christian Bale eating a tofu sandwich wearing just his skivvies? I could go for that. Too. ;)
I think the exploitation of animals is pretty different from showing off the human body in advertising. For the most part, people in sexy ads choose to be in those ads, or those photo spreads, or whatever it is they're being sexy in. I understand that exploitation across the board is being discussed to make a point; I just think it is a bit of a stretch to compare Alicia Silverstone happily being in a nude ad for PETA or some no-name model acting in a beer commercial to an abused animal.
Christian Bale eating a tofu sandwich wearing just his skivvies? I could go for that. Too. ;)
You should join PETA's marketing team - I want this ad made! ;D
I like Capture's idea of posting pics of hot veggie boys, so I'll continue it...
I'm Joaquin Phoenix, I'm a vegetarian, I deserved the Oscar more than Russel Crowe, and yeah, I'm hot.
I agree. It's sexist, offensive, and inappropriate.
To me, this ad is just like another dumb ass beer commercial, where some scantilly-clad women hears dude crack open a bottle of Coors light water and then pretends like he has made a good decision, and is now attracted to him, without presenting any relevant information about the product. I obviously believe in not eating animals, but we are treading higher ground here people, we need to avoid all types of bigotry. Like it or not, PETA primarily uses women to sell their message, just like Big Beer.
Well said, Camillus and Subversa. Very well said indeed. Exploitation is exploitation, be it human or animal.
So what you're both saying here is that Alicia Silverstone was sexually exploited by Peta? Against her own will maybe? I don't know...... she strike me as rather intelligent. One who made up her own mind to be featured in an ad like this. I find nothing wrong with a naked human body.To call it sexist and "offensive" even? I disagree. Maybe we should remove all nude or sex scenes from movies as well. A beautiful woman (or man) being shown naked ( be honest she exposes nothing in the ad), is not offensive to me....rather the opposite......maybe it all comes back to religion...and those that try to tell others what is "nasty" or not.
Me...I find war and the killing or hurting of others offensive and inappropriate...not sex. Funny how so many that scream about sex and nudity...and what is offensive or not....have no problem with supporting wars which kill........ (I'm not saying that about either of you....just making a general statement)....
I'm not a fan of PETA at all. But, I love this commercial.
Exploitation - well, I'm sure Alicia Silverstone did the commercial willingly and agreed with the content. Otherwise, she would have walked away. I thought it was well done. Even as a female, I enjoy appreciating another beautiful woman. I think (certain) humans are quite beautiful. And I see nothing wrong with appreciating that sexiness, beauty, charisma, etc.
But, I'm really not much of a femminist. As long as everyone is consensually doing these commercials or movies or whatever else ... then I have no problem with it.
I also agree the ad was exploitive, or at the very least short sighted. I know that overt sexuality- particularly with “perfect” air brushed women- is a common ad tactic, but it’s no secret the constant repetition of this tactic has produced noticeable and devastating effects on young girls and women. Corporations trying to sell product—I don’t expect they would really care about that sort of thing, but as an organization dedicated to exposing and fighting suffering and unnecessary cruelty, I guess I’m just really disappointed PETA continues to go in this direction.
Although it might produce some converts (temporary or otherwise), I shudder to think of why those people would be converting. I like the thought of more veggies in the world, but not at the cost of more people starving themselves or struggling with this distorted sense of inadequacy. PETA should really be more responsible with the message they send.
I also agree the ad was exploitive, or at the very least short sighted. I know that overt sexuality- particularly with “perfect” air brushed women- is a common ad tactic, but it’s no secret the constant repetition of this tactic has produced noticeable and devastating effects on young girls and women. Corporations trying to sell product—I don’t expect they would really care about that sort of thing, but as an organization dedicated to exposing and fighting suffering and unnecessary cruelty, I guess I’m just really disappointed PETA continues to go in this direction.
Although it might produce some converts (temporary or otherwise), I shudder to think of why those people would be converting. I like the thought of more veggies in the world, but not at the cost of more people starving themselves or struggling with this distorted sense of inadequacy. PETA should really be more responsible with the message they send.
Peta's message is and always has been about animal rights. They want people to stop eating meat to end animal cruelty. I for one was not swayed by any of their ads to become vegan. It was the literature they sent me about the true horrors behind factory farming that did it for me personally. Those that turn to veganism to hide or distort an ED are not their target..... There message is about compassion towards all things living. It may not come across that way to all....and I truly truly feel so sorry for those with an ED that turn to veganism as a "cure" achieve a "perfect" body....I don't think that is the message they are trying to put out..... it does pain me that many turn to becoming vegan for that very reason....
As I've stated many many times here on vegweb in the past.....for me, the benefits of a vegan diet being healthy ....are all just the "reward" I get by choosing to not eat animals....and for me to do my part to end the suffering of farm animals.
Strangely for me, I don't find this ad offensive or sexist in any way. I think it's GREAT that they are showing off the totally HEALTHY body of a beautiful vegetarian...curves and all. Alicia is no skinny waif. YAY for curvaceous women who eat their veggies! And she talks about how much energy she has...and how great she feels...and she LOOKS like she feels great. She doesn't look like she's starving, and that's something refreshing in terms of advertisements these days. I dig her. If PETA showed off some skeletal sixteen year old swimming around half naked with her ribs busting through her skin, then I would object.
Christian Bale eating a tofu sandwich wearing just his skivvies? I could go for that. Too. ;)
I'm with ya Bunny! I really felt the same way--she looks beautiful and not at all exploited! I also like that she is not some 60 lb teenager--those kind of ads are the ones really doing damage. I find the explotation of women to be very offensive--but showing Alcia as a healthy, happy woman who has made a conciensious decision to eat better does not strike me as sexist. Also these commercials only have 30 seconds to get their message out--I think with those kind of time constriants they did a good job.
I respect those of you who disagree with my opinion, and your passion on the subject is wonderful!
Now here is some eye candy :D
Casey is Ben's little bro--you might not be familar with him, but he is such a cuttie! And he's great in "Drowning Mona"!
how does exploiting women help stop the exploitation of animals :-\??
Sex/art/expression and commercialism are very different things.
As I said, I love the naked human body. i enjoy it in art, in movies, in my house ;)
I have posed nude for art. I have photographed and sketched others' naked bodies.
I have /nothing/ against nudity or sexual expression. I did not get that impression from other posts that see something wrong with this ad, either.
The difference between art/expression of sensuality and commodifying a human body for unrelated commercial gain is pretty obvious. (As I previously stated, if this were an ad for something sex-related, that would be completely different.) If you think both are totally fine, that is one thing, but you cannot lump them together and make them the same thing.
As for Alicia Stones and others consenting to this ad, that makes absolutely no difference. (Well, that's not true. Of course it would be worse if they were forced into it, but that is completely beside the point.) I didn't say it was exploiting A.S., I said it was exploiting & objectifying females by, once again, using their bodies to sell something. This particular ad was not, at all, the worst that has come out of PETA. It, however, is one that uses celebrity & the feminine form to attract attention, without informing anyone of the issues. It focuses on sex and image... not animal rights.
I know nothing about A.S. If she is as intelligent as she is attractive, then I hope their next ad, that features her, will have her speaking intelligently about her decision to abstain from supproting the abuse and murder of animals... showing that veg*nism is (for many) more than a sexy fad or way to attain a beautiful body.
I commend PETA for their exposé on factory farming and their educational literature. I commend them for trying to get the message out there. They do some good things, but that does earn them my unquestioning support. I see major flaws in some of their methods.
But, I'm really not much of a femminist.
You do not believe males and females should be treated equal?
I realize that negative connontations have been attached over the years, but that is all feminism is and ever was.
Peta's message is and always has been about animal rights. They want people to stop eating meat to end animal cruelty. I for one was not swayed by any of their ads to become vegan. It was the literature they sent me about the true horrors behind factory farming that did it for me personally. Those that turn to veganism to hide or distort an ED are not their target..... There message is about compassion towards all things living. It may not come across that way to all....and I truly truly feel so sorry for those with an ED that turn to veganism as a "cure" achieve a "perfect" body....I don't think that is the message they are trying to put out..... it does pain me that many turn to becoming vegan for that very reason....
As I've stated many many times here on vegweb in the past.....for me, the benefits of a vegan diet being healthy ....are all just the "reward" I get by choosing to not eat animals....and for me to do my part to end the suffering of farm animals.
I understand PETA's goals as an organization and agree there are many benefits to being vegan that aren't related to appearance (in fact, I think that's part of my point), however I just think the ad sent a cheap mixed message on this front. Being healthy does not really translate to how you look naked, and I don't think they needed make that connection. Even more so, since certainly they must be aware of the ED connection or that most girls and women in this country admit to having serious issues about their appearance. I'm not saying they're promoting it, but after reading through some of the threads on this board on the ED topic, I know I would be extremely hesitant to use a glorified body image as any kind of motivator. It's just too risky and unnecessary, not to mention appealing to the lowest common denominator of reasons to go veg.
i think that v and some of the others are talking about isn't that AS herself is being oppressed-- it is quite obvious she is a major supporter of PETA and that's great. we're talking more in terms of a macro level gender oppression issue. using some of the logic being promoted here re: AS in the ad, i can argue that pornography isn't oppressive-- hell, some of those women get paid big bucks! the problem is that, because of the differences in how/why we value the sexes (women are valued for their bodies, etc), when we continue the "trend" so to say of using images of women's bodies in sexually explicit ways (again, i'm moving beyond just the AS ad and to some of the other stuff). the link i posted earlier talks about the peta:playboy connection.
and i really don't think it matters if it is a 16 y/o with an ED or AS in the ads (well, in terms of promoting further a culture of EDs, yes, it does) but in terms of gender....argh. no wonder i get horrible student evals. i make no sense.
totally, baypuppy. i would love to take your class!
To help show that not ALL advertising from Peta "exploits" humans as "sexual objects" are some of the other ad campaigns they have running:
Seems to me....these ads just don't get as much press coverage......
The newest Alicia Silverstone ad...well, with all the controversy it is now only gives them more free publicity...not all good....but it does get their name and their cause out. Again....I REALLY have to say that I find nothing wrong with the new Alicia Siverstone ad...I actually find it done in good taste....but hey....that's just me. ;)
I wanted to add:
One could say that the Aerosmith videos she did and the movies she made when she was between the ages of 14-16...those that focused on her being a highly seductive sexual object.....were "exploiting" her back then as just that....a young temptress...much more then her new ad does (which again...i don't think is)....
You do not believe males and females should be treated equal?
I realize that negative connontations have been attached over the years, but that is all feminism is and ever was.
It depends on what you mean by equal. If it means the draft is also going to apply to me, then I'll pass on that.
On the other hand, if all it means is that I get a chance to compete for any job I want, that I get to become whomever I want, that I get paid based on my work and not my gender - then, yes, I'm all for equality.
I suppose it's more accurate to say that I'm not a femminist by today's standards. I don't agree with quite a few of their premises, i.e. women can "have it all" (no one can), the draft applying to me, being able to join the army at different standards than men, getting special treatment at work because I am a woman - same pay as every other worker, even though I'm on maternity leave, companies hiring me instead of the man because they already have a large male staff and are afraid of discrimination lawsuits, etc.
But, back to the topic - I didn't even think about the exploitation from that angle - global and what it says to young women. I guess, I've never paid much attention to what models and actors look like or how I compare, because I know, in real life, they look much like everyone else (except, maybe for some, skinnier). Partly, I think the responsibility for this lies in the parents. What values do the parents teach their own children? To what kind of things do they expose them? Obviously, no one can avoid all media ... but, I think, I owe my healthy outlook on the world, on myself, precisely because of the values and ideas to which my parents exposed me.
She certainly dispells the "vegans are sickly" meme! Now I want to see Joaquin Phoenix in a similar ad!
I absolutely loved Alicia in Clueless as Cher. When her friends were talking about having sex & one expressed surprise that Cher was still a virgin, she responded with "You've seen how picky I am about my shoes & they just go on my feet!"
Capture, nice pic! I've liked Casey since Ocean's 11 and actually think he's hotter than Ben.
I don't have anything to add to the exploitation/feminism/PETA tactics discussion, so I'll just be shallow and add another hot dude photo. ;)
"The truth is out there ... vegans are sexy!"
ETA it seems a lot of us want to see Mr. Phoenix in one of these ads. Maybe we should all write a collective letter to PETA.
All I have to say/add to this topic is that I'm not trying to start a war here with this thread--I found it pretty stupid that an ad would be banned for its message of promoting a veg*n lifestyle--I think that's whats messed up about this whole ad, not the nudity, or the celebrity presence. I like the ad, I have no problem with it. I would like to see more of them--with equal attention for men and women.
And some more hottness--since I know at least one of you like it *feelingsoreal* :P
I love John! He is adorable and funny!