Starbucks to Offer Customized Soy Frappuccino's This Summer!!!
Posted by amymylove on Mar 19, 2010 · Member since Apr 2009 · 5266 posts
I just saw this article:
Vegan Frap's! Finally! Expensive but so delicious :)
today, i was a complicated customer:
tall caffe vanilla frappuccino with soy, hazelnut, no whip, and double blended.
aaand when i got it, they had accidentally put whipped cream on it, and then scooped it off ??? 'cause that totally makes things better. there were remnants of cream oozing into my drink, with about 3-4 oz missing 'cause of the scooping :/ i hated it when co-workers would do that too, especially if it was a soy drink because it could also be an allergy thing. admittedly, i've made that mistake (putting whip when none was requested), but i only scooped it off if it had been served and the customer asked. if i noticed while i was making it, i'd remake it.
anyway, they remade it, and it was super tasty & sugary.
but now that half-price-frappuccino-thing is over, i'll probably return to iced drinks unless i want a java chip. just seems expensive to get something that is, as they make them now, pretty much the same thing but thrown in the blender.
oh, and to you double-blending people... it totally made my drink melty! and i still got iciness at the end. SO THERE.
If I survive my drive (or lack thereof) to the dealership tomorrow, I'll have all day to wander around. There's a Starbucks about a mile away from where I'll be, so I'm going to try my ordering prowess.
Hazelnut mocha (slightly)> Cinnamon dolce> Caramel > Java chip > Mocha (slightly) > Strawberries and creme
Cinnamon dolce is good! The first drink was really cinnamon-y (and I liked it), but then I guess I got used to it, and there was a cinnamon flavor every once and a while. It is very similar to the caramel, plus cinnamon. I don't like artificial cinnamon flavor (like toothpaste, gum), but this is just strong cinnamon flavor. It's pretty sweet.
It was fun while it lasted!
eta: hh, I'd say "I'd like a grande java chip soy frappucino double blended, with no whipped cream." (I know there's supposed to be an order to it, but whatever)
Java Chip tied with Mocha > Green Tea > Caramel > Hazelnut
All decaf, double-blended with no whipped cream. I think I would have enjoyed Caramel and Hazelnut more if they weren't so sweet. I got a small Hazelnut today and only drank half, put the rest in the refrigerator for tomorrow. Wish I had tried the vanilla bean and cinnamon dolce.
So I finally got around to getting a vegan frap! I got caramel and my BF got strawberries and cream... The caramel wasn't as good as I remembered it... The strawberries and cream was awesome!
Yesterday I was in a town that had a Starbucks, and I tried to convince my non-coffee-drinking SIL and BIL that they should try a creme frap for half price, but they wouldn't budge. They don't know what they're missing.
Thanks for all the info on the mocha syrup. This will make Z rest easier. I"m sure you guys understand--he's a new vegan, and he is quite paranoid about everything. One time we found milk in some chips, and he flipped out and now thinks there is milk in everything on the planet.
Also, fb, thanks again for the list. It made me much quicker once I got there. I'm not sure if I've ordered anything other than a soy latte at SB, so I didn't understand the syrup thing. I fumbled though it, though!
Yesterday I tried caramel and DH got the vanilla cream one. Both were really good and I would definitely have them again. I liked caramel better than mocha, which is strange for me.
Wait, wait, wait. Why did we decide the chips are vegan in java chip? This link is supposed to be updated, and says java chip contains milk:
Too late.
I got a grande java chip soy frap, double blended, no whipped cream today. I used to love fraps, now they're meh. My mouth was coated with sticky sweet.
GAH! So I got up the nerve today to ask someone at Starbucks if I could get a soy frappuccino and she said no, they didn't have them with soymilk. I said oh, in the U.S. they have them with soy and she said something I didn't understand and something about not knowing it sounded like maybe we'll get the vegan ones here at some point but yeah, we don't have them yet. Oh wells. I can look forward to trying one when I go visit in Aug/Sept. I've never had one before but my boy says they're so good and we should go get one for him. hah, so kind.
Wait, wait, wait. Why did we decide the chips are vegan in java chip? This link is supposed to be updated, and says java chip contains milk:
i emailed them and they sent me a list of ingredients in the chips and they are vegan. i can try and find the email. maybe there was something in the ingredients that i didn't see. i'll go check.
ok the ingredients:
Java Chips: Confectionary coating (sugar, partially hydrogenated palm kernel and palm oils, cocoa, emulsifiers , artificial flavor, vanilla)), Cocoa (processed with alkali, 9%), Cookie Crumbs (enriched wheat flour, sugar, hydrogenated soybean and/or cottonseed shortening, cocoa processed with alkali, high fructose corn syrup, corn flour, chocolate mass, salt, dextrose, sodium bicarbonate , soy lecithin , natural flavor, chocolate mass (2%), salt.
I'm scared. I was about to go get a java chip and now I don't know what to do.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee confusionn.
since the starbucks update was dated 5/12, perhaps they sent veganhippie the wrong info. too bad. well, i don't need no chips anyhow.
yeah, they sent me that a few weeks ago. it could be wrong.
here's what you do.
get a mocha frap, bring it home, crumble an oreo into it, mix, and BE QUIET.
hey, didn't your boy read the ingredients? when i worked there, the chips had ingredients on the bag. so maybe you could find out. to quote you, DO ITTT
Arg. I might just have to make him.
We're on weirdish terms atm. But I will still make him do etttt.
I asked him, he said he would. Be better not forgett. Haha.
eta. He just asked if I think they taste good. I said yes. He said who cares whats in them. =/ I think he'll look though.
Java chips are not vegan for sure.
Java chips are not vegan for sure.
crap - well last i read this thread the chips were vegan so i got one. you guys arent missing anything.. they were like little crumbly waxy bits with not much flavor.. even if it was still vegan i wouldnt bother getting it again. it was my least favorite of the ones i tried.
my favorite was the special dark chocolate cherry flavor - awesome.
i also tried caramel - it was good but i think it wouldve been better with an extra shot of flavor or coffee.