Why am I NOT losing weight?
I had my daughter in January and I gained a lot of weight, and have only lost 12 pounds and I still have 60 more to lose. Please don't judge me, I was considered underweight when I got pregnant and had to gain extra.
I just switched to a strictly vegan diet in the past few months and I haven't noticed any weight loss whatsoever. I am at a standstill.
My diet consists of tofu, vegetables, brown rice, and the occasional boca burger or spagetti dinner. Of course I cook recipes on here every so often but I didn't think they would be hindering me from losing weight. I only cook with grapeseed oil and try to sub for vegan margarine whenever I can.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to why I'm not losing weight? Or what I can do to jumpstart it? I considered a water to fast to detox and cleanse but I'm afraid it would just slow down my metabolism afterwards. And I don't know if this information would help also, but obesity runs in my family and so I've always had to work harder to be my pre-pregnancy shape, but with all this very low fat eating, why is it not going away?
Thank you!
I don't think being vegan really leads to weight loss. I have a super slow metabolism. I'm not sure how to lose weight, but I know what makes me gain weight. Those foods include soy and grains. I avoid soy altogether because it impacts my thyroid function, eat grains in strictly controlled portions, and avoid flour products. For convenience, I'll put a salad in pita sometimes, but that's about it. I'm vegan, eat whole foods, and go to the gym - and I don't lose weight. Someone else will have to help with that part. Oy.
eta: I do tend to lose some weight when I eat more often. If I snack on veggies and fruits throughout the day instead of having two or three meals, I suppose it keeps my metabolism going stronger.
eta2: Buy organic where you can.
You may just need to up your protein, and really watch out for refined carbs. There are some great vegan protein powders for smoothies and meal replacements. You can make green smoothies..chock full of nutrients! Also walking and resistance training. Muscle increases your metabolism.
I know this is going to sound weird, however part of you not losing weight may be that you are not eating enough fat. If your not consuming enough fat your body is going to store more and use less. I have weight issues too, and if you starve yourself your body is going to freak out and try to store as much as it can for future use. Think more into when your eating and eat multiple whole grains. Have a good breakfast and lunch and eat a smaller dinner and avoid eating right before bed with some snacks in between. Don't starve yourself, and a bit of indulgence here and there is ok as well. That has helped me a lot in losing weight.
If you're breast feeding you might still be eating for two, and it would be bad if you suddenly lost a lot of weight because your milk would dry up and your baby would lose the opportunity to get breast milk.
But if not I'd say cut out as many carbs as possible and just eat less overall.
Thanks everyone, I definitely think carbs could be what I am struggling with, even though I eat brown rice, and only whole wheat pasta, maybe cutting back on those portions and moving more could be the key.
I definitely need to get into a better exercise routine, since I only run around when chasing my very mischevious daughter :)
Yeah, I guess the whole strictly vegan diet making people drop weight, doesn't apply to me, I can't remember the last time I had a fattening, greasy meaty meal, so I probably was reading things that were directed at meat eaters trying to lose weight with veganism.
It appears that you are eating well, as far as ingredients go. Could it be portions? A real easy (in my opinion) way to drop a few lbs is to cut your portions in half. . . no seconds. Don't cook more than your family can eat. Avoid large snacks. Your body will adapt quickly to the smaller portions and they will soon satisfy you. It's far easier to keep weight off than it is to lose it.
I like your name. Are you a fan of Pan's Labyrinth by any chance?
30 min. of cardio, 3-4 times a week, strength/toning w/ handweights, and abs everyday. Sounds like a lot, but its not really. Find a dvd that you like but find challenging and do it after the baby is in bed, or napping, or before she gets up-whatever works best for you. You should be breathing hard enough that you could still have a conversation, but wouldn't want to. Or go for a fast walk/run. And it does sound like maybe you're not eating enough, or often enough. I would suggest tracking what you eat. There are a lot of free sites that do this. www.sparkpeople.com is what I use. I was surprised to find that I usually didn't get enough calories, which does make it harder.
i don't know if your breast feeding or not, but after my daughter was born my wife has done nothing but breast feed. She gained nearly 55 pounds during her pregancy and 3 months later she is nearly her pre-pregancy weight without doing any exercise. She would still like to lose about 40 more pounds, as she was overweight when she got pregant, but it's coming off.
is that seriously what you eat?
you are either eating a SHIT ton of grains, way more fat than you think, or way not enough calories.
try some fruit... veggies are good on nutrients, but not on calories, the calories you are getting from them are going to be whatever you cook them in i.e. fat.
I lost over 100lbs, you need more veggies and a little bit of fruit in your diet...not too much soy, and try and eat WHOLE foods...boca burgers are ok once in awhile,but don't eat them daily..and drink lots of water..it really does help, being vegan dosn't mean automatic weight loss...there is alot of vegan junk and processed food out there..try and limit that stuff.
I suggest Sparkpeople.com. Being vegan really doesn't have anything to do with losing weight. I think that there are some ads out there that try to state this to people that eat really terrible and aren't health conscious. It's a marketing thing... You should count your calories and exercise a little - that will do the trick. But if you are breast feeding, you shouldn't worry about the weight too much since you are providing healthy nutrients to your baby girl. Slow and steady is the only way to do it right. :)>>>
Yeah, exercise will do it. Diet is a real help, but if you're not keeping active, it's not going to lead to dramatic and speedy weight loss.
the easiest way i've lost weight is replacing a meal with a salad, and just a salad. it doesn't have to be plain - after a long time i figured out what made it tasty for me but still healthy - and it's easier than other things because it has a lot of volume but not a lot of calories. normally i don't even eat *that* much, so cutting down on portions of cooked foods just leaves me hungry throughout the day. adding raw stuff really helps.
Just remember that you need to burn more calories than you're consuming. If you are doing that and eating balanced meals, you should be losing weight.
I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy, and I thought I would NEVER lost it! When my daughter was 3, I joined a bootcamp that I went to 4 times a week with other moms - and I instantly started losing the weight. It also turned out to be a great support group! I stayed with it for about 3 months, and since then, it has been eaiser to push myself more with my own workouts. I had been going for long walks before that, pushing a stroller, and thought that was enough, but it just wasn't cutting it. Getting really sweaty and building muscle (which does not make you bulky! A myth my mother still swears by!) really boosts your metabolism and gets things moving...
3500 calories equals a pound, so if you are burning/ subtracting 500 calories a day, that is losing one pound a week.
I really don't recommend a water fast. It slows down your metabolism, and I believe you mostly lose water weight, and just gain it back. I tried a juice fast for a "cleanse" and it looked great on the scale, but in the end, after the fast, I was basically just down about one pound.
I have been getting more into raw foods lately, and I have noticed that the stubborn last few pounds seem to be coming off...
Good luck!
I had my daughter in January and I gained a lot of weight, and have only lost 12 pounds and I still have 60 more to lose. Please don't judge me, I was considered underweight when I got pregnant and had to gain extra.
I just switched to a strictly vegan diet in the past few months and I haven't noticed any weight loss whatsoever. I am at a standstill.
My diet consists of tofu, vegetables, brown rice, and the occasional boca burger or spagetti dinner. Of course I cook recipes on here every so often but I didn't think they would be hindering me from losing weight. I only cook with grapeseed oil and try to sub for vegan margarine whenever I can.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to why I'm not losing weight? Or what I can do to jumpstart it? I considered a water to fast to detox and cleanse but I'm afraid it would just slow down my metabolism afterwards. And I don't know if this information would help also, but obesity runs in my family and so I've always had to work harder to be my pre-pregnancy shape, but with all this very low fat eating, why is it not going away?
Thank you!
I don't know if you ever tried it or not but the fast would be a good start. By fasting you will be cleansing the fat/connective tissues in the body, this will encourage the body to burn fat. If the body has been storing up toxins/waste in your fat it will not burn it as this will cause the stored waste to hit the blood stream in large amounts at one time. This will put your health at risk, and the body never does anything to harm itself. Also, remember that when you fast your body begins to decrease the amount of digestive fluids that it creates dailey once it realizes you are not eating. This means that when you decide to end your fast, you should not eat anything but soups (cooked pureed veggies) for atleast a day. This will signal the body to start creating digestive juices again. Also, you have to eat meals during the time that the body has prepared digestive juices, so your meal can be digested, otherwise, it will sit in your stomach and then move to the intestines partially digested. This leads to the skinny arms/legs and big stomachs that are common here in America. Breakfast should be a small meal and be consumed around 7:30am and not after 8am. Lunch should be the large meal of the day and be consumed from 12:30-1:30pm(no later than 2pm), dinner should be small maybe a veggy soup. Do not eat any meals between as the body does not have any digestive juices left to digest thesnack and you will only add to the congestion in the intestines(as the food moves ther partially digested). If you must snanck between meals, eat a peice of fruit as they do not require any digestive juices by the body for digestion. One last bit of advice, be sure to chew your food properly(atleast 30 times) this will ensure proper digestion as 80% of most foods(starches and carbs) are digest by the salivary enzymes in the mouth. If the food is not fully saturated in the saliva once it goes down this will increase the likely hood that it will not be properly digested. We know this leads to a lack of nutrients absorbed as well as partially digested foods stuck in the gut.
Good luck.
^ interesting words... seems to make sense...
I am so glad I came across this thread :) this has answered so many questions for me. My whole family thinks the only reason I went vegan is for weight lose and after looking around at the different foods out there you can gain weight and be heavy on a vegan diet. I really do need to invest more into the raw foods and so much of the processed foods. I do have a question though, what about beans??? do u need to limit the amount of these like you do pasta or is it ok to eat a lot of them?? right now it seems like every recipe I make has beans in it :>
thanks so much
I am so glad I came across this thread :) this has answered so many questions for me. My whole family thinks the only reason I went vegan is for weight lose and after looking around at the different foods out there you can gain weight and be heavy on a vegan diet. I really do need to invest more into the raw foods and so much of the processed foods. I do have a question though, what about beans??? do u need to limit the amount of these like you do pasta or is it ok to eat a lot of them?? right now it seems like every recipe I make has beans in it :>
thanks so much
sorry I ment to say "NOT so much of the processed foods"