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"for a vegan you're kinda heavy"

Caught your attention didn't it?
I wonder how many think that after I tell em I'm Vegan, because of course us Vegans eat nothing at all but sticks and berries.

It's time to whip my butt (all of it, even that extra bit thats there some how) into shape and really start living properly, not dieting, I don't use that word.
I was wondering if anyone else was feeling extra motivated and ready to make some more awesome changes for 2010?
I ask because I need all the motivation, kicks in the butt, threats etc. possible :P

I am overweight.  I actually get scared of what you all will think when you meet me, lol.

I have been depressed for months so that probably hasn't helped but I'm trying to come out of it. I do make healthy eating choices, but I could do better and I do need to exercise more, but it's so discouraging because it's hard for me to lose weight with my thyroid =-(  I'm trying to love myself the way I am, and if I happen to and am able to lose weight great but if not, at least I'll know I'm getting healthier in other ways.


I am overweight.  I actually get scared of what you all will think when you meet me, lol.

I have been depressed for months so that probably hasn't helped but I'm trying to come out of it. I do make healthy eating choices, but I could do better and I do need to exercise more, but it's so discouraging because it's hard for me to lose weight with my thyroid =-(  I'm trying to love myself the way I am, and if I happen to and am able to lose weight great but if not, at least I'll know I'm getting healthier in other ways.

this exactly!!!

and im also afraid that people think im too fat for my boyfriend.

and that my boyfriend thinks im too fat for him.



yeah, vh, I'm with ya!  Andy is skinny.  He's gained 15 lbs since going vegan, but is still 25 lbs lighter than me.....not cool....I bet if he put my jeans on, they'd fall right off.....


Yea my ex's dad said to my face that I "didn't exactly look like a vegetarian".
What the hell makes people think they can say that shit?
I was bigger then than I am now, but what gave him the right to pass a judgement like that on a teenage girl?
It makes me ultra mad.


My mom told me I was too much of a fat @$$ to be a vegan back in november. She weighs over 300lbs, and now I'm down to 250, so she can kiss my fat @$$ ;)


I have had this problem for a long time, still have some wieght on me.. but a little less.

Its good to chew your food a lot, around 15 to 20 chews will help and you will feel fuller faster.. just remember to do it.
Try and keep away from soda and juices- drink teas ever fruit teas. I drink soda now but i used to only drink carbonated drinks without sugar and only with fruit juices... its a little better that soda.

Try and have a lighter dinner, in winder soup is great.. and in summer salads or even just a smaller meal and more fruit!

When i lost a lot i was on the candida deit for my ezcema, so there is no sugar, fruits, year, gulten, alcohol, potatoes.. difficult, but i realise what was in teh food i was eating. I started eating more vegetable based meals with grains intead of grains with vegetables. Its a long story....

Nuts are a good snack and even though they have fats they are genearlly good and less that any fried food and such.
Good snacks are fruit- fruit that you like! and is easy to take with you
dried fruit, nori if you like it.. its takes time to eat and that also helps
Frozen bananas instead of ice cream are awesome!!!

Try and go for a walk for 30 minutes- anywhere, to get the newspaper, to the local shops, to the park.. its not so nice in winter I KNOW but it will help, or even just a quick walk everyday that you can do everyday will help.
as a suggestion Start slowly! stop drinking soda, or dont eat desert, eat healthier snacks or less snacks... right now im trying not to eat so much bread, we get it for free.. and i always eat too much bread... so i hope it reduces soon.

My mum also tells me i put on weight... but she is no prize hersefl!


Oh.. sorrry i forgot to add my friend in greek and I think she understands food for celebration, she drinks water and eats slow so she doesnt end up eating herself to death.. so loves any dish with tomatoes!

She has vegetable heavy meals, I understand a lot of bread is always eating.. so chewing might help :)

with the stress, i drink haha.. but i use to use Bach- a herbal thing there are many diffierent types and i find they are rellay good!

Also something that really helps is to not have junk in the house to much. we have a bag a pop corn and cocoa powder.. not sweets. So the most i can do is make a hot chocolate.. we dont even have sugar only molasses...


you tell her, fay!


I've lost 40lbs since being vegan. But I'm obsessive about what I eat. No more than twice a week for pasta, no soy cream, no sweets unless theyre low fat (and once a day at most- i love a sweet w/coffee in the afternoon), no fake cheeses, lots of fruit and veg. I walk at least 1 hour a day. I love to bake, but I never eat it except for a bite. My husband does or he'll take it into work for his coworkers (how amazed they are by his vegan american wife!). I often find myself holding one of the muffins/cupcakes/pieces of cake up to my nose just to smell how good it is.  I gained over 30lbs last year being an au pair and was extremely uncomfortable with myself and never want to go back to that.


I found that with lots of exercise (I run 50-60 miles a week), I now feel like I am eating to live, not living to eat. I know this is such a clique, but the food in vs. energy out equilibrium never balanced until I was running more. Now I feel like my body is a machine, and I need to give it good foods to be efficient in my endeavors. And heck yeah I like baked goods, but now I see them more as a treat, and not an everyday thing. I lost 30 pounds thinking like this, and I don't ever see it coming back.

Perhaps living in the middle of nowhere and I'm the first vegan anyone's ever met is a good thing--nobody has any preconceived notions of what vegans look like!!!  ;D


I found that with lots of exercise (I run 50-60 miles a week), I now feel like I am eating to live, not living to eat. I know this is such a clique, but the food in vs. energy out equilibrium never balanced until I was running more. Now I feel like my body is a machine, and I need to give it good foods to be efficient in my endeavors. And heck yeah I like baked goods, but now I see them more as a treat, and not an everyday thing. I lost 30 pounds thinking like this, and I don't ever see it coming back.

Perhaps living in the middle of nowhere and I'm the first vegan anyone's ever met is a good thing--nobody has any preconceived notions of what vegans look like!!!  ;D

i love your thinking. :D


Hey, I totally know how you feel. I'm a new vegan and have lots of wieght to lose from my former unhealthy eating days. I've been vegan for about a month now and LOVE IT! I'm working out everyday but get really nervous to say I'm vegan cuz I feel like I'm going to be judged cuz I'm not "skinny enough to be vegan."

NEWAY, I'm so on board with you girl! Instead of ediets like you were asking about I do I love this website it lets you keep track of your calorie intake and calories burned. Check it out.


I found that with lots of exercise (I run 50-60 miles a week), I now feel like I am eating to live, not living to eat. I know this is such a clique, but the food in vs. energy out equilibrium never balanced until I was running more. Now I feel like my body is a machine, and I need to give it good foods to be efficient in my endeavors. And heck yeah I like baked goods, but now I see them more as a treat, and not an everyday thing. I lost 30 pounds thinking like this, and I don't ever see it coming back.

Perhaps living in the middle of nowhere and I'm the first vegan anyone's ever met is a good thing--nobody has any preconceived notions of what vegans look like!!!  ;D

I also love your thinking!
I wish I could run - I think it's something I would really enjoy - I just have so many hang-ups to overcome - like enormous boobs and bad knees.


I also love your thinking!
I wish I could run - I think it's something I would really enjoy - I just have so many hang-ups to overcome - like enormous boobs and bad knees.

i feel you. i have to wear 2 sports bras in order for them to bounce a little less. and my knees, forget it, they ache for days afterward. so i just stick to dancing because i really really love it. it still hurts, but the hurt is kind of drowned out since i love to dance and dont really think about the pain.


I also love your thinking!
I wish I could run - I think it's something I would really enjoy - I just have so many hang-ups to overcome - like enormous boobs and bad knees.

i feel you. i have to wear 2 sports bras in order for them to bounce a little less. and my knees, forget it, they ache for days afterward. so i just stick to dancing because i really really love it. it still hurts, but the hurt is kind of drowned out since i love to dance and dont really think about the pain.

god I know the feeling  >:(, never thought about wearing two sports bras though.  :hrmm:


it helps. not a lot, but at least it's something


I have to wear a normal bra and a sports bra simultaneously. I try to stick with a racerback because it doesn't show under the sports bra.


i do that too courth!


I feel you girls on the big boobs thing. Before I lost weight I was a 34D, afterwards? A 30DD! My boobs didn't get any smaller, but my chest did. Buying bras is impossible. I too wear 2 sports bras, and I chafe and bleed under my boobs. I hate it. It's one of those things I say is worth it, though.

So, I sometimes feel like "for a runner, you're kinda heavy!"  :>


I feel you girls on the big boobs thing. Before I lost weight I was a 34D, afterwards? A 30DD! My boobs didn't get any smaller, but my chest did. Buying bras is impossible. I too wear 2 sports bras, and I chafe and bleed under my boobs. I hate it. It's one of those things I say is worth it, though.

So, I sometimes feel like "for a runner, you're kinda heavy!"  :>

The sad part is I honestly don't know my size, I think I'm like 38-40DD, If I lose a bunch of weight and they don't deflate with the rest of my body, guaruntee I'll be working three jobs to save money for reductino surgery. They hurt my back now, Don't know if I could deal with that.



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