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"for a vegan you're kinda heavy"

Caught your attention didn't it?
I wonder how many think that after I tell em I'm Vegan, because of course us Vegans eat nothing at all but sticks and berries.

It's time to whip my butt (all of it, even that extra bit thats there some how) into shape and really start living properly, not dieting, I don't use that word.
I was wondering if anyone else was feeling extra motivated and ready to make some more awesome changes for 2010?
I ask because I need all the motivation, kicks in the butt, threats etc. possible :P

I'm totally there with you.

To hold yourself accountable, food-wise, post here --> What did you cook / Eat today? .....A question to drool
And for fitness --> The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread


awesome, thank you so much!

I am trying to figure out if ediets is worth it or not, I have no idea.
I've had an account with them for so long, yet  have only used it for maybe a week at a time every blue moon :/

Anyone else use it?


I don't really have any great advice, but I feel the same way.  I've actually had someone tell me "you're not skinny enough to be vegan."  Wow.  Thanks. 


I don't really have any great advice, but I feel the same way.  I've actually had someone tell me "you're not skinny enough to be vegan."  Wow.  Thanks. 

Oh dear god!
I can not imagine talking to someone like that! Good lord. "You're obviously dumb enough to be an omni" comes to mind.
Whats the pits is our daughter is 5, very very tall (hubby is 6'4") and thin like daddy! UGH D: They both can eat my body weight in food and stay skinny little twigs, but me? pft no.
So I aways fear people are looking our our vegan child and thinking she is thin from "not eating" and mom...well I keep telling everyone I eat her food too, obviously.


I've always wondered if people think that about me too.  Thankfully no one has ever said it to my face.....
I'm super motivated to lose some weight....I've gotten quite pudgy this year.
I'm thinking about joining Weight Watchers again - I just need to force my mom to go with me....I even offered to pay for her....


Tne fiance and I are feeling extra motivated to get into better shape lately. He gained about 60 lbs. after he quit smoking a couple of years ago (working at a pizza shop DID NOT help). He thought going vegetarian would help, so far he's only lost about 10lbs this year. He didn't believe me that eating tons of dairy and junk food was keeping the weight on until recently.

I don't really want to lose any weight but I've been feeling unfit and easily worn down lately. I would like to be able to do more physically intense things without being so easily worn out.


hell, yeah.  I am super motivated to get fit and thinner in the New Year.  I'm hopefully moving to NZ in the first half of 2010 and pathetically enough I want ot be the cool thin UK chick when I get there. (and I want to look good for when I finally meet the NZ vegwebbers!)

I have been bad at my gym regime recently due to having a busy few weeeks (haven't we all) and my gym changing all the class timetables, so I can't make all the ones I like.  But this week is the beginning of me getting fit again. (eating more healthily starts after Xmas ::) )


Ok, so i am obsessive-compulsive anyways.. but I recommend the "lose it!" application (it's free) on itunes. I think you either have to have the iTouch or iPhone but oh my goodness. I feel like I finally have control over what I eat.

I used to try and write down what I ate but it was so boring! "Lose it" makes it kinda cute with little cartoon-like pictures of food. Ok.. I'm weird, but try it if you can! you will see


i ALWAYS think people say this behind my back. i feel like to be an acceptable vegan i have to be skinny. agh. i used to be skinny!! why do i find it soooo hard to be thin again? ughhh. at least im not the only one. detox tomorrow? yes! lol


i ALWAYS think people say this behind my back. i feel like to be an acceptable vegan i have to be skinny. agh. i used to be skinny!! why do i find it soooo hard to be thin again? ughhh. at least im not the only one. detox tomorrow? yes! lol

Cuz we LOVE to eat!  Well, at least that's my problem.  I know I'll never be "skinny" but I'd settle for skinnier than I am now.
And I usually don't mind being a little chunk other than when I'm trying on clothes in a store and everything looks awful or when my super skinny friend mentions how fat she is....


You ladies should join the Fitness Thread.  Enough feeling sorry!  Time to go get fit!


I am so happy to see that I am not the only Vegan with some pudge! I personally blame it on the easy carbs we can get our hands on :/ But really its my own darn fault.
I make food for our Vegan girly (the five year old boss of me) and I am insane about making sure she has the right portions the right nutrition, mostly organic, well balanced, interesting food possible, yet with me? ha, okay, I'm all about quick most of the time, either that or I am so sick of handling food I eat nothing or crap! Ugh why?
Of course I want her to be healthy and live long and be active, yet apparently I wish to become heavier with zero energy and 50 year shelf life, christ!
Time to change all of this today.
My problems include being from a southern family, we know how to cook and we celebrate EVERYTHING with food, a birth, a death, a wedding, a divorce EVERYTHING! Ugh.
I have to totally recondition myself, change my freaking thought process and usual reactions and seriously change how I've been wired. Which is possible, it's already happening I swear!
I also stopped smoking, finally kicked it again on the 22nd of November, as far as stress, well yes, I've noticed a big change in my frustration :( But I at least know and am also working to change that...a lot of crap on my plate, but hey, it could be worse.
I need to gt control over this now before it becomes even harder and our daughter is even older.
I've always wanted to be that fit and healthy woman, that role model and active chicka with all the good energy, thats me darn it!

So yay, happy to see so many of you here, lets figure out a way to work together, keep in touch etc.


I never get weird comments like that (But I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian and not a vegan, dunno if that makes a difference) I do get teased alot though.

But yea I need to get in shape too. I've been lazy the past couple weeks. Yay exercise.


My problems include being from a southern family, we know how to cook and we celebrate EVERYTHING with food, a birth, a death, a wedding, a divorce EVERYTHING! Ugh.
I have to totally recondition myself, change my freaking thought process and usual reactions and seriously change how I've been wired. Which is possible, it's already happening I swear!

THIS. I remember being battleaxed by a phrase from an episode from Season 1 of Friends, where Phoebe is dating an obnoxious psychiatrist. Monica is chowing down on some cookies and just before the guy leaves forever he says, "Go easy there, Mon. Those are just cookies--it's not love."

Wooooaaaaah. Being of Southern stock myself (and my granny was from Denmark), food is everything. Food is love, food is comfort, food is celebration, food is a reward, food is the centre of life as we know it. Had an argument? Pick up some goodies on the way home to make peace. Feeling sad? Eat a little something. Wanna make friends? Take some brownies. Eeesh.

There's gotta be another way. In my case, I remind myself: it's just food--it's not love.


I have decided over the years since I first graduated into teenagehood ad realised I should be caring about how much I weigh, and the clothes that I wear (thanks to all those generous magazines and endless television programmes where skinny people were glorified to the bone) That the more you think about it, the more you care about it, the more you care about it, the more you think other people care about it.

And so I stopped caring about it ('it' meaning the self conciousness, the intake of calories, the feeling that I am not as good as I can be, ect...)

When I was a kid, there was alot of crap going on, but when you're a kid your body image is the last thing you tend to worry about, except these days that's becoming less and less truthful, which breaks my heart, because I think your childhood is one of the most important parts of your life. It's the blueprint to your future self, and you see all these children barely a decade old some of them, and they're being admitted into ED clinics... anyway *goes way off topic*

I just wanted to say that I feel we are all as insignificant as eachother living on this little blue and green planet. We're all probably the size of quarks compared to the universe, so why worry so much? perhaps if there was no worry, or a far less quantity of it, maybe there wouldn't be so many overly concious, worrying wether they're fat or skinny.
Embrace your body, love yourself, and eventually good health will follow. If you love your body, you will want to take care of it, not punish it for being something that society defines as 'gross'.


Yes..up to a point. Unless due to an imbalance in your body you find yourself as I did, 50 lbs overwieght and struggling to lose and watching that scale go up...and up...and up, no matter how hard you try. Some of us have to watch what we consume in order to respect that body we live in and keep it healthy. I realise now that just as my thyroid disorder will never be cured, due to what the cause is, my vigilance will have to be a lifetime thing. I lacked knowledge on how to get healthy. I now have that, so if I disrespect my body by feeding it wrong, it's nobody's fault but mine.


People give me weird looks when they find out I'm vegan.  I guess they think I should be thinner too.  i'm currently stuck at my current weight but, this year I'm gonna finish what I started and lose the last 50.


Overweight vegan here too.............probably going to go on my annual diet on December 26th.  I always start immediately after Xmas rather than weight until Jan. 1. 


Overweight vegan here too.............probably going to go on my annual diet on December 26th.  I always start immediately after Xmas rather than weight until Jan. 1. 


I was a healthy weight as a vegan until I figured out I could bake vegan things. Then VCTOTW and JOVB came out, and my fate was sealed.
Truth be told, though, I've gone long periods without baked goods/sweets (living off whatever vegan food they had at college), exercising everyday (and I don't overeat on "real" food), and I never really lost weight : / An osteopath recommended I get a thyroid test, but... I'm lazy. So anyways, I'm setting a "resolution" this year that (should be) will be easy - lose 5 lbs. I'm not going to go on some crazy quest to get back to 140, just exercise often, eat less sweets. Healthy is healthy.


I wonder how many think that after I tell em I'm Vegan, because of course us Vegans eat nothing at all but sticks and berries.

Funny thing..... this teacher at my high school called me twig and berries after seeing some oatmeal or cereal of mine that actually had like long grain things that actually looked like twigs. Then one of my teachers overheard that and called me that the rest of the year. I ended up putting it as my nickname on the back of my senior shirt.

But hoorah for the commitment of everyone to live healthier, I am trying to do the same though I am not trying to lose weight but gain it mainly by muscle with exercise everyday. That is my big resolution exercise everyday and also to eat a high RAW diet.



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