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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

Feel off the face of the earth again, I need to quit doing that  ::)

I've been doing alot of yoga, walking and hiking lately, no real order to it. But, I work at a fitness promotion place and we're all running a 5k at the end of June. I haven't done any serious running since I was in track in middle school. eeep! I feel like I need to make a good showing as a vegan, no one expects much from me anyway, so I really want to proof I can do it for myself. My first training day is today, wish me luck!


yay! can do it!  I did a 7km run in Feb after never in my life being able to run and I managed it - so if I can I'm sure you'll be fine.  Plus you've got plenty of time to train for it (or if you're like me - think about training for it!).

I've been AWOL from this thread, but still gyming it up.  I only went twice last week due to cat issues, but both were good work outs.
My pump classes have, I think, actually helped increase the weight in my regular gym routine, even though the weights used in pump are real small.
We're entering a 10km run in June, so I'll be working towards that soon and getting back into running (not really done any running since Feb).

How's everyone else doing?


i've been meaning to put this in here. (the chorus says rock your body. that's why i've been meaning to put it in here)


Feel off the face of the earth again, I need to quit doing that  ::)

I've been doing alot of yoga, walking and hiking lately, no real order to it. But, I work at a fitness promotion place and we're all running a 5k at the end of June. I haven't done any serious running since I was in track in middle school. eeep! I feel like I need to make a good showing as a vegan, no one expects much from me anyway, so I really want to proof I can do it for myself. My first training day is today, wish me luck!

Hope you had a fantastic first day of training ;)b


Thank you guys for your support!  :) I'm determined not to suck at running anymore, grrrrr!

My first day of training went pretty well. I'm following a slightly more intense plan than the traditional couch to 5k. Here's what I did yesterday: Walk briskly for 1 mile. Run 2 minutes every half mile until you reach 3.5 total
miles. Walk 0.5 mile. I had a little trouble at the end, mostly from ankle pain from severe sprains I got a couple of years ago and I also really had to pee :), apparently I drink alot of water while running. Only a little sore today, so maybe I will push a little harder tomorrow.


OWW… I feel like we would be comparable. I can’t say I ever completed P90X though, so you have that on me. It wasn’t really fitting in with my track training goals at the time. And my arms bulked up majorly. Maybe someday I’ll give it another go.

haha I'm sticking with you'd kick my arse!  p90x has worked really well for me, but I can see that it wouldn't really fit in with other training.  My husband reckons he can see more muscle on me but I can't, so I'm still waiting for my major bulking up haha

Sara: good luck with the running training, sounds like you're off to a really good start. 

Shell: when you say 'we' do you mean N's doing the 10km run with you too?  Awesome!!


yep - we = me & N - now that he'll no longer be doing weekends we can do these things together!!  I think one of our neighbours will be doing the half marathon that day and the other will be doing the 10k, so we'll probably train a bit with them too.


Last week's group walk was canceled due to rain.  I was going to crash today's walk, but got suckered into going out for birthday drinks with my co-workers afterwork (more on that in the LOL thread), so I'm definitely going next Monday.  The walk from my house to the lake is a bit steeper, so I'm going to see how well I do that now that some of the snow is melted so I know how my broken toe is healing before I try to keep up with a group.

Sara - That's really cool that you're doing trail running.  I've always thought it was extremely cool.  Plus, trail running shoes come in better colors than regular work-out shoes.

Shea - I hope you're healing promptly.


Argh. I'm getting back into running real mileage, but I'm still pretty fat, so now I'm having issues with chaffing. This is KILLING! The other day it was my thighs, then yesterday it was my armpit. If this isn't motivation to get back into shape, I don't know what is. Raw, red skin is no fun!


Hey all, long absence from this thread for me...
SO SORRY to hear about all the injuries, Shea and hh and others - that's just not fair :( Hope they are healing well.
Everyone's training and goals sound great!

My exercise stuff went a bit haywire. Our P90X group dissolved because I was doing an hour in the gym every morning for my physio for six weeks (along with derby training and dance teaching/practicing) so I couldn't face P90 on top of that. Then one of the others had a knee injury that still hasn't healed so we are going to have to start again later if we want to do it as a group.

Basically after a long (loooooong) hard look at priorities, M and I are going all out this year dancing-wise, looking to cement our place nationally and start to head for being competitive internationally. This is going to mean a lot of hours!
I'll fill you in when I start actually living up to the crazy schedule we've concocted.

I am excited though, we start tumbling classes this week to help our aerials :D


Basically after a long (loooooong) hard look at priorities, M and I are going all out this year dancing-wise, looking to cement our place nationally and start to head for being competitive internationally. This is going to mean a lot of hours!
I'll fill you in when I start actually living up to the crazy schedule we've concocted.

I am excited though, we start tumbling classes this week to help our aerials :D

Good luck and much success with you & M's Dancing! Be careful with you all's tumbling classes for your aerials ;)b


Argh. I'm getting back into running real mileage, but I'm still pretty fat, so now I'm having issues with chaffing. This is KILLING! The other day it was my thighs, then yesterday it was my armpit. If this isn't motivation to get back into shape, I don't know what is. Raw, red skin is no fun!

Upon returning to the gym after my car accident, I could only lift about 2/3s of what I had been doing.  oww pointed out that this was a positive reinforcement of maintaining a fitness program.


OWW- I can't see how you could complete the program without putting on major muscle... you must just need to eat more. Do you do recovery snacks/shakes after workouts? Those help muscle recovery. You don't need shakology.... just something with protein and carbs that's low fat.

I don't even know what shakology is!  I usually try to work out in the morning so I have breakfast after I'm finished, or if I end up having to do it in the evening then I would probably usually have dinner within an hour-ish of finishing. 

Awesome that you are running again!  Hope it keeps working out for you without aggravating your injuries!!

Argh. I'm getting back into running real mileage, but I'm still pretty fat, so now I'm having issues with chaffing.

you rock for getting out there and getting running!  And I bet you're not fat at all!  Hope it's going really well!
Are you aiming for a race in particular, or just running for fun/fitness?

Basically after a long (loooooong) hard look at priorities, M and I are going all out this year dancing-wise, looking to cement our place nationally and start to head for being competitive internationally. This is going to mean a lot of hours!
I'll fill you in when I start actually living up to the crazy schedule we've concocted.

I am excited though, we start tumbling classes this week to help our aerials :D

eee this sounds like such an awesome and exciting plan, Theo! : )  You guys already rock so hard so I can only imagine how super amazing you'll be after even more intense training!! : )

Shell - how's the running going? : )

hh - is it group walk day today?  Hope you're feeling better and your poor foot is healing!!

I pushed myself waaay hard doing legs last week, then because my week was a bit screwy I did plyometrics the next day... and then proceeded to have great difficulty walking/sitting down/standing up for the next four days.  haha.  Anyway, now I'm back to being due to do legs again and am hoping I'll still be able to walk tomorrow!


i know i am just a weekly walker, but i am down 20lbs since i went fully vegan! i will find the time to put the 'clothing rack' to use tomorrow between job finding/house/car/child/social obligations.


i know i am just a weekly walker, but i am down 20lbs since i went fully vegan! i will find the time to put the 'clothing rack' to use tomorrow between job finding/house/car/child/social obligations.

I lost about 20 pounds as well from mostly just walking! and that's with no changes in the (vegan) food.


Because of issues with my IBS and trying out different medications, I can't race right now. My digestive system is just too unpredictable to put myself in a race. So, unfortunately, I've lost that motivating factor. So, I'm just trying to run for fitness. I have to set up weekly and monthly goals, to keep my head in it.

On Saturday my left inner thigh chaffed so much it bled. I keep telling myself my thighs will slim down soon and this won't be an issue, but UGH!

Sounds awesome, Theo!


i know i am just a weekly walker, but i am down 20lbs since i went fully vegan! i will find the time to put the 'clothing rack' to use tomorrow between job finding/house/car/child/social obligations.

I lost about 20 pounds as well from mostly just walking! and that's with no changes in the (vegan) food.

That is FANTASTIC :) Down 20 lbs with walking and fully all give me hope ;)b


i lost 5 pounds!!!! (nothing on y'all's 20s, but it's something) i didn't even try to, i just haven't been eating like crazy


20 pounds is 5 pounds, four times.  It rocks just as hard.


i lost 5 pounds!!!! (nothing on y'all's 20s, but it's something) i didn't even try to, i just haven't been eating like crazy

Every 20 lbs has got to start somewhere.  5 lbs is a GREAT start ;)b



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