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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

I got really out of shape this winter and gained some (read: a lot) of weight, so I've been trying really hard to get back to a regular running schedule. At the beginning of March I told my self the first full week I had to run 30 miles, then this week 35 miles, then back up to 40 miles a week by April 1st. It's....going. I did really well last week and got 37.5 miles, but now the newness of getting back into it is wearing off and the soreness is really setting in, this week has been more difficult.

Getting back into climbing well is difficult too, as I lost muscle, gained weight, and now I am struggling to haul my body around on the wall. I'm trying to climb 2-3 days a week, but I'm so sore after each session.

I also cut out all sugar and flour, so hopefully some of this ass melts away so I can actually climb and run well! It's not really the weight that I mind, but my clothes were pinching and I can't run fast anymore! Some days it seems like such an uphill battle (literally, the hills are killing me! :)), but I'm trying to take it one day at a time.

Anyway, I am hoping that posting about it will keep me accountable!


It's my Friday, which means it's your Saturday, which means you're sore from your chest/shoulders/triceps, which means you're happy, oww.

haha, I'm predictable!!
Actually, I had a rubbish sleep on Thursday night, so even though I was wide awake at 5am Friday, I didn't get up and do p90x, so you're even more right than normal, because I did chest/shoulders/triceps immediately followed by plyometrics this morning to get me back on schedule.  Two hours of bust-a-gut exercise by 8am Saturday morning = sooooorehapppppy oww!


vr, you're so badarse with your marathoning ways and your awesome climbing skills, you can totally get back on the exercise wagon!! 


So, P and I have just continued to do lots of walking, and we also started doing a shortish home workout about 5 days a week. It probably takes about 20-25 minutes, and it's body weight stuff plus some arm weights and such things. We are both seeing results! The walking definitely sheds the pounds, and we are seeing more muscle on our bodies. : )


woooo!  Is the home workout thing just exercises you've figured out or is a dvd workout?

for me, I still have sore arms from Sunday's workout, and somehow have to get up and do legs and back tomorrow morning after the Foos gig tonight haha, will see how that goes!! : /


woooo!  Is the home workout thing just exercises you've figured out or is a dvd workout?

for me, I still have sore arms from Sunday's workout, and somehow have to get up and do legs and back tomorrow morning after the Foos gig tonight haha, will see how that goes!! : /

Just things we've put together-push ups, squats, curls, other arm weight things...those types of things. Have fun!


I just walked 6+ miles in the 83 degree Florida heat and my legs feel like jelly.  I do realize that walking pales in comparison to what most of you do, but with my arthritis and previous spinal surgery, this is huge for me so I'm patting me on the back.  It's double what I usually do.


storm... i am just a walker too... and a piss poor one at that :D but we are doing something hey? speaking of which, I need to use that thing-a-majigger that i got a while back... my new house guest moved it to the back room and told me "outta sight outta mind" hmmm..... might have to pull out my karate skills on him.... good news, i am going to be having a good amount of time off soon. will be on it for sure then! :D


whoa storm, 6 miles is heaps!!  You badarse, you! : )

I'm doing ok, made it through phase II of p90x for the second time and into recovery week again.  I think I feel like I really need it this time!  Yoga and core synergistics this weekend, should feel good!

Just things we've put together-push ups, squats, curls, other arm weight things...those types of things. Have fun!

sounds like fun!  I love working out at home but I miss having company now that mr oww is back at the gym... : /


Finally, starting back up my workout routine after not swimming regularly for weeks.

Started up with my 30 day shred DVD again today. Maybe this time I can keep it up for 30 days straight? I mean I am unemployed it shouldn't be that hard right?  ::)


Has anyone tried zumba or kickboxing? I started taking kickboxing in the past few weeks & really like it. It's fun music & the teacher is energetic & fun. Zumba is fun too, but its mostly an older crowd & I think it would be better if they played music I like more. My running has been going really well lately too  :)


I've not tried either, but am you mean like proper kickboxing as in fighting?  Or a kickboxing aerobic-y type class?
There's a 'fight-do' class at my gym that's like punching and kicking to music which I have quite fancied but never got round to doing.

I forgot my ipod at the gym today.  It made everything much more difficult.


Has anyone tried zumba or kickboxing? I started taking kickboxing in the past few weeks & really like it. It's fun music & the teacher is energetic & fun. Zumba is fun too, but its mostly an older crowd & I think it would be better if they played music I like more. My running has been going really well lately too  :)

I've not tried either, but my best mate has done both and loved each of them, though she got really wiped out by the kickboxing
Kickarse on the running! : )

I forgot my ipod at the gym today.  It made everything much more difficult.

: /  I never really got into listening to music with exercising, though I love having music on at all other times....

I'm in the middle of week 9 of my second round of p90x, it's going pretty good, but there's been so much crap going on in life the last few months that I haven't been able to be 100% consistent about not missing a day.  I've kind of written off this 90 days as a bit more of a half-arsed p80x and when I re-start again in.... May?  I'll put in more effort to making sure I get enough sleep and can get my workouts in when I want to, not when I can squeeze them in.


Forgotten ipod days for me = a quick warm-up and weights.  Cardio without music is hard.

I broke my pinky toe and severely bruised the next two over when I was in Ireland last week.  I was too jet-lagged to go to the gym last week.  I was in the foulest of foul moods today - cardio probably would have helped, but I can't do elliptical because of my car-accident neck and I can't do incline treadmill because of my injured toes.  hmpf.  There's a hill by work that's a 500-foot / 150-meter rise in 2 miles / 3.2 km.  I'm going to walk it with some people on Thursday.  It will hopefully be less painful than the elliptical or treadmill.  It will hurt if we go too fast and I won't get much of a workout if we go too slow, but I'm looking forward to simply moving.


I broke my pinky toe and severely bruised the next two over when I was in Ireland last week.

whaaaa?  What on earth did you do?? Man that sounds painful!!!
You are not having a good run of luck!!  : /

Hope the hill walk goes really well, but definitely take it easy on your poor toes!!


shea and oww would be good workout partners.

I'm sorry you're not running, shea.  When do you expect to return?

oww - My travel partner had a melt-down over a difficultly pumping gas and slammed my car door (it was on the gas tank side) in frustration, only my foot was in the door.  It could have been worse.  Shortly before that, my whole foot was out of the door, so it could have been my ankle.


i knew you were scared of your travel partner being a sourpuss, but to inflict injury on you as well???! Wtf?! Toes take forever to heal, especially since we are always using them for balance... Take it easy with them...    My workout for the week (oh yes, i said week)...... Went for a hike, partner couldn't make it, so i went anyway and took politicalmonty and my other friend. We took on the hill, great view and i am suprisingly not that sore. I did get my mom and river swimsuits so we might go to the pol today.


Gonna try for 1,100 tonight.

Machine!!! : )

shea and oww would be good workout partners.

ha!  Shea would kick my arse all over the place!

Sorry you're injured at the mo, Shea, I can't imagine how much that sucks given how much a part of your life your training has been...  : /

oww - My travel partner had a melt-down over a difficultly pumping gas and slammed my car door (it was on the gas tank side) in frustration, only my foot was in the door. 

Holy hell that sounds painful!!!! I hope that wasn't at the beginning of your trip, and I hope you got a nice strong drink afterwards to help dull the pain!! wow!!  : /

My workout for the week (oh yes, i said week)...... Went for a hike

I love that you can just go out for hikes whenever you feel like it - such a fun way to get exercise!! : )


shea..... You are a machine.


You all are MY soon as my broken toe heals, I'm definitely going to stop being a couch potatoe ;)b Does anyone know how long it takes a broken pinky toe to heal? Any suggestions on exercises I can do until it's healed :-\


You all are MY soon as my broken toe heals, I'm definitely going to stop being a couch potatoe ;)b Does anyone know how long it takes a broken pinky toe to heal? Any suggestions on exercises I can do until it's healed :-\

Sorry spelled that wrong...You all are MY HEROES ;)



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