POLL................Bowel Movements? Hope this is not TMI for you guys!
Posted by NoIllusions on Aug 06, 2007 · Member since Dec 2006 · 476 posts
OK sorry if this TMI...
Just curious since I am having some trouble with my bm's even though my diet is pretty top notch.
Also how many times do you guys go a day?
3X or more???
Please forgive me if you are offended its just that I used to have severe constipation and have really cleaned out my system and still get hard dry dry pellets which is usually is caused by lack of water, fiber and healthy eating...all of which i DO NOT do.
I do not even eat much wheat or grains so I am really trying to address this problem as I also have eczema and know constipation and eczema are related.
Oh I eat 99% vegan (sometimes I lose it for sweets in December in school faculty room...which I am working on)
Thank you guys!!!
OK sorry if this TMI...
Just curious since I am having some trouble with my bm's even though my diet is pretty top notch.
Also how many times do you guys go a day?
3X or more???
Please forgive me if you are offended its just that I used to have severe constipation and have really cleaned out my system and still get hard dry dry pellets which is usually is caused by lack of water, fiber and healthy eating...all of which i DO NOT do.
I do not even eat much wheat or grains so I am really trying to address this problem as I also have eczema and know constipation and eczema are related.
Oh I eat 99% vegan (sometimes I lose it for sweets in December in school faculty room...which I am working on)
Thank you guys!!!
I go a couple of times a day, sometimes more...and I still eat cheese, though in limited amounts. Veggies and whole grains are great. 8)
Tee hee hee--I so giggled when I saw this! *more TMI warning* I am all about the poop, aprox 8 years ago I was on meds and I didn't poop for like 2 or 3 months--but i was so out of it from the meds I really didn't notice--it literally took years for me to be any where near "normal" so now when I poop I get so excited--sometimes I even tell my roommate aout it! He laughs and thinks it's funny--so I guess that's good...moral of the story--the above story may prove to be a key factor in why I'm still single--proper girls don't talk about their poo...oh well...Thanks for the giggle!
capture, thats hilarious!
my best friend and i used to do the "poopie in the potty" dance whenever shed go. she had to guzzle coffee in order to go. we used to talk about bathroom habits all the time. i think its interesting, when you look at how your body functions/ bacteria involvement, etc. :D its very indicative of your health too.
so maybe its not table talk. ;D
Mine varies based on what I've eaten in the past day or so. sometimes I go once a day, sometimes 3 or more! When i drink alcohol, it's usually more rather than less.
**it's funny that you mention this topic because I had a huge indepth conversation with about 5 of my friends the other night about pooping. Great topic
capture, thats hilarious!
my best friend and i used to do the "poopie in the potty" dance whenever shed go. she had to guzzle coffee in order to go. we used to talk about bathroom habits all the time. i think its interesting, when you look at how your body functions/ bacteria involvement, etc. :D its very indicative of your health too.
so maybe its not table talk. ;D
Talking about poop can be interesting, informative and come on--so funny! Farting is pretty cool too...wow...what a weird thread this is turning into! :D
Since I have Crohn's Disease my poo habits are constantly changing. I might go 10-15 times a day or not at all and the consistency runs from liquid to solid. Depends on what I eat and if my bowels decide to be a pain in the ass that day. (no pun intended)
Once in the morning and once in the evening, if I'm lucky. Sometimes just once, at work, when I'm not lucky. Who likes a bm in a public restroom? :( The only thing that saves it is that I work with so many men, there's not a lot of sharing of the women's restroom.
NoIllusions - I've just noticed you have over 250 posts and no avatar!
Probably 2-3 times every two days. Some days not at all.
A coworker of mine once said "A cup of coffee and a banana every day will keep you regular!"
Well crap! Good question.
I go at least twice a day. Usually well formed but really depends on what I eat. If I eat fries or something greasy, it is usually loose because I don't normally eat greasy food. If I eat a lot of junk, I often need to run to the bathroom. I don't think I have ever gone a day without a BM. Like Humboldt_honey said, nothing worse than needing to go in a public washroom.
Seems like that is when I have to go at least once in the day. So I go to a floor that has very few women on it.
my favorite topic besides sex!
once a day, unless I was drinking hard the night before (then its the booze shitz)
have you looked into coffee? its a great helper in that regard
Ive never had an issue with not being able to go ever which apparantly puts me in the minority
maybe you need more water than you think?
DAIRY (if you eat it) is a constipator.
I pretty much go after every meal.
My son (vegan, 2 yrs) goes a lot for a toddler, I think. He goes many times a day, regularly after meals. But I think for SAD toddlers it considered 'normal' for them to not poop for a few days sometimes. :o
I'm not sure I could answer the poll perfectly, our toilets here are "shelf style" so the "whole breaks up when you flush" thing is different maybe? Ours doesn't have the chance exactly, it just get shoved off the shelf by water, so I wouldn't know.
Tee hee hee--I so giggled when I saw this! *more TMI warning* I am all about the poop, aprox 8 years ago I was on meds and I didn't poop for like 2 or 3 months--but i was so out of it from the meds I really didn't notice--it literally took years for me to be any where near "normal" so now when I poop I get so excited--sometimes I even tell my roommate aout it! He laughs and thinks it's funny--so I guess that's good...moral of the story--the above story may prove to be a key factor in why I'm still single--proper girls don't talk about their poo...oh well...Thanks for the giggle!
Yeah, I was on some heavy~duty pain meds for a couple years and I was lucky if I poo'd once in a week! Now I go basically once a day and I'm totally excited about it! lol I do a happy dance if I go twice in a day but it doesn't happen very often. I'm suprised how long it's taking my body to get back to normal after being on so many meds. And yes, coffee most definitely helps with poo'ing! ;)
Poo..........just the word makes me laugh! ;D Next time I'm having a bad day I think I'll come back and reread this thread!
I just HAD to comment on this thread. I'm glad to see that my type of poo is the most common here, makes me feel kindof normal although frequently it is close to diarreahish. I go probably 3 times a day. If I eat processed carbs it tends to block me up a little & my poo gets firmer & I might only go once that day. Before I went veg I used to get those hard little rabbit like turds that often wouldn' flush. Maybe you should try having more fruit? I eat a lot of fruit now & I don't think I did so much then.
This thread is perfect timing. About a month ago I got a GI thing. I thought I was getting better and now something different happened. I ate something with green peas in it yesterday. Every was normal with my bm, except for the peas, which were in perfect condition - not remotely digested. Are peas harder to digest or something?
Well on average twice a day but sometimes just once. :)
This thread is perfect timing. About a month ago I got a GI thing. I thought I was getting better and now something different happened. I ate something with green peas in it yesterday. Every was normal with my bm, except for the peas, which were in perfect condition - not remotely digested. Are peas harder to digest or something?
;D never noticed peas. I've seen corn plenty of times & little red pieces (pepper skin?) If the peas were still firm & you didnt chew real good I can see how they would pass undigested
This thread is perfect timing. About a month ago I got a GI thing. I thought I was getting better and now something different happened. I ate something with green peas in it yesterday. Every was normal with my bm, except for the peas, which were in perfect condition - not remotely digested. Are peas harder to digest or something?
A friend of mine who vomits when she gets migraines (whole new level of gross) noticed that peas were always whole.
And I'm new to Vegweb and was glad this was the most recent thread because I've been wondering what to do because since I've gone vegan, I go 4+ times in a day, def *not* solid. Is my body trying to tell me I need more iron?