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Anybody done it?

I started P90X Lean last Thursday and am totally loving it.  Today will be day 4 and I am so sore, but am seeing a radical change in my strength and body shape.  I am determined to make it the full 90 days because the transformation pictures are so incredible and the DVDs are only an hour long (the progress bar at the bottom helps/pushes me so much).

The lean version doesn't include Plyometrics, so I've been replacing Cardio X with it.  My goal is to lose weight and tone up.  Toning up has already begun, and with that comes weight loss, but I want to lose quite a bit, so I've been running on easier days (read: non-ab ripper days).

The only part that has me concerned is the recommended diet.  It's high protein, low carb (including complex carbs) diet, essentially the opposite of how I eat.  I've been aiming to get more protein, but I am not willing to stop eating grains, nor do I think it is healthy.

Ramble, ramble, ramble.  I'm very excited about it and would love to hear what your experience has been with it, especially as a vegan.  There's tons of info on it, tons of before and after pictures, but next to zero info on how to get P90sexxxxxy as a veg.

I restarted P90X on Sept 5th.  This summer I was rooming with my best friend, so we kind of drank too much beer and at way too many tater tots and my workouts fell to the wayside so I put a bit of the weight back on.  However, started P90X back up and in the past two months of doing it, I've already lost 13 lbs.  I cannot give this program higher praise, which is weird because I went into this with some timidness.  I always thought home workout videos were the domain of house wives and people from the 70s.  Definitely wrong.

Up to this point, I've lost 75lbs in the three years since I went vegetarian.  I almost have a six pack for the first time in my life.  Exciting things are afoot.


I restarted P90X on Sept 5th.  This summer I was rooming with my best friend, so we kind of drank too much beer and at way too many tater tots and my workouts fell to the wayside so I put a bit of the weight back on.  However, started P90X back up and in the past two months of doing it, I've already lost 13 lbs.  I cannot give this program higher praise, which is weird because I went into this with some timidness.  I always thought home workout videos were the domain of house wives and people from the 70s.  Definitely wrong.

Up to this point, I've lost 75lbs in the three years since I went vegetarian.  I almost have a six pack for the first time in my life.  Exciting things are afoot.



People here are starting to talk about it too... I might have to give it a go


People here are starting to talk about it too... I might have to give it a go

oh, awesomeness!  With your dancing peeps?


Yea apparently our teachers do it, they are talking M into the ab ripper part. He is very keen and running around flexing yelling "AB RIPPERRRRRR XXXXXXXXXXX" in a manly wrestling voice.


Yea apparently our teachers do it, they are talking M into the ab ripper part. He is very keen and running around flexing yelling "AB RIPPERRRRRR XXXXXXXXXXX" in a manly wrestling voice.

ab ripper is badass.  It's only 15 minutes, but it's a hell of a workout.
Would you do the whole programme or just pick up workouts when you can?

also, I have a very funny image in my head of M now, thanks! ; )


Oh, so interesting fact.  Tony Horton is a vegetarian, or at least very near to it.  I think he's an ovo-vegetarian, he doesn't drink milk due to him recognizing how it's not supposed to go into your body past infancy.

It's a shame that it's kept as such a secret, but again, few people *trust* vegetarian nutrition advice.  They think we're wackos trying to make them give up chicken nuggets.


yeah, he doesn't eat meat or dairy but eats some fish and some free range eggs.
he's also gluten, caffeine, alcohol and sugar-free.


Tony Horton’s Food Power Challenge

Day 55-ish. No alcohol. No caffeine. Nothing with a face. (I’m eating organic eggs once in a while – they don’t have a face) No gluten. No processed sugar. I’d rather GO HUNGRY than eat crap. I’m super strong, sleep like a baby, have tons of energy and FIRED UP! Why would I ever eat meat, ice cream, cheese, bagels or chocolate again? Radical? Rare? Revolutionary? Maybe. Does the way I feel supersede a few minutes of oral satisfaction? Without a doubt.

source: ... Y#article2

Beachbody: World Gym doesn't exactly seem like the kind of place to foster your holistic approach, so you must have added your own spin on fitness. For example, most bodybuilders are in to eating massive amounts of protein yet you're a vegetarian. Why is that?

TH: I don't buy into the protein myth. You need it, sure, but not in those massive amounts. I basically became a vegetarian because I just thought meat was nasty. I got sick of eating chicken. I was trying to eat as healthy as possible. I like eating vegetables because they make me feel good. I like not eating fatty junk because I feel bad. I do still eat fish, so I'm not a true vegetarian.


Those are awesome quotes!
Haha yea you really must meet M, he lives up to all those funny images and more. He got banned from practising a move in dance class last night because of his overzealous bottom wiggling.

I don't know about the P90X thing! I'd be keen to try the whole shebang. But it sounds scary.


I don't know about the P90X thing! I'd be keen to try the whole shebang. But it sounds scary.

if we can do it, you can do it! : )
though, you'll need some bands or weights and a pull up bar, which may or may not be a disincentive...

Haha yea you really must meet M, he lives up to all those funny images and more. He got banned from practising a move in dance class last night because of his overzealous bottom wiggling.

you guys heading up to Auckland again this summer at all?  ; )


Hmm I could get some stuff probably, though the pullup could be an issue where to put it. Isn't the program itself mad expensive though?

Haha I dunno! Will have to talk about summer plans. We are kayaking the Abel Tasman for New year, that's all I know so far :)


Isn't the program itself mad expensive though?

yeah yeah nah.

it's like, $199 from Rebel Sports or from the internet or you can be smart like me... when I was looking there were a bunch on trademe for ~85 and I got ours off sella for $69. 
Pullup bar from trademe for $34, but you can get them for less if you go through auctions rather than buy now.


Sweet! Pull up bar that doesn't require drilling holes in a rental house is a good thing :) Will have a think about it...


oh yeah, we're not renting but I still wouldn't get something that had to be screwed into the doorframe, I like being able to pull them down and pretend our lounge isn't actually a gym!

Also, because I forgot to say it before: kayaking Abel Tasman sounds amazing!  Just you and M or a group of you?  much MUCH more interesting than any plans we have for summer! : )


A group of us, six dancing mates. Double seater kayaks, tents, sunshine... should be amazing! I've never done a trip like that before :) Do you have plans?



haha, no plans.  Last year was the first time I've actually had a 'holiday break' from work so I'm still very much in the habit of working through so I forget we can actually do stuff!
Having said that, a good mate is getting married on Waiheke on the 29th and he's currently based in New York so it'll be great to catch up, and a number of other mates scattered around the states/Europe are coming home for Christmas/the wedding too, so it might be my first summer with friends to play with for a number of years!! : )

raaaaaah p90x badassness raaaaah


Just popping in to the correct thread to say



SO I have definitely decided to start p90X. As soon as I get me some gears. I've been reading up on dancing blogs, a lot of swing dancers have done/do it and done measurable tests on how it affects aspects of their dancing and it sounds totally wicked.


SO I have definitely decided to start p90X.

It will definitely help your dancing, yoga and core synergistics are amazing for core strength and stability, and it'll generally make you stronger, fitter and more badass!

we're about to start week eleven tomorrow morning, and already I can't wait to start again as I kind of feel like I'm only just starting to feel like I'm getting better at things...



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