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i'm becoming SO sensitive lately...

not that, in this case, that is a bad thing or anything....

i try to be vegetarian/vegan for personal health reasons, but lately i get more and more agitated seeing hurt animals. i mean, i was upset by it before, but now it's even more so..

i was watching Anthony Bourdain last night with the bf Dean, and i usually enjoy it, i find him attractive and interesting but i don't usually agree with the things he says... well, they played the Argentina episode that had what looked like hundreds of cows worth of meat just on sticks on this big lawn having a huge barbecue. that didn't bother me too much cuz i didn't see any faces on the meat.. but then they showed a bunch of guys holding down one of the cows--still alive--and basically castrating it... just the visual of one of the guys putting all his weight into kneeling on the cow's neck, and then hearing the cow suffer, it was way too much, i started crying and i changed the channel and Dean had no idea what was going on with me

today i saw a squirrel in the backyard that had no tail and i started rummaging through the kitchen looking for peanuts to give it, my dad looking at me like i'm crazy...

it makes me want to go completely vegan even more but i don't know what to eat, i'm pretty much just eating peanut butter and jelly right now :(

OMG Sariea! This web site has thousands of vegan recipies--I'm sure we can find one for you that is better than PB+J  ;D

Here are some simple things that are vegan that you shouldn't have any problem making:

Spag with marinara sauce
rice with vegis and tofu
big ass salads with bread
chickpea sald (like mock tuna salad)
oatmeal with fruit
pancakes with bananas

I think it's great you want to go vegan and that you are becoming more sensitive to the suffering of animals--it changes your life to be more connected to the world and nature around you!

Let us know what kind of help you need--you know we will all be here for you!!!


mmm. chickpea sald. my favourite.


you guys are making me hungry


I know what you mean about becoming sensitive.  I feel like I am still becoming more and more sensitive to even the tiniest life every day.  Like, I look at my dog, and I think, "Wow, there's a whole life in there!"  And I would never kill a spider anymore.  When I was in Key West with my friends a while ago, I saw a rooster with wire tanged around its leg, and I followed him between the buildings and down the street until I saw him shake himself free.  They were like, "Awwww, poor rooster," but just sat there and looked at me like I was mad.  It's a positive sensitivity, though, and nothing to be ashamed of.  Showing true empathy for the suffering of others shows selflessness, maturity, and compassion!  We humans have sophisticated brains able to comprehend the concept of pain in others--we should be sensitive!

I'd also like to add simple stir-fries to the list.  I make different kinds of stirfries multiple times a week by just changing up the sauce and seasonings.  You can even chop up veggies and tofu or tempeh ahead of time, so it only takes about ten or fifteen minutes in the pan.  Easy and quick! 

Pick some easy recipes and try it out for a bit!  You can always stop if you don't like it.


what does tempeh taste like anyway?

Capture, after i posted this, i thought to myself "well that was dumb, saying i can't think of anything to make. this is a recipe site" but its kinda difficult, i'm a sugar addict so i'm not really sure how to go without the cake, donuts, brownies, cornbread that aren't made with eggs and milk.... icecream i can handle, i like that purely decadent stuff. but i've tried many cornbread recipes and they all come out like cardboard. and the brownies and chocolate cakes i've tried to make all come out the consistency of cardboard lol...

plus, i'm really trying to cut down on the bread. but i get bored with veggies too. it's so frustrating how difficult i am to please ;)

the good thing though: Dean is taking me to the local natural foods stores today so i can look around. i might see how their vegan donuts taste. does anybody have any experience with how Ener-G's foods taste? cuz isaw on their website that they have donuts and cakes and cookies n stuff.


what does tempeh taste like anyway?

Capture, after i posted this, i thought to myself "well that was dumb, saying i can't think of anything to make. this is a recipe site" but its kinda difficult, i'm a sugar addict so i'm not really sure how to go without the cake, donuts, brownies, cornbread that aren't made with eggs and milk.... icecream i can handle, i like that purely decadent stuff. but i've tried many cornbread recipes and they all come out like cardboard. and the brownies and chocolate cakes i've tried to make all come out the consistency of cardboard lol...

plus, i'm really trying to cut down on the bread. but i get bored with veggies too. it's so frustrating how difficult i am to please ;)

the good thing though: Dean is taking me to the local natural foods stores today so i can look around. i might see how their vegan donuts taste. does anybody have any experience with how Ener-G's foods taste? cuz isaw on their website that they have donuts and cakes and cookies n stuff.

I love tempha! It has a grainy taste to it--and it's real versitile--I like to grill it up and make wraps--if you look at my blog I have a picture of a bbq tempha wrap on the last dinner post :)

I wasn't trying to make fun of you wehn I posted that sweetie--it was kind of funny though since there are so many recipies :)

I have found a lot of good recipies for cakes, cookies and donuts on here--just use apple sauce or mashed bananas for the egg and soy milk for the regular milk--you could probably even use water in a lot of recipies! I was really freaked out too when I first went--I think all i ate for the first two or three weeks was garden burgers vegan ribs and fruit and vegi's--but then I started to expirment and finally got into the kitchen to start doing my own cooking and it's not so bad now :) I've only been began for about 5 or 6 months so I know how overweamliming it can be at first!

Just hang in there and do yor best! Cruise the recipies and look for some you like and just start in! It's OK if you don't get it right at first--besides sometimes you end up with something better when you mess up :P soon you too will be vegan knowledgable touting the health benefits of flax seed and tempha!!

OH--you know what else may help is reading skinny bitch--they offer up a lot of advice about how to practically switch to a vegan diet andthey have some recipies and stuff in the book too--plus the book is a kick ass read and if you don
t want to be vegan now, you will by the time you finsih the book!!!

Good luck and let us know what you need :) Oh--would it help if some of us post our weekly grocery list and meal plans?


Good luck and let us know what you need :) Oh--would it help if some of us post our weekly grocery list and meal plans?

yeah that might be helpful, i think.

oh i know you weren't trying to make funny of me, i just thought it was funny too that i asked what to eat on a website that has thousands of recipes lol

the problem with the cakes and donuts n brownies is that they just don't taste exactly the same and sometimes i get frustrated when i really want a donut from the store.. or cornbread made with real butter  :P


Oooooo Oooo Oooo *waves hand like a little kid*

Try this recipe for doughnuts (I didn't try making the filling, I just made regular glazed ones using one big and one little biscuit cutter)

And my recipe for cornbread b/c it's SUPER NUMMY!!!

Good luck  :w00t!:


I haven't tried EggAllergy's recipe (sounds yummy, though!), but I have tried this one: and it's delicious!  I usually double the recipe and make a 9 x 13 pan full and it's gone within a couple days  ::)


OK Sariea! here is a list of stuff I buy on a regular basis--I shop almost exclusively at Whole Foods--but you can find this stuff at other places too :)

Bob's Red Mill buckwheat pancake mix

this stuff is great--I make it with apple sauce, soy milk, raw nuts and some kind of fruit--usually blueberries or bananas (and I always add in some flax seed too)

Quick oats
Silk vanillia soy milk
flax seed--I buy it buld and ground it myself, but Bob's Red Mill makes a really good one already ground
raw pecans
raw walnuts
green pepper
peanut butter
jellies and jams
whole wheat sliced bread
pre made curries--you can find them in the asian section--just check ingredients
rice--basmatti and jasmine
beans--pinto, black, black eyed, etc.
tortillia chips
tofu--I love having tofu scramble with my pancakes :)
maranara sauce
nutritional yeast--you can make a great "uncheesy" sauce with this for nachos and dips and stuff!

I also keep stuf like whole wheat flour, raw sugar, and other baking supplie on hand--you never  know when you might want to whip up some vegan cupcakes or fresh bread. Also, whole foods has a reall amazing salad bad--it's a little pricy, but it's sooooo good--I like to make up 2 or 3 small salad to have on hand during the week and i also grab some of there vegan rolls from the bakery--makes a great after work out meal!

OK--I'm sure I forgot a lot of stuff--but yo get the idea! You should make a list of all your favorite meals and if you can't fgure out a way to make them vegan--we can help you!!!

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