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I'm thinking of getting an epilator....

1. which one is the best?  in terms of pain and also results?  I'm looking at the emjoi, but not sure.. it seems like a good price too

2. where to buy?  I live in nyc, so I'm sure there has to be one I can go to physically as opposed to buying online.

thanks all.

am i the only one wondering what the hell an epilator is?


I have an emoji, the pink and white one, i got it for like 20 bucks at walmart. I've seen them at like, walgreens and stuff too.
It works good, it charges so you dont have to worry about batteries.

mm, its like, mechanical tweezers kind of. hard to explain.


Because last nights post didnt help much:

I have one like this
Kind of, its a different color but i think its the only difference.
I like it, I've had it for a while and it still works fine. The only thing is its a tad scary at first if you've never used one before. I was afraid of it when i turned it on and made my mom try it first, haha.
But i know i've seen them in both the little as seen on tv spots in places like walmart, and by the razors and things (walmart also) I went on a month or more long mission to try to find one in a store to avoid buying one online, its funny, i see them everywhere now that i have one.


I use to have one.  I think it was called the epilady.  OMG! talk about pain.  It felt like I was being electrocuted. I hated it.  I gave it to my mother...she hated it, she gave it to someone else who hated is probably still being passed on today. 

Good luck. 


Haha, the feeling of it reminds me of tattoos, and i like that. Its kind of something you have to get used to.


eek, this is scary!  i was gonna ask if you can use an epilator on your bikini area, but never mind.  it sounds like death.


You can use it there!!! I think its not as bad there. Idk, might just be me.
Well, i've just done a little around there. but, it worked. haha.

i just used my epilator, because of this and i havent in a while. It isnt as bad as i remember. Now i'm excited that i have it back out all charged up.


haha, I'm not really worried about pain because I do have a high pain tolerance for things like that and at the same time I'm not a perfectionist, if that matters.
I just want to get one that's good for the money I spend. and actually find one I can buy!  Its kind of nice but still surprising that there's no walmart in manhattan.... at least near me.  I might go to target in brooklyn to find one since that's somewhat close to where I work.


I love my ancient Epilady.  I"ve used it for what, 20 years now?  I used to cut up my legs even with safety razors, and I hated using disposables.  The Epilady fixed that.  I don't find it that painful, though it's more so the first time you use it with really hairy legs.  If you use it once a week or so, most of the hair doesn't get a chance to grow back, so it hurts a lot less.

I didn't know they still made epilators--I looked at Walmart and saw nothing.  I actually bought an Epilday at a garage sale just in case mine ever dies, to have as a backup.  Just cleaned it with alcohol...


I'm so happy you started this thread, its making me start using my epilator again. I just used it on my underarms for the first time, and thats like one of the main reasons i bought it, and it isnt even bad at all. Haha.


Oh!  I didn't realize you could use the newer epilators on underarms and such!  The old ones can be used only on legs...


Oh, i dont even know if you're suposed to. I've never used mine on my legs, pretty much anything but my legs. haha. It works though!


omg is nothing like a tattoo.  At least not to me. I have a pretty big tattoo and that was seriously a breeze compared to the epilady! The hairs were pretty long every time I tried it but the instructions said they had to be at least 1/4 inch long.


1/4 inch?  I read that they didn't have to grow out that long at all.... maybe I'm wrong, but if that's the case maybe I should just get the moom wax...
hmmmm, I'm not sure.


I think most say the hair needs to be long. But i've used it like, the day after shaving (my hair grows fast), and its worked. Thats why i have it instead of waxing, i dont like waiting for hair to grow out at all. I think it just works better/faster if its grown out, but idk, i've used it perfect with it being short.


I have an emjoi too; a hand-me-down from my sister. It took some getting used to the sensation.. I found that it hurts for the first few minutes (especially on the front of your legs over the shin bones) and then the skin seems to numb a bit. I tried it on my underarms once and it was like some bizarre kind of torture; it kept pulling tiny areas of the skin into the 'teeth' and left me with very unhappy, rashy skin for a day or two. And didn't even get all of the hairs out!! Pffft. I guess it depends on how 'flat' your underarms are and how thick/tough the hairs are..? Anyway, I stopped using my epilator on my legs after the last couple of times left me with bad ingrown hairs. Maybe my legs were too cold or something.


AH AH     It hurts it hurts!!!!  Why did I read this post!! :o The things you women go through, or do men use these things too. On second thought, please don't answer that question. It is just too painful to think about. I am going now and never coming back.


;D ;D ;D


AH AH    It hurts it hurts!!!!  Why did I read this post!! :o The things you women go through, or do men use these things too. On second thought, please don't answer that question. It is just too painful to think about. I am going now and never coming back.

That's what I was thinking too... the things we go through... Oy. I've never used an epilator but now I kind of want to, if it will keep my hair from growing back so fast. I shave my armpits and even right after I shave it doesn't look like I have because you can still tell there are dark hairs under the skin. I think they need to be yanked out. Would it be better to wax them though?


I shave my armpits and even right after I shave it doesn't look like I have because you can still tell there are dark hairs under the skin. I think they need to be yanked out. Would it be better to wax them though?

This. I hate this. I have the lightest skin and the darkest hairs. And it always looks like i havent shaved. I'm trying to find the perfect method. What i really want is laser hair removal or something. Ugh, stupid expensive things sounding so good.



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