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Cellulite and Diet

So...I was watching the diet doctors type of show on BBC, and the ladies were saying that taking caffeine, dairy, and alcohol out of your diet would reduce cellulite or even get rid of it.  I am thinking of giving it a try, but I love coffee and tea.  I don't know anyone that doesn't do caffeine, dairy, or alcohol to ask if they do have cellulite.  It would be a weird question to ask also I suppose.  Anyone here not eat/drink caffeine, dairy alcohol and not have cellulite?

well, I would think that even a *significant* reduction of all three of those items would at least *significantly* reduce cellulite, if this claim is true...

Over the last year or so, my dairy intake has been reduced to mere traces in just some of the food I eat, my caffeine intake consists of the very very few milligrams that are present in green tea (about 1 or 2 cups daily), and when I do drink, which is rare, I'm usually done after one standard drink.

I'm also not overweight or obese, and never have been.  but for SOME reason, I've always had really bad cellulite.  I sure would have noticed any reduction in its appearance, but there certainly hasn't been any.  :'(

I would try switching to decaf coffee and herbal teasans.  you might get caffeine withdrawl at first, but decaffeinating your body will probably be worth it, even if it doesn't do anything for cellulite.


Sorry to burst your bubble..I do not have caffeine, alcohol, or dairy, and I still have cellulite. I run 25 miles a week and walk after dinner every night, plus I watch what I eat.  And I still have cellulite!  >:( Maybe I don't have as much as I would if I had caffeine/alcohol/dairy and didn't exercise, though...  8)


Sorry to burst your bubble..I do not have caffeine, alcohol, or dairy, and I still have cellulite. I run 25 miles a week and walk after dinner every night, plus I watch what I eat.  And I still have cellulite!  >:( Maybe I don't have as much as I would if I had caffeine/alcohol/dairy and didn't exercise, though...  8)

  God is punishing you for being a Yankees fan.  ;D


Sorry to burst your bubble..I do not have caffeine, alcohol, or dairy, and I still have cellulite. I run 25 miles a week and walk after dinner every night, plus I watch what I eat.  And I still have cellulite!  >:( Maybe I don't have as much as I would if I had caffeine/alcohol/dairy and didn't exercise, though...  8)

  God is punishing you for being a Yankees fan.  ;D

True, I may have cellulite on my thighs...but most Red Sox fans have cellulite between their ears.  8)


Cellulite is primarily hereditary....woe is me!  At least I can blame mom!


OK...I'm disappointed.  :(  I was willing to cut off the caffeine to not have those dimples.  It seemed too good to be true.



Ive not had any of the things you mentioned for years and years and I have it bad.It started when I went on the pill at a young age. Apparently its an oestragenic thing and ive always been a 'bit of' ( underplaying it!) an oestragen magnet! I also exercise and stuff so sorry cant inspire you on that one.
Even Posh spice has it ( alledgedly)!


I drink a lot of coffee everyday, eat cheese on everything, and have 2-4 drinks everynight.  I have not an ounce of cellulite on my body. 

Oh, I don't regularly exercise either. 

J/K ;D


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Its the cellulite lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cellulite lie is that people can control their cellulite / that having cellulite is related to diet and or exercise
its all a lie.

Primary speaking, cellulite is found in women. Its because the tissues connecting our epidermis to our muscles more closely resembles this"


Than this:

XXXXXXX  which is how mens tissue are connected.

The spindly fibers connecting the skin DO run through fat, but the fat is totally necessary. (ie losing the fat wont work because at least some of it HAS to be there)

The only reason that some laserings and SOME SOME creams work is that it inflames the skin and blends the dimples a little more.


You'd be no better off than if you asked the boogy man to get rid of it for you.




Ive not had any of the things you mentioned for years and years and I have it bad.It started when I went on the pill at a young age. Apparently its an oestragenic thing and ive always been a 'bit of' ( underplaying it!) an oestragen magnet! I also exercise and stuff so sorry cant inspire you on that one.
Even Posh spice has it ( alledgedly)!

what does going on the pill have to do with it???


Thanks VHZ!!
I had heard that cellulite disappears if you breast-feed, but I once asked my herbal pharmacist about it. He says that cellulite is a fancy word for "subcutaneous fat" and we're stuck with it.

Back in the 18th century it was considered beautiful--look at all those paintings by Rubens and others of his ilk. If you read 18th-19th century novels, they refer to women having "dimples like cream" as an attractive thing.

It's only since the stick-insect look came in with Twiggy and others that they started using the word "cellulite" and selling creams for it.


Back in the 18th century it was considered beautiful--look at all those paintings by Rubens and others of his ilk. If you read 18th-19th century novels, they refer to women having "dimples like cream" as an attractive thing.

Can I go live in the 18th century? PLEASE?!?!?!


Back in the 18th century it was considered beautiful--look at all those paintings by Rubens and others of his ilk. If you read 18th-19th century novels, they refer to women having "dimples like cream" as an attractive thing.

Can I go live in the 18th century? PLEASE?!?!?!

I do my best... ;) You can read alot of Austen, and check out, for starters....
You know you've been reading too much Brit Lit when you're running for a bus, turn to the person you're with and say, "Make haste!"  ;D


Sorry to burst your bubble..I do not have caffeine, alcohol, or dairy, and I still have cellulite. I run 25 miles a week and walk after dinner every night, plus I watch what I eat.  And I still have cellulite!  >:( Maybe I don't have as much as I would if I had caffeine/alcohol/dairy and didn't exercise, though...  8)

  God is punishing you for being a Yankees fan.  ;D

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Its the cellulite lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cellulite lie is that people can control their cellulite / that having cellulite is related to diet and or exercise
its all a lie.

Primary speaking, cellulite is found in women. Its because the tissues connecting our epidermis to our muscles more closely resembles this"


Than this:

XXXXXXX  which is how mens tissue are connected.

The spindly fibers connecting the skin DO run through fat, but the fat is totally necessary. (ie losing the fat wont work because at least some of it HAS to be there)

The only reason that some laserings and SOME SOME creams work is that it inflames the skin and blends the dimples a little more.


You'd be no better off than if you asked the boogy man to get rid of it for you.


Actually a change in diet can change the appearance of cellulite in some women. Especially if you are taking toxins out of your diet. A lot of the toxins are stored in the fat and can make it 'puffier'. Some peoples bodies do this more effectively than others so it may be noticeable on some people and not on others.

One thing that does work on cellulite is endermology. It actually breaks up the 'fibers' and gets them to lay down more smoothly. It is also great for deep scar tissues. It was invented as a method to treat people with severe scaring from burns and was found that it had the side benefit of cellulite reduction. I received treatments after a car accident a few years ago and it dramatical improved my range of motion and pain relief. it is quite pricey but I was working in a place that did it so I got it for free :) :)


I gained a few pounds after I quit nursing years ago and had some noticeable spots....when I started excercising almost every day it went away! Seriously! There might be one little dimple now on each thigh, but nothing I can complain about.


[One thing that does work on cellulite is endermology. It actually breaks up the 'fibers' and gets them to lay down more smoothly.

Just to play devil's advocate here-- I read about endermology and it appears that it works well, except the legitimate sites will also tell you that it is temporary.  After about 15 or so initial visits it is recommended to go in once a month to maintain the look.  Not to say it isn't any good or doesn't work for some people, but it does have some catches and may not be a complete miracle, end-all cure.   That's coming from someone who hasn't had it done, though.   ;)   It's really great that it's worked well for you Taneva!


I gained a few pounds after I quit nursing years ago and had some noticeable spots....when I started excercising almost every day it went away! Seriously! There might be one little dimple now on each thigh, but nothing I can complain about.

I agree with this, exercise will help alittle. Not just cardio though, do squats/lunges/leg press, the "butt blaster" machine, whatever to try to tone those spots. I think building the muscle underneath your trouble areas seems to help smooth it out.


[One thing that does work on cellulite is endermology. It actually breaks up the 'fibers' and gets them to lay down more smoothly.

Just to play devil's advocate here-- I read about endermology and it appears that it works well, except the legitimate sites will also tell you that it is temporary.  After about 15 or so initial visits it is recommended to go in once a month to maintain the look.  Not to say it isn't any good or doesn't work for some people, but it does have some catches and may not be a complete miracle, end-all cure.  That's coming from someone who hasn't had it done, though.  ;)  It's really great that it's worked well for you Taneva!

You are right. We always told people who were using it for cellulite that they would have to do maintenance to keep it up. We generally sold it as part of the package. I was using it at a setting that wasn't intended for cellulite and I didn't do it with the recommended frequency needed either so I can't personally attest to the affects. But I can tell you that we never had a woman who wasn't thrilled by the results.


I gained a few pounds after I quit nursing years ago and had some noticeable spots....when I started excercising almost every day it went away! Seriously! There might be one little dimple now on each thigh, but nothing I can complain about.

I agree with this, exercise will help alittle. Not just cardio though, do squats/lunges/leg press, the "butt blaster" machine, whatever to try to tone those spots. I think building the muscle underneath your trouble areas seems to help smooth it out.

Yoga can be your best friend. Be careful using those machines in the gym they can cause a lot of injuries down the road. They tend to overdevelop the wrong muscle groups. The same is true with stepping machines. They usually cause the legs to externally rotate too much which can cause problems with your sciatic nerve. Not fun. :(



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