Who are the smartest people to ever have lived?
Posted by SnowQueen690 on May 27, 2008 · Member since Jun 2005 · 1569 posts
I am looking for baby names and have an idea to name my baby after someone I admire, and I admire smart people (probably because I am not one of them, though I wish I could be).
My hero is Stephen Hawking
But the name Stephen is out becuase it is the name of my spoiled rotten bratty half-brother. Hawking's middle name is William, and I am considering that.
Albert Einstein, but Albert is not a very good name. Isaac Newton, Isaac is a consideration.
Anybody else you can think of?
Leonardo Da Vinci...and my dad, Alden. I know those are kind of old-fashioned names though. :)
at least no other kid will have the same name
Maybe David, after Henry David Thoreau?
Just lookinig at the thread name before I opened up and read the whole post, I was thinking Gandhi, Thoreau, Wordsworth. William David Mohandas SnowPrince!
Dude. It's because you have smart things to say here.
I admire Thich Nhat Hahn, Thomas Merton, Robert Johnson (great blues musician - but was killed in a motel room because he was friendly with the ladies), Isa Chandra...
Of course "smartest" depends on your field of interest. Theresa, for a girl, after Therese de Lisieux and Teresa de Avila...but that's just in my book. Which I know is never going to be a best-seller. ;)
Michaelangelo, Michael for all practical purposes in English. JMHO
I agree.
Maybe David, after Henry David Thoreau?
henry is actually a name we are considering...and my dh's name is david, which we might use for a middle name.
my dh is david lawrence, after DH Lawrence.
we have finally narrowed it down to 2 names, and will pick the one that seems right when we see him face to face!
I agree.
;)b :-*
Leonardo Da Vinci...and my dad, Alden. I know those are kind of old-fashioned names though. :)
I really like your Dad's name!
Leonardo Da Vinci...and my dad, Alden. I know those are kind of old-fashioned names though. :)
I really like your Dad's name!
Alden means "old friend", in the sense of "old and valued." I remember learning that in my first brushes with Anglo Saxon, in highschool, and thinking that was a name I'd like for a child.
My smooch is a smarty-pants geo genius. His name is Peter Jason, but only his older sisters are allowed to still call him PJ
When I taught high school art, I had a kid named Alden and he was an amazing artist~and just cool kid! I like the name too, but it does not go well with our last name. Our last name ends in the "en" sound and that's just too many "ens". So many names I like end it "en" but I have eliminated them from the pool.
Leonardo Da Vinci...and my dad, Alden. I know those are kind of old-fashioned names though. :)
I really like your Dad's name!
Alden means "old friend", in the sense of "old and valued." I remember learning that in my first brushes with Anglo Saxon, in highschool, and thinking that was a name I'd like for a child.
Umm, I like Alden too. And my last name does not have a "en" in it so it could work. I am going to add it to my list.
Speaking of "A" names, my daughter goes to school with a boy named Archimedes (Archie as a nickname is plausable). Most of the smarties I'm fond of were Greeks with those funky names, but this name isn't too far out in left field for today's society. I think it's coolio.
Best wishes to you and the baybeh. Picking the name is so fun. :)
Nikola Tesla
Leo Tolstoy
both brilliant and vegetarian
I didn't notice, but it's cute both snowpea and little aunt are pregneat. Good luck.