VW Earth Day Gift Exchange??
Posted by laurenlovesgoodies on Feb 23, 2010 · Member since Nov 2007 · 2936 posts
Earth Day VW Gift Exchange!
April 22, 2010!!
PACKAGES MUST BE SHIPPED NO LATER THAN APRIL 12, 2010 (Monday)! That leaves 10 days for packages to get to where they need to go. If you are an INTERNATIONAL shipper.... please adjust your ship out date accordingly.
The following people are participating:
It's great!
It truly has been a fantastic exchange. Wuv youz guyz.
i remember back in the day when gift exchange started... it was a one-way care package thingy. ppc sent me tea & some deelicious mint chocolate brownies. The care package thing was supposed to be for finals, but I somehow ate everything before finals...
I'm already thinking about the next exchange, and how I will send my person Japanese things and make AC jealous :)
So jealous of everyone's goodies!! Hopefully finances are better so I can take part in the next one. I really loved making and receiving things from the last one.
FB, you will get a well thought out and awesome package from LLG!
I am still enjoying mine, bit by bit, every day!
She rocks!!!!
pics to come of my superlative package later.
ok, the next one needs to come fast because i REALLY wanna participate!!! i'm super jeal of everyone's stuff!
I had so much fun giving and receiving in this exchange. I can't wait for the next one and will not let a little fluke dampen my excitement. Llg did and amazing job organizing and communicating with all of us. Shit happens, but overall it was stupendously awesome. :)>>>
Oh hi thread. Next time I'm going to participate. I love getting vegan stuffz in the mail :)
FB, you will get a well thought out and awesome package from LLG!
I am still enjoying mine, bit by bit, every day!
She rocks!!!!
pics to come of my superlative package later.
my package will be the most superlative.
I can't wait for the next one!
LLG, you did an amazing job and I thank you! I now realize that I wouldn't be a good gift exchange coordinator though....so I hope there's someone else out there that wants that responsibility....sometime soon...
I'm already thinking about the next exchange, and how I will send my person Japanese things and make AC jealous :)
I'm also really excited for the next one and after reading this post by fanablues really hope thats they get me! ;)b
I heart the VW community :)>>>
I heart the VW community :)>>>
yes, this.
fb is going to get the most kickarse package/packages of all, so I'm still chalking this exchange up as a total win, and it was awesome seeing how everyone's packages were so well thought out and how much happiness got shared around : )
I know I'm still smiling about mine and looking forward to using up everything in it. I even get to smile every time I bake because I'm using hh's awesome measuring stuff : )
I'm happy you liked it. I'm super practical (I have no knick knacks / throw pillows / decor in my house) and my gifts tend to reflect that. My guess was that you're practical, too, so you wouldn't mind measuring utensils. Yay!
FB, you will get a well thought out and awesome package from LLG!
I am still enjoying mine, bit by bit, every day!
She rocks!!!!
pics to come of my superlative package later.
my package will be the most superlative.
Way to put the pressure on ladies! :uhoh:
ok, when's the next gift exchange? I'm jonsin' for one now!
FB, you will get a well thought out and awesome package from LLG!
I am still enjoying mine, bit by bit, every day!
She rocks!!!!
pics to come of my superlative package later.
my package will be the most superlative.
Way to put the pressure on ladies! :uhoh:
no pressure! I just needed to one-up l2a. ^ ^
I didn't participate in this, but if anyone wants to swap goodies with me (to be sent within the week) PM me so we can swap addies. I promise it'll be worth it.
I'm too intimidated to exchange with you. What the hell would I send? Food? You're fucking amazing in the kitchen. Kitchen stuff? You have it all. I'm presently too skint to send you Crystal Head vodka, which is my only idea.
Package = Done!
Just need to mail out now. I wonder if I can get DH to do it for me again?? :)
yaaaaah lauren! I wanna know what it is....! : )
I want another exchange so I can participate this time! My only downside is that baked goods would not be able to be sent because of being to far away from most vegwebbers.