Vegan/Vegetarian Low-Fat Lecture
Posted by Jane M on Mar 16, 2009 · Member since Feb 2006 · 373 posts
Ok, it's like this...I am still in shock so I will try to make sense.
Today I got asked by one of the instructor chefs to put together a 45 minute lecture on Vegan and Vegetarian Low Fat cooking for the local group Biggest Losers. AHHHHH....whhaaaaa?????? It is for 20 to 70 of its members. Ok....
So I know a lot of low-fat vegan recipes....but these folks aren't vegan....
I am thinking of getting them to add beans to their diets (cutting back on fatty meats) and to substitute purreed fruits for fats in baking. Maybe explain to them the health benefits of a plant based diet?
I am not really sure what non-vegans where do I start?
Neat! I would focus on things that aren't too foreign to the typical omni. Like you said, things based on beans would be good--soups, stews, etc. Talk aobut how beans are low fat and high in fiber, protein and other nutrients. You don't even have to use tofu. You could also teach them about ways to not use oil/butter in cooking (using broth to saute vegetables) and how to season/spice foods well instead of adding extra fat for flavor.
It's just a talk, and not a demo, right? So you want tips to be immediately accessible and easy to implement. Maybe take a bunch of meat and cheese heavy recipes and show how you would alter the ingredients to make it lower fat. Like, replacing sour cream in tacos with guacamole. I guess that isn't really low fat, but you get the idea. Replacing a cheesy sauce with a fat-free tomato sauce in something else. I dont know. Things that are easy to change in typical recipes.
Also, you could cover low fat desserts--making simple desserts out of fresh and frozen fruit, etc.
I think I would try to make it self-evident that, by striving to eat in a low fat way, it's pretty much inevitable that we eat more plant based. You don't have to push the VEGAN part, just push the fact that a plant based diet happens to be the healthiest, and everything else follows.
It sounds like it will be good!
That is awesome...
I think you should really focus on the veg*n aspect of things...since that is what your instructor wants anyway.
Explain to them the benefits of a high fiber diet in regards to weight loss and how a healthy vegan diet is naturally high in fiber. Also how most of the things that they are eating now can be just as delicious prepared without meat...esp: a delicious grilled portabello mushroom burger with lettuce, tomato and onions instead of a hamburger, lentils with garlic and onions in a tomato sauce instead of ground meat. A lot of people that are trying to lose weight are willing to try new things for the ultimate goal so go ahead and give some tempeh or tofu ideas...tofu is not that "weird" anymore. They are attending this for ideas they wouldn't necessarily a vegan you owe it to them to not think like an omni ;)
This group asked him to provide someone to lecture on vegan/ that much is cool...they want to be there. The whole thing just really took me by surprise though. I'll be ok once I calm down a bit.
I found a Vegetarian Starter kit from PCRM that I want to incorporate. Also, I think a brief mention of veganisms beginnings....way back in 1948 would be appropriate? Do you think recommending vegan web sites is ok? Like I really like this one for recipes...I could tell them that this and other sites have plenty of recipes to try? There is just so much stuff out there....and I only have 45 minutes!
I won't be cooking for them exactly...they aren't expecting a whole meal or anything like that. However...samples to taste would be nice...nudge..nudge.
I have been teamed with another girl who is vegetarian...sort of. She loves to get up and talk...I hate to. Oh my but this could get interesting.
I love the healthy replacement ideas. I am really tempted to make a delicious but low cal desert with tofu and just let them see how versitile tofu is.
I love the healthy replacement ideas. I am really tempted to make a delicious but low cal desert with tofu and just let them see how versitile tofu is.
Yes! That would be great. Because blending up tofu is one way that you can't really screw it up. Make like a quick chocolate mousse or something!
I personally loathe tofu in desserts. I can taste of teaspoonful of tofu in a vat of it. Why would someone take the perfectly delicious institution of dessert and violate it with tofu?
Do losers eat carbs? I have a hella slow metabolism so I stay away from flour and starches. But Blueberry Bran Muffins would be a good example of how to take a food, if you have to have it, and improve it healthwise. There's no added oil, it's all applesauce, and there's more wheat bran than flour.
eta: I'd talk about how meat is a complete protein. Plant-based protein is often viewed as an inferior protein, but that's only because it's not complete. When plant-based proteins are combined, they are as equally high quality as meat protein. A breakfast of oatmeal and lunch of Delicious Pakistani Dhal is an example of a combined protein because a person only needs to eat complementary proteins within about 24 hours of each other.
Good combinations of complementary proteins are grains & legumes or seeds & legumes. Okay complementary proteins are grains & seeds.
I was going to say, tofu chocolate mousse! I haven't had anyone dislike it yet who's tried it, and it's sooo easy to make. Some people have told me they can taste the tofu (I don't notice it anymore, after years without mousse of any sort) but it was a positive thing for them. I'm sure alot of people would be thrilled to know they can make tasty desserts with silken tofu, even if it isn't a taste they're used to. :)
make it a chocolate pb mousse pie and they'll never taste the tofu... i drain off the separated oil from my pb and pour it into another container to use it to cook with later if i want to. instant lower fat pb!
I personally loathe tofu in desserts. I can taste of teaspoonful of tofu in a vat of it. Why would someone take the perfectly delicious institution of dessert and violate it with tofu?
My sentiments exactly. :smileteeth:
That is awesome...
I think you should really focus on the veg*n aspect of things...since that is what your instructor wants anyway.
Explain to them the benefits of a high fiber diet in regards to weight loss and how a healthy vegan diet is naturally high in fiber.
I agree! Totally pimp the fiber (how, if you stick with whole grains and legumes rather than processed foods, it's harder to overeat because fiber fills up your stomach better, that beans and the like have serious complex carbs that break down slower keeping blood sugars a little more regular, and thus help to stave off binges, and certain types of fiber don't break down at all, so there are calories that just don't get absorbed, and of course all of the health aspects of a diet high in fiber) I would also make some joke about the beans at this point, and then proceed to show how easy it is to incorporate veggie options into "normal" recipes (yes, I am a major bean lover!) ;D
but I would make sure that I have research to show that the fiber needs to come from food sources, or you might just have a bunch of people who think they can short-cut and metamucil. (although that might be interesting to see...) >:D
I think that I would be careful about talking about complete proteins. That sort of talk might scare them off. Rather show it to be a fairly simple process (a basic veg*n food pyramid might go down well here), and, more importantly, something that they can easily do, while making it possible for them to reach their goals.
Such a cool opportunity to reach a group of people who might be more open to an idea they wouldn't normally consider, all because they are goal-oriented. Good luck!
along w/ the subs for oil, remember the various "quick" subs for eggs!! (i/e baking powder/soda, apple sauce, banana, etc). These will also cut down on the fat/cals of a baked good!
Also, I think it could be helpful for you if you knew what everyone was expecting/hoping for with your lecture.....Would it be too late/out of place for you to ask your instructor to hand out questionnaires for them to fill out for you?
This way, you're tailoring your talk to them and not wasting your time or theirs on info they don't want to know.
Also, for today's economy, mention the fact that veg*nism can be cheaper than all those processed foods and meat products if you do it right. You don't have to shop at Whole Foods or the local HFS to eat veg*n--it's all about knowing the basics. And the fact that just like any diet, you may have to carry a list and do a bit of re-learning just at first but it soon becomes automatic.
I personally loathe tofu in desserts. I can taste of teaspoonful of tofu in a vat of it. Why would someone take the perfectly delicious institution of dessert and violate it with tofu?
My sentiments exactly. :smileteeth:
Really? I fed tofu chocolate mousse to a whole group of ten omni girls before they even knew the ingredients and they were like OMG THIS IS SO GOOD. Maybe you just need a better recipe?
Great ideas all! I forgot about complete and incomplete proteins....thanks...should at least touch on those....the girl I present with is convinced that vegans can't get enough protein to live I said working with her could be interesting...sigh...not a perfect world. I have a lot of stuff to show her on that!
Love the bran muffin recipe...may try making that at home this weekend. Maybe have them as snacks during lecture? Along with recipe?
Economy! Yes! Great! Most diest are so expensive...not veganism!
I have copies of vegan pyramid!
Can't do survey.....sure would help though....
Thinking of providing a list of vegan cookbooks....There is a review on here somewhere about them...probally could use some of the comments? Is that legal and all?
I personally loathe tofu in desserts. I can taste of teaspoonful of tofu in a vat of it. Why would someone take the perfectly delicious institution of dessert and violate it with tofu?
My sentiments exactly. :smileteeth:
Really? I fed tofu chocolate mousse to a whole group of ten omni girls before they even knew the ingredients and they were like OMG THIS IS SO GOOD. Maybe you just need a better recipe?
They were faking it.
Great ideas all! I forgot about complete and incomplete proteins....thanks...should at least touch on those....the girl I present with is convinced that vegans can't get enough protein to live I said working with her could be interesting...sigh...not a perfect world. I have a lot of stuff to show her on that!
Protein seems to be the question I most often get from omnis.
Then you could also mention that getting healthy is getting healthy inside and out. That Americans consume two to three times the amount of recommended protein and that increased protein intake stresses the kidneys. Also, unless someone is training super hard as an Olympian body builder, people can get enough protein through a well-balanced cholesterol-free, low-fat, vegetable-based diet to satisfy the needs of someone who goes to the gym or works out regularly.
I personally loathe tofu in desserts. I can taste of teaspoonful of tofu in a vat of it. Why would someone take the perfectly delicious institution of dessert and violate it with tofu?
My sentiments exactly. :smileteeth:
Really? I fed tofu chocolate mousse to a whole group of ten omni girls before they even knew the ingredients and they were like OMG THIS IS SO GOOD. Maybe you just need a better recipe?
They were faking it.
KMK - which recipe did you use? I'd be willing to give it ONE more try... I want to eat a tofu dessert and be like "OMG THIS IS SO GOOD". (I love tofu just fine in savory dishes).
I personally loathe tofu in desserts. I can taste of teaspoonful of tofu in a vat of it. Why would someone take the perfectly delicious institution of dessert and violate it with tofu?
My sentiments exactly. :smileteeth:
Really? I fed tofu chocolate mousse to a whole group of ten omni girls before they even knew the ingredients and they were like OMG THIS IS SO GOOD. Maybe you just need a better recipe?
They were faking it.
KMK - which recipe did you use? I'd be willing to give it ONE more try... I want to eat a tofu dessert and be like "OMG THIS IS SO GOOD". (I love tofu just fine in savory dishes).
make the s'mlove pie from vcon, you will definitely have that reaction. although i had a party full of omnis devour a much simpler one - chocolate kahlua pie and love it.
you could recommend books too. the china study, skinny bitch (although this might be too much since they call the reader a fatty and stuff....), the food revolution... hmm.. those are the only ones i really know about.
One thing that I really liked from the cooking classes i took at whole foods was getting a handout to take home and they supplied you with pens/pencils to take your own notes. I know this isnt a cooking class, but having a handout with all of the specific information for them to take notes on would help them to remember specific things later.
all of these suggestions have been so good! i cant wait to see how it goes. seems like you might need to give your co presenter a couple lessons before going into the workshop. hehe.
If I had 45 minutes to lecture about a low fat vegan diet I would start with a simple introduction, including how a whole foods plant based diet is healthy (high fiber, plenty of nutrients and no cholesterol) and inexpensive (in season, local produce). While talking make them a quick smoothie with banana, frozen berries, handful of spinach and orange juice. Have helpers pass out small cups to taste.
Explain how they just got a serving of fruits and veggies all in one easy to make breakfast drink. You could even add in flax seeds and wheat germ or blue green algae to really get things nutritious.
Next move onto making simple, healthy meals with rice and beans. How cheap it is to buy dry beans, soak overnight, cook during the day in a crock pot and use up at night for dinner. Show them samples of the beans in a pan, explain how each is healthy and excellent protein and that you can flavor it any way you want; from Indian spices to Mexican to South American to Italian. Also that pureeing a cup of beans adds a great creamy texture to soup and sauces.
Whip up a quick mousse of tofu, chocolate and fruit to serve them. Explain how versatile tofu is for savory to sweet and that they can buy it in different textures for different uses.
I would not get into too much history as while the term vegan might have sprung up in the 40's I am sure many cultures were around and eating a healthy plant based diet long before then. Also the whole idea of complete vs incomplete proteins just seems like a fallacy to me and you do not want to spend half your time defending your position from others.
If I had 45 minutes to lecture about a low fat vegan diet I would start with a simple introduction, including how a whole foods plant based diet is healthy (high fiber, plenty of nutrients and no cholesterol) and inexpensive (in season, local produce). While talking make them a quick smoothie with banana, frozen berries, handful of spinach and orange juice. Have helpers pass out small cups to taste.
Explain how they just got a serving of fruits and veggies all in one easy to make breakfast drink. You could even add in flax seeds and wheat germ or blue green algae to really get things nutritious.
Next move onto making simple, healthy meals with rice and beans. How cheap it is to buy dry beans, soak overnight, cook during the day in a crock pot and use up at night for dinner. Show them samples of the beans in a pan, explain how each is healthy and excellent protein and that you can flavor it any way you want; from Indian spices to Mexican to South American to Italian. Also that pureeing a cup of beans adds a great creamy texture to soup and sauces.
Whip up a quick mousse of tofu, chocolate and fruit to serve them. Explain how versatile tofu is for savory to sweet and that they can buy it in different textures for different uses.
I would not get into too much history as while the term vegan might have sprung up in the 40's I am sure many cultures were around and eating a healthy plant based diet long before then. Also the whole idea of complete vs incomplete proteins just seems like a fallacy to me and you do not want to spend half your time defending your position from others.
Where do I sign up? I completely agree with all of that, and especially the last part about proteins. You really don't have to go there. They are not going to have any problem getting enough protein with a balanced diet. I forget if anyone mentioned it, but you could show them/hand out copies of your favorite vegan food pyramid. It's a great base plan.
Great opportunity!