Open letters
Seeing as we've got confessions and problems and issues springing up in threads all over the shop, I thought it might be interesting to have an open letter thread. Cathartic, perhaps. From your mother ruining your wedding, to your boyfriend who can't stop peeing on the toilet seat, or even that guy on the bus who kept making that annoying noise with his mouth, get it out here.
I'll get the ball rolling.
To my dear darling boyfriend,
Just because you are technically 'clean' when you come out the shower, it doesn't mean that I am okay with using the same towel you've been rubbing all over yourself for a month. I know you have others. I bought you two myself. Drag them out from the murky depths of the laundry basket, wash them and allow me the temporary use of a clean one.
Love, Cat
dear bug, go away! Three days knocked on my butt are plenty, no matter how long you stuck arround the kids. And please skip DH. You really annoy me with letting me feel almost fine the first 2 days as long as I stayed sitting/laying and then making me feel really nasty when I got up for anything. Now today I even feel bad when in bed. Go away, I am supposed to be babysitting DGS not having DH take care of both him and me as well as taking his mom to appointments.
dear bug, go away! Three days knocked on my butt are plenty, no matter how long you stuck arround the kids. And please skip DH. You really annoy me with letting me feel almost fine the first 2 days as long as I stayed sitting/laying and then making me feel really nasty when I got up for anything. Now today I even feel bad when in bed. Go away, I am supposed to be babysitting DGS not having DH take care of both him and me as well as taking his mom to appointments.
Dear SV,
get your butt off VW and go take a nappy and get rested. >:( We don't want you staying sick! I means it, you go get better, lots of herbal teas for you! :)>>> :)>>>
(on behalf of Vegweb) <3
ps. I just made vegan carob cookies but unfortunately we haven't worked out that teleporter yet :'( yet another reason you should get better soon! :-D
Dear Trader Joe's,
Thank you for putting your next Florida store in Sarasota, though St. Pete would have been nicer. That's way closer than Naples.
WHAT?! REALLY?! I AM SO EXCITED. It's okay because it will give you an excuse to come hang out with me and eat at some places I found around here.
Sounds like a plan to me! Apparently it's going to be at 4101 S. Tamiami Trail.
dear bug, go away! Three days knocked on my butt are plenty, no matter how long you stuck around the kids. And please skip DH. You really annoy me with letting me feel almost fine the first 2 days as long as I stayed sitting/laying and then making me feel really nasty when I got up for anything. Now today I even feel bad when in bed. Go away, I am supposed to be babysitting DGS not having DH take care of both him and me as well as taking his mom to appointments.
Dear SV,
get your butt off VW and go take a nappy and get rested. >:( We don't want you staying sick! I means it, you go get better, lots of herbal teas for you! :)>>> :)>>>
(on behalf of Vegweb) <3
ps. I just made vegan carob cookies but unfortunately we haven't worked out that teleporter yet :'( yet another reason you should get better soon! :-D
Feeling much better today, still not able to stay up and moving constantly but at least I can get some stuff done. DH did bring me several carrafes of hot water a day while I was down and I keep a stash of tea bags in my bedroom. I was living on the sofa in my bedroom and using my laptop. I don't do "sit still and twiddle your thumbs" very well so the computer breaks were much needed. Thanks for the thoughts of the cookies.
Dear Credit Card Service: Obviously you have no regard for the Federal "Do not call List". I have repeatedly pressed the button you said to be put on YOUR list to no avail. After you called my cell phone this morning, you had the gall to call my home phone this afternoon. New strategy devised between the two calls: I will talk to your represenatives. I will be nice and sweet . . . when you ask me to get a card in good standing, I will just sit down the phone and let it take up your line as long as you don't hang it up. My family has so many roll over minutes and never uses all of the new ones each month so I can waste them on you. >:D
Oh, BTW, I have no credit cards, drive a paid for car, and am working on putting 2 kids through college with no student loans. Now bug off!
Dear vegan universe,
I NEED a chocolate chocolate-chip cookie recipe thats not only vegan, but gluten free and doesn't taste funny when used with carob because I can't eat chocolate. If you could please magically appear after many hours of searching, I would appriciate it!
Loving and with high reguards,
SV- I'm glad you're feeling better :) I wish I was that well off, we have 1 credit card (a discover) and we use/pay it off every month and its making the husbands credit go up fast because we want to buy a house soon. No car to speak off because I sold mine and my step son probably won't be going to college, even if he does though I won't be paying for me... yeah I'm evil like that LOL >:D :devilwink:
Dear Vegwebbers,
Hiyah ~^_^~ ! Wanted to let you all know I'm still kickin' it, fufu style :p
Haiya fufu!
Glad to see you.
Dear people of omaha in their vehicles,
Yes, I'm walking.
Yes, I'm carrying groceries and
Yes, I do, at some point, need to cross the damn street!
So when I go to cross the street please have some kindness and wait the extra 7 seconds it takes me to walk across the road before you try to turn, this is mainly for the 400lb fatass woman driving her big truck who screamed at me out of her window. I just polietely smiled but I was plotting your death in my mind. I imagine the burger king whopper you were eating and that 32oz soda drink you're drinking it currently killing you and I'm hoping you will have a stroke or a heart attack soon, so you no longer share my air.
Oh and to those idiots who drive by and always stare at me because I'm walking, usually carrying something or pulling a cart behind me full of bags.
No, I'm not a homeless person (not that theres anything wrong with being homeless anyways)
No I'm not extremely poor (but I'm not super well-off either!)
no, I'm not driving because I can't afford it, I do it for my health and for the planet.
Stop screaming curse words at me for your amusement, stop honking at me to see if you can scare me.
I'd like to see your fat asses walk 5 or more miles to go to the damn grocery store, carry home 50 or more pounds of food UPHILL in the god damn winter!
Until then, feel free to kiss my FAT ASS!
With all my love,
ps, I hope you run your hummer or extra large sized pickup trucks into phone poles as you're starring at me. ;)b ^-^ but please, try not to hit the trees as you're dying from your own stupidity. :)>>>
Dear People who Decide these Things:
Why, when I live about 5 stoopit miles from the building in which the phone company resides, can I not get interwebs?
OKOK, I can get *shudder* dial-up. But srsly...why not DSL? I get that the cable company are pussies and won't come up the mountain, but you already have lines in place *whine* I need mah VegWeb!
With disgruntlies,
Dear Mountain,
I love you, and I can't wait to see you in the spring!
Revvie down at the Farm
To my gay friends (and anyone else who wants to read):
I just read this in the weekly Dan Savage column (Savage Love) and thought I'd share.
I'm a 25-year-old straight man. One of my best buddies is gay, and I'm in gay bars with him twice a week or so. (We like to drink!) My question: What's the correct response when I get hit on by men in gay bars? If a guy comes on strong, I kind of feel bad saying, "I'm straight." Because I don't want him to think I'm saying, "You're disgusting." So what's the etiquette for a straight guy in a gay bar? Is it wrong to say you have a boyfriend instead of just saying you're straight? -Not Overly Concerned Lost Useless Entity
Guys who either don't have boyfriends or do have boyfriends but are in monogamish relationships will frequently say "I have a boyfriend" to get rid of a guy at a bar who they don't find attractive. So be honest, NOCLUE. Finding out he never had a shot at you because you're straight will be easier on a guy's ego than having to wonder what it is you and your imaginary boyfriend didn't find attractive about him.
Now, some gay dudes will be annoyed when they discover that the guy they've invested 10 whole minutes in eye-fucking isn't gay, but most will welcome your presence as proof that—forgive me—it gets better. Straight dudes hanging out in gay bars with their gay friends? Straight dudes who are secure enough in their own sexuality that they're comfortable with being viewed as a sex object by other men? Sure signs of progress, NOCLUE. That some gay dudes will have to waste a few precious minutes of their lives flirting with men they can't suckfuckrimdatemarry is a small price to pay to be reminded that we live in a less homophobic world.
This reminds me of the time I went out with my buddy Curt. I had a guy chat me up until his friends told him, "dude!! He's straight." The guy (I believe his name was Jared) asked me if I was straight. I said I was and he was all apologetic for talking with me. I told him that I didn't care and that he was okay. He went elsewhere in the bar. I was kind of hurt he didn't want to talk to me anymore. I'm sure he just wanted to get laid. Haha!!
Another time I went out with my buddies Justin and Curt. We went to a bar where a drag queen named Ralph worked as bartender. A bartender by day and a drag queen by night. Ralph was very playful and sarcastic (as drag queens are). came time for Justin and Curt to go smoke so we all headed outside. Ralph decided to join us.
We get outside and Ralph decided to make small talk. He looked at Justin and said, "what are you doing hanging out with these two fags?" We all cracked-up laughing. To this day, my buddy Justin says, "I can't believe you didn't say anything." My response was and will always be - "Why should I care? I knew he was joking." I don't need to puff my chest and scream some denouncement of his comments.
I am who I am. You are who you are. You're not a second or third-rate citizen. You're just as equal to me as I am to you. You may not be Joshua f'ing Montgomery but who is? I'm kidding. I'm thankful to have you in my life. I value you as a friend and as a person. You're not 'nothing'. And unless someone is being a negative in your life, it doesn't matter who you like or love or are attracted to. And that's that.
Dear Josh,
This reminded me of a statement I read by Lorraine Hansberry (who wrote Raisin in the Sun): "I am not a hundred other people. Are you?"
Great way to stop the generalisations by making the other person realise that you are just as much an individual as they are.
Dear Josh,
They just want your sexiness, don't take it personally.
Best wishes,
ps. LOL! :-D
Dear Josh,
This reminded me of a statement I read by Lorraine Hansberry (who wrote Raisin in the Sun): "I am not a hundred other people. Are you?"
Great way to stop the generalisations by making the other person realise that you are just as much an individual as they are.
Thank you dearest Yabbit!! Just speaking my thoughts and thinking loud. I believe in benefitting the whole but respecting the individual. Individualism is where it all starts. I'm not making any I? Hahaha
Fay -
LOLOL!!! Rrrrriiiiigggghhhht!!
Ugh. Seriously. You laugh when i say this and say you know you're stupid BUT YOU CLEARLY DON'T UNDERSTAND AT ALL
Dear Sarah,
I understand and I agree, but the idea of trying to remove what is essentially a hole from someone's body made me laugh hard. (Never mind me, I woke up at 3 AM again).
Dear Magic Thread,
Please help me find my amethyst cross. I want to wear it this week and besides it was a gift and I would hate to lose it. I've looked everywhere I can think of, twice. The chain is missing, too, so I know I took it off somewhere in the house, but where?
Ugh. Seriously. You laugh when i say this and say you know you're stupid BUT YOU CLEARLY DON'T UNDERSTAND AT ALL
She will understand once she gets an STD for being a moron. I think something like 70% of peeps have an STD, many show no symptoms and it's not like many boys get tested, it is the girls that find out during their monthly checkup.
Dear Veg Webbers,
Happy Ostara!
Dear Odin,
Why did your cross appear on my knee last night? Just trying to understand the message.
Dear Veg Webbers,
Happy Ostara!
Dear Storm,
I can't quite rustle up a happy face for the march toward...ugh...summer. (I know y'all love it, but then y'all don't live here.) Get back to me at the autumnal equinox and I'll have something to celebrate.
Love yas,
Dear Veg Webbers,
Happy Ostara!
Dear Odin,
Why did your cross appear on my knee last night? Just trying to understand the message.
Blessed Ostara
Dear Storm,
You've reminded me just how out of touch with my "beliefs I really am, I'm letting others take that away from me. I should spend more time on me.
Thanks for that, another reason why you're awesome. :)
Dear Faylina,
Dear Baby Brother,
You are is you're, not your....bonehead!
Big Sister