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Open letters

Seeing as we've got confessions and problems and issues springing up in threads all over the shop, I thought it might be interesting to have an open letter thread. Cathartic, perhaps. From your mother ruining your wedding, to your boyfriend who can't stop peeing on the toilet seat, or even that guy on the bus who kept making that annoying noise with his mouth, get it out here.

I'll get the ball rolling.

To my dear darling boyfriend,

Just because you are technically 'clean' when you come out the shower, it doesn't mean that I am okay with using the same towel you've been rubbing all over yourself for a month. I know you have others. I bought you two myself. Drag them out from the murky depths of the laundry basket, wash them and allow me the temporary use of a clean one.

Love, Cat

Dear MDV-
Not only are my clothes organized in rainbow order but they are catergoried by 'type', and then rainbow color. Common catergories are tank tops, t-shirts, short sleeve button downs, long sleeve button down, long sleeve cotton (casual), long sleeve cotton (more dressy), jackets from casual to dressy in order, shorts, skirts, jeans, dress pants....I think you get the idea  :D I am so lame and way extreme OCD. I organize my shoes in the same way.

Sounds normal to me.


Boulder sounds like an American version of Guelph :D


Dear MDV-
Not only are my clothes organized in rainbow order but they are catergoried by 'type', and then rainbow color. Common catergories are tank tops, t-shirts, short sleeve button downs, long sleeve button down, long sleeve cotton (casual), long sleeve cotton (more dressy), jackets from casual to dressy in order, shorts, skirts, jeans, dress pants....I think you get the idea  :D I am so lame and way extreme OCD. I organize my shoes in the same way.

Sounds normal to me.

my clothes live in a pile on the floor or in the dryer.  floor = dirty/weekend clothes, dryer = clothes suitable for work, closet = those few pieces that i NEVER wear.  why do i have theM?  hmmm.


Boulder sounds like an American version of Guelph :D

I checked out Guelph's Wikipedia article and they do have some similarities!

It was funny, on my first day out today, I passed a group of kids (with a few hippy looking adults) laughing and when I approached they sang out  "We are sooo happy to be alive!". I know, it was probably some strange cult thing, but still too funny. I'm off to a veg*n sub shop! mmm.


Dear PB and MDV,

Do you ever watch Flipping Out?  You guys remind me of Jeff Lewis. ;D  I wish I were just a little more like you.  Though I did run my Roomba last night in my guest room.  Aren't you proud?


A dust bunny just floated from the air onto my computer! *shutter shutter* I told it to go to the safe haven of your home.



bp or "beeps" as it is now becoming. thanks LA

YAY!!  :)


A dust bunny just floated from the air onto my computer! *shutter shutter* I told it to go to the safe haven of your home.


Dear sweet little floating dust bunny,

Please come home.  You're not safe there.  And steer clear of Maryland.

~The DBS (Dust Bunny Sanctuary)


Dear Birds-Living-In-My-Work-Town,
I realize that I park under a power line. I realize you like to sit on the power line. Please, my car is not a bathroom!! Why can't you fly to the other side of the street to do your business? I would move my car, but I can't park closer to my workplace, I will get a ticket! I could park further away, but I honestly fear for my safety walking any further - especially with all the crazies that live in said town. You see, I have no options. Today was ridiculous! I do not like to find upwards of 30 splats on my car!! Please stop, or I will resort to driving DH's vehicle.
Could use a little respect here,
Dirty Car Lady


Dear Hugo,

Please stop limping.  I don't like that you're hurt.  I know it was exciting to come back home, but in the future you should slow down before climbing stairs.  You must be sick of crash landings by now.

your worried puppy-mother

Dear wedding photographer,

I'm really getting sick  of all these issues with you.  I could have had my finished album a month ago if you had just explained what you wanted.  I'm trying my best to tell you which pictures I want, but it's really hard to send them in the right format when you won't tell me what it is!  Is it really that hard to look at the page numbers that I saved for you?  Do I really need to go back through your crappy website AGAIN to save them to some secret list?  I'm THIS CLOSE to telling you to refund my mom and forget about it.  I hope your camera breaks.  I hope your shutter button finger breaks.  I hope you go blind in one eye.  But only after my album is finished.

Still fuming,
a very unhappy customer


Dear Boulder supermarkets,
You have everything I've always dreamed about. Rice cheeses, every type of veganaise, baked tofus.
And I thought Seattle was veg-friendly! Wow!

I love u so,


Dear Boulder supermarkets,
You have everything I've always dreamed about. Rice cheeses, every type of veganaise, baked tofus.
And I thought Seattle was veg-friendly! Wow!

I love u so,

Dear PK-
dude, there is this veg restaurant in boulder on pearl street called 'the leaf' that I've been dying to try! if you go, let me know how it is....No one I know will go with me so I will forever be wondering.... :'( perhaps I will go alone....



Dear Boulder supermarkets,
You have everything I've always dreamed about. Rice cheeses, every type of veganaise, baked tofus.
And I thought Seattle was veg-friendly! Wow!

I love u so,

Dear PK-
dude, there is this veg restaurant in boulder on pearl street called 'the leaf' that I've been dying to try! if you go, let me know how it is....No one I know will go with me so I will forever be wondering.... :'( perhaps I will go alone....


I am so close to the leaf! I was going to eat there all alone tonight, but went to the Half Fast Sub place instead (which I am not sorry about! Tempeh subs, tofu subs.. I got a large one and I've been eating it all night. It's soo good and huge).
And also one of the girls who is renting a place - a veg - mentioned that the place is right by the Leaf and that it's SOOO good. SO maybe tomorrow. :)


I will try to talk my hubby into going, I SO want to! I'm sure I will get shit for it for quite some time though. It better be good!



Dear PK,

Did I not tell you months ago you would not regret moving to Boulder?

Enjoy your stay! Eat, bike, hike, and camp for me.



Dear Vegweb,

I missed you so. Wedding dress shopping is stressful. I dislike dresses intensely. So is massive amounts of driving in a single week. Thank you for your calming, centering presence.




Dear Jason Lezak,

You completely rock. So do your teammates. But you especially.

In awe,



dear cat,

not that is my place, but dump his ass. date girls: they are better all around (not less stress, but you know, just better).

sticking my nose where it doesn't belong,

Dear BP,

He is generally very good and puts up with my bitch-fits admirably. It wasn't a great day for either of us and fortunately he snapped out fast. Dating girls is tempting but they're all mad, mad and insane.



Dear PB,

Go by yourself! Enjoy it.


Dear PP,

Thank you so much for recommending Brothers K to me. It will be one of my favorite books, I'm sure. I haven't read a funny book like that...maybe..ever.

Very appreciative about your thoughtfulness, AC


Dear pp & ac,

I keep reading about The Brothers K.  Would a person, such as myself, who generally reads non-fiction enjoy it, do you think?



dear pb and pk,

go together.

love, hesp.


dear pb and pk,

go together.

love, hesp.

I was gonna say the same thing, but I bet her husband would get jealous!!


Dear sweet hh,

Well. I'm not a person who generally just enjoys I can't say for sure....but it seems to me that any person who enjoys witty, clever, hilarious, hard to put down reading material would enjoy reading it!  It's not even hard to get into..or anything, just good. You should try it! A copy is on its way to KMK!

Dear lubi,

Youtube Intervention: Allison. It's extreme crazeweas.



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