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Close yer fridge!

What's on your fridge door?  Drawings, magnets, bills, anything fun?

This is fantastic. I'll do this later.


This is ours at the moment:

*Postcards from Salzburg and Dubrovnik from my best friend, postcards from Frysland and Dublin from my brother, postcard from San Francisco from my aunt.
*Movie tickets we won from our alarm company.
*Drawing of fish I did when I was 11.
*Invitation to the wedding we went to over Christmas.
*Calender on gardening etc from my mum.
*Magnets:  little orange people are recycled from drink cans, bought for me as a gift from the fair trade shop. Edward Monkton Shoe of Salvation.  Viking guy, Oxford houses, Guinness bottle opener and sorrento jandal bought by my parents on their trip to Europe in 2008.  New York, San Francisco, little animal ones and New York jandal bought by my aunt on her trip to the states this year.  Rarotonga magnets bought by my parents last year.  Few other random magnets acquired over the years.


I love the fish drawing!  Obviously you have artistic should join the ATC swap!


'bout time! We've had our fridge doors open for a while now! I'll do this soon.


pictures of family, coupons, and lots of magnets and drawings done by my 5 year old.  It's hard to tell it's a fridge, really.


There's nothing on the front of my fridge. It's not magnetic.


Oohh heck yes. This is possibly more exciting than the fridge tour videos.

Our fridge is this small two drawer unit--originally some fancy $3,000 thing, but We got it for free from a lady who was moving and had no success in trying to sell it. It isn't magnetic on the front, and the horizontal handle on the top drawer acts as a towel bar, so there's nothing on the front. But We have the sides decked out. I'll get a photo of it on here soon...

oww: You has the skillz, Yo. That drawing was done when You were just 11??! I agree, You totally do need to join the ATC swap. We've still got three whole weeks before they need to be mailed.... ;)


I assumed that this would be "Close yer fridge! ...  you're wasting energy!"


fingerprints (it's stainless steel)


A magnetic shopping list tablet someone sent me from the States.

A magnet with the phone number of the city recycling unit (they don't come out and empty the street-corner public containers unless someone calls  in to say they're full)

A magnet with the gas co's emergency phone no (which we have had occasion to use when they switched to natural gas)

Several plastic fish-shaped magnets

My BFF's wedding picture magnet (she has a photograph studio and made her own.)

A magnet with a saying by Meister Eckhart

A silly magnet my DH bought for me in a US shopping mall the day before our wedding 28 years ago, that says "Ann's Kitchen".


magnet from UM in Missoula
Obama sticker from his campaign
UM library magnet
post card from Humane Society for donation
P and A magnets from Alaska
May the forest by with you grocery list pad (almost gone!!! :/)
Amici's pizza magnet from SF
sticky fingers bakery magnet
doggie calendar
optimism thing magnet


I love the fish drawing!  Obviously you have artistic should join the ATC swap!

oww: You has the skillz, Yo. That drawing was done when You were just 11??! I agree, You totally do need to join the ATC swap. We've still got three whole weeks before they need to be mailed.... ;)

haha, I think I left my artistic skills at intermediate school.  That was 16 years ago, y'all! 

There's nothing on the front of my fridge. It's not magnetic.

It isn't magnetic on the front, and the horizontal handle on the top drawer acts as a towel bar, so there's nothing on the front.

I've never heard of non-magnetic fridges!! crazytalk!  : )

I like your doggie calendar, AC! : )

Sarah, get back in here with some pics!!


I :)>>> this thread..... for some reason the pics of people fridges makes me feel like i am in their home.... it is a very personality and what their home feels like thing for me... i am weird

Magnetic moose on the door handle.
Picture of my daughter when she was 2.
Picture of my smexy chaplain with two little girls he "big brothered".
List of what I'm allowed to put in the curbside recycling bin.
Magnetic note pad that says "I cook with wine....sometimes I even put it in the food", at the top.
Two library book due date receipts.
Various refrigerator magnets including one with a picture of George W. Bush that says: "A village in Texas has lost its idiot".
A magnetic pen.
A magnetic door chime.
And on the bottom door, a food combining chart.

Freezer door: Most of the things are here. A notepad, magnets we made from corks, pictures from my graduation and my brothers graduation, a comic my dad liked, a picture of most of my moms side of the family, the artichoke magnet mirrya sent me, a heart magnet we got from the vet a longgg time ago for some reason when we had my first dog, a mermaid magnet, chef and pirate frogs, a flower magnet I painted for my mom, pictures of 3 of my cousins, other things.
The fridge door just has two clips with lots of papers and tax things on them, so I didn't think it was worth posting.
Side of the fridge: Decently cluttered, this is kind of a free for all spot, and I like to cram random things on here. Lots of business/food place magnets, a sheet of pirate flag stickers identifying each one, a creepy magnet of a bear john put up that says "wanna hump", theres a store front ceramic magnet that my moms old boss got for her, it has pot leaves in the windows, the white paper is a list of calories/fat/stupid diet stuff my mom thinks she needs up, behind it is something my dad put up "Save the planet! More tree's less Bush!", and I put up the magnet/ruler about soybean aphids, its from a high school trip. Also, the fish and fruit magnets we've had FOREVER. I didn't even realize we still had them until I took this.


I :)>>> this thread..... for some reason the pics of people fridges makes me feel like i am in their home.... it is a very personality and what their home feels like thing for me... i am weird

Now I feel generic for not having a single thing stuck to my refrigerator.  Thanks.


that isn't generic... it is unique... i can't remember ever seeing a fridge with nothing on it.  ::)




you guys are organized.


I have a stainless steel fridge too. I remember when we got it being bummed that only the sides were magnetic. haha. the side has pictures of my dogs, the hours of libraries/recycling centers near me, recipes written on sticky notes, grocery pad, hello kitty magnets, magnets from our vet, produce stickers, a stack of drunk post-its from my friends, yogi tea things.



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