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Care to share?

My name's pretty easy -- 7 --I have seven children. However, some of the names here at vegweb are pretty thought provoking. How did you come to choose your name?

I'm so pleased with myself... I got both of those!


Funny...that name

'The Labyrinth'

has something to do with the next tour I start in Feb. in Europe........ ;)


My name is based on the fact that I'm an opera singer...and a chic.  ::)
My avatar (picture) is a representation of the Queen of the Night, one of my favorite roles. 


got the name from the movie 'The Labyrinth' with David Bowie... 

I loved that movie!  Thanks for reminding me of it.  I'm gonna go rent it and watch it again.


What about "laurenmisplaced"?

  The "misplaced" came from me feeling like I had no real  place to be.  My entire immediate family had moved out of southern California to various places throughout the country and I didn't feel like I had a home to go back to.  Now, I view it as no matter where I might be physically in life that it really doesn't matter.   ;)

Lauren, I think Frost said it best: Home is the place that when you go there, they have to let you in. Many places and conditions can be "home." VegWeb is one...I feel like I walked into my favourite coffee bar and bagged the lefthand corner of the sofa! ;D
This little agoraphobic actually walked to the Asian grocery and back today...only a little apprehensive at the start and I didn't even get  :o


German & English

well....that's a clue! (to the tour, that is)


My name is pretty easy to guess too.  I love the ocean and scuba diving!


Me too, I have not been this year yet but hope to get some place warm soon. I refuse to go in Lake Michigan this time of year even though some people do. I am all about scuba in my swim suit, no dry suits for me.


This little agoraphobic actually walked to the Asian grocery and back today...only a little apprehensive at the start and I didn't even get  :o

Hey, Im angoraphobic too! Rock on!



I actually grew up in Seaford and went to Seaford High School. My backyard was right behind Merrick Road across from the  Seaford Oyster Bay. My best friend lived on Tonapah Street right near the 7th precinct. I think thats close to the location you mentioned. There was a deli on Merrick Road called Bob's Deli (closed after 7/11 took all the business away). I used to go through the backyard with a hole in the fence and waste my whole allowance on video games!  ;D

I live about a mile from Mepham. I actually dated someone for a long period of time from Mepham. He graduated in 1988.

I love my job but if I make it to retirement...I'm  leaving Long Island!

Oh and reading from your previous thread, just wanted to let you know that I CAN play tuba and snare drum (I'm a music teacher).  :)

I always am on the lookout for a good tuba player with my kids. (and drums of course, they are they MOST every kid usually wants to play.


Her name is (Kiki)Lola, she is a showgirl, with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there ...

Friends have called me Kiki for a while now, but I saw the name Kikilola on a case I worked on and just fell for it! As for the Barry Manilow lyrics, I think they are only enhanced by the Kiki!

:-* K


Idioglossia, I had to smile when I read your post, not in the "haha funny" way, though. I hear that "your peers will catch up to you some day" thing -all- the time... I found (find) I had (have) to dumb myself down a lot, even though I was (am) so many grades ahead. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I found a bunch of other people who also dumbed themselves down... if we'd remember how to smarten ourselves up again.

But this link really made me laugh:
(Kids With High IQs Grow Up To Be Vegetarians)

Anyway, I got my name while sitting on my front porch... I've never been one to accept things "just because" (the whole "because I said so" thing my parents used to quote drove me INSANE. Thankfully they realized that) - I like questioning everything. Like, why are tables rectangular and not pentagonal? etc. So anyway I was reading a book by moonlight (it's insanely bright here at 3am when the moon is full) and listening to the crickets chirp, and all of a sudden wondered, has there ever been a mute cricket? And how would you ever know? I was having self-esteem issues at the time, and kind identified with the shy cricket who was waiting to be asked for its opinion... Though I'm much more confident now (now it's hard to get me to shut up!!!), I still identify with that little silent cricket. Thus my name!




My very bestest teacher in the Ho-Wy-WOrld was my second grade teacher,  Mr. Smith.  I have always been extraordinarily small for my age-I was only 29 pounds when I started kindergarten! He nick-named me "Little Ant", or just "Ant".  All of my papers from that year say "Ant" at the top. It stuck for a while, and its one of my fondest childhood memories. My lucky number is 2 so I just threw it in there. No big deal!!!
BTW, I wasn't raised veggie, so no one can blame my lack of size on my bird-like diet.  I ate bologna with the best of 'em! I'm now a healthy 5'2" and 100 lbs.


But this link really made me laugh:
(Kids With High IQs Grow Up To Be Vegetarians)

Ahhh so that explains it! I once kyped my file in highschool (well they shouldn't have left me alone with a filing cabinet containing that kind of info!) and found my IQ...I would have been impressed if it had meant I had a sense of direction, could balance my checkbook on my own, and wasn't afraid of my own shadow. But, yes, I did grow up to be a veggie. Smart, indeed!
Kikilola, I may have to hit you with some yakisoba...that song was driving me nuts last week, and having read your post..guess's baaaaaaaaack!


I noticed quite a few new names and thought I'd bring this back up to the top so they too can share. ;)


I picked "ungreen" as my first online moniker in 1994, which was before "green" was universal for environmentalist...  Or at least, if it was, my 14 year-old self didn't know it.  I had some complicated, depressed-type teenage theory about what it "meant" at the time, long since forgotten.  Mostly I think I was just trying to find an AOL name that wasn't already taken, plus I had a poster of an album for a band I like/d (Jawbreaker) called "Unfun" on my bedroom wall at the time, which I think inspired me to use "un" as a prefix...  It sort of stuck, although it's making me increasingly uncomfortable as the years go on...  I'm very "green" in the environmental sense!  I compost, participate in a community garden, drive a hybrid (when not walking or biking), diligently recycle, etc. etc.  If I could figure out how to change my name on here, I probably would.  :)


I wish I had a great story for my name like some of you do!  I liked the idea of being a jewel (I'm a redhead with green eyes - not really common) and I originally was going to use 5-11 (my birthday - OMG I turn 30 this year!!) but decided instead to go with 5111.

I love this site and feel so fortunate to meet so many other vegetarians and vegans - I live in a very small, conservative, Christian town and work at a small, Christian university, so I often feel alone (add that to being Jewish - geez).  However, I am excited to say that I'm finally going green (it takes some of us longer than others) - I just replaced all of my old cleaning products this past weekend and finally went to Whole Foods to stock up on foods, etc.

Please be patient with me - I'm just learning that there's so much out there and that there are other likeminded individuals.  :)


This place is loaded with patience. . .you've probably seen us at our worst just today. Welcome aboard gals.  :)


my name is so boring! no literary references or anything. my middle name is chandra... i usually use it for online things, but someone already took it, so i added ra from rachel.
chandra itself is a pretty cool name though. it's sanskrit for moon. props to my folks for being all hippy dippy when they had me!


I had an old song on my mind when I came up with my name: Squeeze Me Macaroni by Mr. Bungle. It's a song about food, laced with somewhat sexual connotations. "I get deeper penetration with a fork and a spoon". Well you get the pic. Innocence with an evil twist; that's me......



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