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My name's pretty easy -- 7 --I have seven children. However, some of the names here at vegweb are pretty thought provoking. How did you come to choose your name?

Well, i'm not too creative....needed something i could remember...i sing and was born in 1977


Hopfrog, I'm not sure how I missed your comment on my username post, but interestingly enough (for you and me, maybe) I am a children's librarian as well. My husband is also a librarian and that's how WE met.  :D


FRESH to remind me to keep a fresh outlook on things, eat all fresh produce and keep a fresh approach on life. GAL cos I am one!
Not very interestingly cryptic!
Only joined a few days ago but I have been reading this site for a while and it is so cool to hear everyones explanations for their names.
Good idea post 7 :)


Thanks, and thanks for joining in . . .have fun!  :)


No Worries Thanks to all for having me 8)


I like Ashley Its my name  Cher Cyr

For them moms I also home school 4 children. My daughter however who is 13 is starting college in the fall...... :( I am very sad but happy.


It was a lot of fun reading these posts.  Made me smile.  :)

Here's mine although it's not funny...MIRRYA because it was the name of the calico cat I raised from time she was a few hours old until she died from kidney disease at age 7 1/2.  I used to feed her with a syringe when I first found her and took her everywhere , even to my sister's wedding in her own decorated box.  (She was only 5 days old...a big hit with the kids)  Oh, the "Mirrya"  (pronounced mira) was short for miracle because I was glad she had been found and also I had had back surgery for scoliosis 6 weeks previous and she gave me something to focus on besides my own discomfort.

I don't remember why I put the one on the end. 


My name is also pretty easy to guess... I love apples! I have been in a huge Gala apple phase for the past few months, and before that I was in love with Golden Delicious, and the list goes on. I prefer to eat seasonally and locally if possible, but for Gala apples I do a mix because I love them so much. I generally eat them plain, but with crunchy peanut butter they are the best snack ever. Apples and honey are also an interesting combo most people don't try. Also, seed and nut butters are pretty good with them. Apples are absolutely one of my favourite foods, they are so healthy yet they taste as good to me as any junk food does (which most people seem to think makes me crazy!) Whoops, I ended up rambling there... I guess I really do just love my apples!

Random apple-fact about me: I have gone into grocery stores and purchased just one apple (to eat while I am out somewhere).

And I really do have (at least) one every day. :)


Suddenly I need apples. . .I'm a McIntosh lover though. Been too long. . .


Whoops, I just realized how I wrote apples and honey in my post...and that is not vegan of course. I should mention that I listed it because I am Jewish and we have a holiday, Rosh Hashana, that symbolizes the sweetness of the new year by eating apples and honey. That is where the combination came from, but I realize most people here do not eat honey, so I wanted to say sorry about that posting! Although, I used to be a vegan (now I am just as strict as a vegetarian can be without being truly vegan) but I never gave up honey so I often forget it is non-vegan for most people. Hmm... that has me thinking... are there are good honey imitation products out there?


Applelover wrote:
..Hmm... that has me thinking... are there are good honey imitation products out there?...

Agave Syrup is pretty darn close... I've got some in my tea right now!!



"Better than Honey" Rice Nectar tastes so much like honey that I gag at the sight of the stuff . . .I hate honey I hate honey I hate honey. . .tastes too much like rice nectar. .  ;)


My mom always called me lindsayloo when i was little, and still does sometimes when she's in one of those frustrated-with-me-but-still-in-a-good-mood moods. I'd probably be better suited as teahead or neobeatnik or just weirdo, but i abstained from any creativity.
I wasn't going to read this thread because i didn't think i cared, but you guys are fun ;D


When I was young, like 6th through 10th grade I used to play Dungeons and Dragons a lot.  A friend had a character named Davathar who was a magic user that was his most interesting and powerful character.  I hadn't played D&D for years when I first got on the internet around 96 and needed a screen name for an ICQ account.  First thing that came to mind was that character name.  I felt bad about stealing the name from my friend's character, but I've never seen anyone else using that same name on the Internet, so it always is available and I don't have to go with something like shawn681


I generally eat them plain, but with crunchy peanut butter they are the best snack ever.
Random apple-fact about me: I have gone into grocery stores and purchased just one apple (to eat while I am out somewhere).

;D  And here I thought I was the only one to ever do that!  ;)  My favorites are Fujis with crunchy pb!  Yum!


I love granny smiths with salt.


I chose my name from the Grand Traverse Bay, here in Northern Michigan, and the bayberry plant.  But I changed the berry to beari in reference to Sleeping Bear Dunes, also near me in Northern Michigan.  I have had that screenname for many years.  It also sounds sort of veggie, don'tcha think?


Honeycrisps are just amazing. You don't find them as often but if you do you have to try them yum. I also vote for agave nectar. I like it better than I ever did honey and i love that it disolves easier too.


I know this is a little off-subject, favorite bread recipe calls for honey, so can you just substitute agave nectar for the honey?


Yes, I've done that before, and it turned out great.  It even makes the bread brown more, just like honey.



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