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3 or 4 words to make a point

*** UPDATE***
See my latest post regarding this show.......

OK vegwebbers..... I need something to put on a t-shirt to get our vegan point across in a major way. I usually don't wear t-shirts with writing on them when I play, but this is different, bigger, and maybe the best 1 shot I will ever have to have something on a shirt that will be seen by billions (if I don't faint and fall off my drum throne by the thought of it while I'm performing by having a camera in my face).  :o

I have been asked to perform with one of the artists I played with a few years ago at Live Earth. Date 7-7-07. I will be playing in New York at Giant's Stadium. Since this show is all about the environment and I somehow know that the veggie/vegan cause of saving the environment will be left out of everything that day, I want to be the one bringing that message to everyone watching. So...I need something to put on the front of the shirt, and something for the back. It has to be very short and just a few words or it just won't be readable on the camera.

Something like: Vegan Powered, or No Meat=Peace, or Eating Meat=CO2.....I don't know...bad at this sort of thing.

For those about to ask who am I playing with that'll have to wait until 7-7-07 and watch!........haha! ::)

(you won't be able to miss me....I'll be the guy playing drums with the vegan t-shirt you all help me create).
I could always put a big VEGWEB on the back.....if it will get past the rest of the sponsors that day.

so...any ideas? Lots of creative minds out here....

Cow Farts cause global warming

;D I feel like I saw that on a shirt somewhere before.


just_eat_it :  Go for it!  :D


How about going postive for a change and  really shock the people who know you personally?  (Imagine my rotating devil emoticon here.)

The link to buy them on that site doesn't work but this one does:


This SO sucks  :-\ but for personal reasons the artist I was to play with has had to withdraw from playing at Live Earth this weekend (if you look at the line up for New York from when I first posted'll notice someone that was there that's now missing). The funny thing is....she's probably the biggest environmentalist out of everyone playing (except for maybe the DMB). I won't go into details as to why she is not playing......I'm not really at liberty to post that sort of thing....but we will be heading out for a few dates this summer which I'll add at the end of this post. We'll be working on a new CD this fall and will be doing a much bigger tour that is going to be some sort of Enviro-tour. We'll even be traveling on biodiesel tour buses. I did have a shirt made up that says: "Vegan" on the front....and on the back it says "100% Veggie Powered".... I will wear it for my shows this summer...better that at least some get to see it, no?

Anyway....Here's where I'll be this summer...if you live near by any of these places or will be in these places when we a courtesy for my "veggie friends" here at're in! (just don't bring 10-20 might piss them off when you go in without them all).  ::)

7/25/2007 Kettering, OH   Fraze Pavilion For The Perf. Arts

7/28/2007 Bridgeview, IL    Eric Clapton / Crossroads Guitar Festival

7/30/2007 Toledo, OH   Zoo Amphitheatre

8/1/2007 Sterling Heights, MI   Freedom Hill Hall

8/3/2007 Detroit Lakes, MN  Soo Pass Ranch and Amphitheater


Please don't eat the animals.

Congratulations!!!! :D :D :D :D

EDIT: oh, I should have read the post RIGHT ABOVE mine before I posted that, Sorry dave, thast a bummer.  :-\


Well, there are a lot of great ideas....I might have to make a few of them up. One or two to wear at the concert, and a few to wear to piss off my neighbors (they might have to google the word "vegan" first to even know what it means).

I have a question. A few months ago there was a post about t-shirts and somebody posted a site that will make up custom t-shits. Anyone remember or know what I'm talking about....or just know of a "earth friendly" site that will do custom t-shirts? IF ya do......let me (us) know.
-dave :) of my neighbors came over to meet my chickens (we were sitting int eh front yard , just chillin) and I offered her fresh eggs...which lead to "why don't you eat the eggs." then I told her I was vegan. At first she tried to play like she knew what that meant...but the questions she was asking was like she was freaked out. I thought about playing with her head a little bit but then finally said "Its not a cult or anting...more like a political choice."  She like actually said "phew, I was freaked out..." and her body relaxed and then she started listening to I told her a little more about the factory farmed chicken and shared some animals rights stuff. Vegan sounds cultish?Go figure, huh?


Vegan sounds cultish?Go figure, huh?

Sometimes people associate veganism with animal rights fanaticism, violent terrorism(bombimg labs, pro-abortion, etc.), malnourished, tofu-noshing, tree-hugging types who deify animals and boast a moral supriority above the omnivores of the world.

As gently as possible, I try to explain to them that compassion - not animal rights - is the focus of veganism. Unlike vegetarianism, it is not simply a diet. It is a lifestyle, one in which that compassion manifests itself in the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, the way we communicate with others. In short, it is about living a life as harmelss as possible.


that makes sense...if thats what they see it as. I don't think she'd heard of it though.

And I guess I'd have to say that I cant see compassion for animals being displayed in such a manner that it would NOT require that they receive certain rights. I mean, I don't want a giraffe voting for my state senator (that would be silly) But, RIGHTS, would be the result of the compassion, correct?  I also dont  think blowing buildings up is the ideal way to show compassion or respect for fellow human animals, either though.


But, RIGHTS, would be the result of the compassion, correct?  I also dont  think blowing buildings up is the ideal way to show compassion or respect for fellow human animals, either though.

Yes. Bombing buildings, terrorism of any kind, is the antithesis of what veganism is.


  Sorry the gig fell through.

  I was going to suggest:

  "A Vegan in a Humvee Pollutes Less Than a Meat Eater in a Prius"



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