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3 or 4 words to make a point

*** UPDATE***
See my latest post regarding this show.......

OK vegwebbers..... I need something to put on a t-shirt to get our vegan point across in a major way. I usually don't wear t-shirts with writing on them when I play, but this is different, bigger, and maybe the best 1 shot I will ever have to have something on a shirt that will be seen by billions (if I don't faint and fall off my drum throne by the thought of it while I'm performing by having a camera in my face).  :o

I have been asked to perform with one of the artists I played with a few years ago at Live Earth. Date 7-7-07. I will be playing in New York at Giant's Stadium. Since this show is all about the environment and I somehow know that the veggie/vegan cause of saving the environment will be left out of everything that day, I want to be the one bringing that message to everyone watching. So...I need something to put on the front of the shirt, and something for the back. It has to be very short and just a few words or it just won't be readable on the camera.

Something like: Vegan Powered, or No Meat=Peace, or Eating Meat=CO2.....I don't know...bad at this sort of thing.

For those about to ask who am I playing with that'll have to wait until 7-7-07 and watch!........haha! ::)

(you won't be able to miss me....I'll be the guy playing drums with the vegan t-shirt you all help me create).
I could always put a big VEGWEB on the back.....if it will get past the rest of the sponsors that day.

so...any ideas? Lots of creative minds out here....

Somehow I think "Vegans beat the meat" is going to come across differently to some people than you want it to!   :P

It already did come across my mind the ..."other way"....first time I read it. Glad to know I'm not the only one out here with a perverted mind!  :o ::)


You could combine "vegans rock" and "vegan powered" to make "vegan powered rock".

I love Vegan Powered Rock
But it needs to be short (or at least just) BIG to be seen.
I also like:      vegan=green


Somehow I think "Vegans beat the meat" is going to come across differently to some people than you want it to!  :P

It already did come across my mind the ..."other way"....first time I read it. Glad to know I'm not the only one out here with a perverted mind!  :o ::)

Yeah, I'm definitely a pervert too, because my mind went straight to the gutter on that one.

(ubervores= people who not only eat everything,  but somehow feel superior for doing so.)

Ubervore... I LOVE that!  That one's going in my vocabulary bank.

Dave, if I understand your intent--to get the green message of veganism across to earth-friendly folks, in a concise way--I think VEGAN=GREEN is pretty good.

It would be great if you could put a website on the back that would explain more.  And you could always put the site name without the www and .com (to slide it past the sponsors), but it would have to be a unique name so that people would google it to find out more.  Vegweb would be one of those unique names, but they might not get the environmental message right away by going here.  Maybe Veganoutreach?  But then you'd probably want to ask them first...

Are you going to have another vote for this?


Since the concert is going to revolve around the earth I like  vegan=green

Simple, short and sweet.


"Go vegan or die"



I vote for VEGANS ROCK. short, sweet, gets the point across and it rocks!


I've always wanted a "HAIL SEITAN" t-shirt. Or how about just plain "Go Vegan!"  It'll be easy to read at least :)


I think a positive message is better.

I really like Vegans Rock!


I like VEGANS ROCK!'s simple and easy for anyone to understand at a glance.


i know they sell the vegans rock tshirt.  that would save you from having to make one at least. 
i did a quick google and came up with this one, but i've seen it in other designs too.

on a side note, it also turned up this one, which i'm very tempted to send to al gore.  ;D


that is way too cool, how about "100% veggie powered"? not too out there and simply states that you are what you eat!


Well, this is less poetic than most of the other suggestions, but it would get the point across: 

Eat for your planet.
Go veg*n!


Davedrum - How's Wriggly doing (I forgot his new name)?


Davedrum - How's Wriggly doing (I forgot his new name)?

Well...he's Baxter....but since he likes to shake his booty all the time (he's a very very happy little boy), I've been calling a bunch of names. He's Mr. Wigglebutt, Mr. Bootyboy, Mr. Giggles, and a few others. He's been doing so great. He did jump over my 5' fence in my yard the other day and "freaked me out" as I went looking for him. He's only about 20lbs. and was able to jump over a 5' fence! He stayed in the neighborhood, but it's so wooded here that I really was losing it for a while. He is not allowed to run around outside in the fenced area anymore without me being out on my deck to watch him. I guess he'll be a good candidate for the doggie agility olympics (do they have that)? He's on petfinder in a few states. Whoever emails me an application is going to feel like they are applying to med. school by time I get done with them. He is a very special little dog and deserves the best home possible. I'll keep you posted as to when he gets a new home.

PS: Thanks for all the great suggestions guys (and gals...all gals so far). There are so many great ones. Maybe I should do a poll. If I go with all of these great ideas, I'll be wearing a new shirt every song. Or.....I can not wear a shirt and just write it across my chest and on my back!  :D


How about



Join the


Well...he's Baxter....but since he likes to shake his booty all the time (he's a very very happy little boy), I've been calling a bunch of names. He's Mr. Wigglebutt, Mr. Bootyboy, Mr. Giggles, and a few others. He's been doing so great.

There was something instantly compelling about Mr. Baxter Wrigglebutt when I saw the pictures you posted.  That's kind of funny about his jumping the fence (after the fact, that is).  It's good to hear he's doing so well.  Thanks for the update. 


Eat for your planet.
Go veg*n!

i really like that!  i might put that on my backpack, if you don't mind.  good show, v.r.!


Well, there are a lot of great ideas....I might have to make a few of them up. One or two to wear at the concert, and a few to wear to piss off my neighbors (they might have to google the word "vegan" first to even know what it means).

I have a question. A few months ago there was a post about t-shirts and somebody posted a site that will make up custom t-shits. Anyone remember or know what I'm talking about....or just know of a "earth friendly" site that will do custom t-shirts? IF ya do......let me (us) know.
-dave :)

0 likes is one of the sites.  I don't remember the other one.


Eating Meat=CO2

Just wanted to mention one thing about this point... from what I've read it's actually the methane that comes from cows/animals that's contributing to global warming.  A lot of meat eaters don't know about this.  Maybe if there was a way to get that point across on your shirt you could raise some awareness about that.  I can't think of a phrase to get this across though.



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