I freaking hate Daiya.
Posted by OrangeCreme on Jul 12, 2011 · Member since Feb 2010 · 36 posts
I went to an all Vegetarian/Vegan restaurant the other day, and got so excited because they had vegan cheese available for their veggie burger. Turns out it was my arch nemesis, Daiya! I was so disappointed, and tried to look discreet as I scraped it off my burger...
Daiya mozzarella is the most disgusting vegan product I've ever had. I was wondering if anyone else felt the same. A lot of vegwebbers seem to love the stuff, but I think it's terrible, in any flavor. Period.
Maybe it's like the cilantro thing-- genetic predisposition to either like it or not?! ;) I have the 'love daiya gene', myself; especially with the mozzarella kind in lasagna, or crisped on top of tortilla/ flatbread pizzas.... mmmmm.... but hey-- celebrate diversity, right?! Guess if other folks don't like it, it won't be as hard to find in my grocery store... so that's cool.
I think its texture doesn't work as sliced cheese. It's really too stretchy/gooey. Shredded and used for pizzas and quesadillas, yes, but the gooeyness is weird on a burger, imho.
but i like the taste of daiya. the mozzarella is my least favorite, though.
I went to an all Vegetarian/Vegan restaurant the other day, and got so excited because they had vegan cheese available for their veggie burger. Turns out it was my arch nemesis, Daiya! I was so disappointed, and tried to look discreet as I scraped it off my burger...
Daiya mozzarella is the most disgusting vegan product I've ever had. I was wondering if anyone else felt the same. A lot of vegwebbers seem to love the stuff, but I think it's terrible, in any flavor. Period.
don't fear, mighty mouse is here. I completey feel the same about daiya cheese, their is just something about it.
While I don't think it's amazing, I think it's good for what it is. Sure, it just tastes like processed american cheese, but it melts and tastes better than pretty much every other cheese substitute. I don't buy it often, but it's good in small doses on certain things.
it makes amazing grilled sheese, mac n cheese, and pretty good on pizza.
I'm afraid I can't sympathize, I really like the stuff. Different strokes I guess.
i buy it and use it, and still trying to form a solid opinion. i guess it is good for something occasionally. I just picked up the pepper jack one while i was in seattle, still up in the air about that one too...
It may (or may not) grow on you. I really didn't like it when I first tried it, but when I tried it a second time (maybe 6 months later), I loved it. I don't know if my tastebuds changed, or if my expectations were too high the first time, or what. Several foods have grown on me over time, namely tempeh (which I used to DESPISE but now I loveloveLOVE).
If I were you, I might try it again at a later date to see if your opinion has changed. Then again, you might just not like it & that's okay!
I find it disgusting as well. The texture is goopy, it tastes like vomit, and it feels like i cannot digest it.
I hate that so many places are using it now.
Thanks for all the replies! It's probably just my tastebuds. I never liked it to begin with, but I used to be able to tolerate it. My ex-favorite pizza joint used to use it, and I got the stomach flu after eating it. Let me just say, after throwing it up, I can't even look at the stuff.
Sharpenup, I completely agree, especially about the texture. It's just... wrong, And it has so many stabilizers... it's like a mad scientist woke up one morning and decided to make fake cheese! Bleh.
Well, there you have it: like all mammals (as far as we know), we're hardwired to avoid things that we've been stomach-sick after eating-- that's why chemotherapy patients are often encouraged to pick a 'scapegoat food' that they don't like much anyway/ rarely eat, prior to nausea-inducing drug therapy... whether or not x food CAUSED the nausea, your system will tell you it did: and you will not like that food anymore. I bet it's your ex-flu-bug talking, not your tastebuds! haha
I do agree that it's better as an ingredient (ie mixed with tofu ricotta for lasagna filling) than as just sandwich cheese or something, tho, because of the very soft/ gooey texture. I can go along with you down the path at least THAT far. ;)
While I don't think it's amazing, I think it's good for what it is. Sure, it just tastes like processed american cheese, but it melts and tastes better than pretty much every other cheese substitute. I don't buy it often, but it's good in small doses on certain things.
it's alright, i think i have just gotten over the obsession to put cheese on stuff... usually make vegan recipes that call for vegan cheese without it or use a nooch sauce... i only like daiya on a few things and it needs to be broiled for a little for me to even enjoy it...
While I don't think it's amazing, I think it's good for what it is. Sure, it just tastes like processed american cheese, but it melts and tastes better than pretty much every other cheese substitute. I don't buy it often, but it's good in small doses on certain things.
Yeah that. Pretty much sums up my feelings. I'm no way as gaga over it as some folks, and it's kind of meh to me.
I don't use it often, but when I'm in the mood for things like burritoes, mac & cheese or pizza it's pretty much the best option out there. Definitely best eaten in small doses.
Cheese, like meat, is just one of those things I've learned to live without. There's so much good vegan food out there finding a cheese substitution is a nonissue with me.
I'm going to marry Daiya.
I'm going to marry Daiya.
Oooooo, I'm tellin' Preston! :P
I have never tried any kind of vegan cheese (other than the nutritional yeast "cheese" sauce or cashew "ricotta"). Ditto for fake meat. I used to get sick when I ate real cheese and some meats so I must have that aversion thing going on. Like someone else said, there are so many other vegan dishes I love to eat that adding cheese is a non issue for me too.
I do not like daiya either. I think Follow Your Heart brand is far superior flavor wise. I think it melts just as well also. I did a pizza taste test with both cheeses for my family and my blog and FYH won in both flavor and appearance.
I think the last time I tried a new vegan cheese brand it was Teese and I was sorely disappointed, so by the time my local HFS store started carrying Daiya, I was too discouraged to even try it. My little sis seems to love it though, so maybe I'll try it sometime. These cheeses weird me out because they're so processed. I go to such lengths to avoid processed foods most of the time that I feel guilty buying vegan cheese. Besides, I found this article about the palm oil used in a lot of these cheeses that is interesting. I didn't do a fact-check on it, but it's something to consider anyway:
i don't like this link though i do appreciate it... i would rather people eat cheese not made of animals than contributing to factory farming straight up... this article is kinda the "well, you are still a hypocrite in this aspect of your veganism" turns me off... we all do the best we can and no matter what, there will always be a negative impact somewhere on issues we all (vegans) care about...
i just feel, on this topic, that eating vegan cheese to spare animals directly is better than sparing animals indirectly in the grand scheme of things... i dunno, we live in a non vegan world, so i think any conscience step to remove animals from your diet, even if it means to try to satisfy yourself with non vegan cheese, is a step in a better direction...
ya you don't need to pound vegan meat and dairy sub's to feel satisfied, but a quick "fix" here and there to satisfy those flavors and textures that you once loved isn't bad in my book either... for some the transition is harder than others who lean more on subs...
i am very thankful to have so many products available that can satisfy my cravings of things i was served earlier on in life...
just my opinion... no vegan is perfect... no matter what, it seems that all actions have a positive and negative reaction of some sorts <3
to many what if's and scenarios on how to be the "best vegan" are kinda annoying to me personally
i don't like this link though i do appreciate it... i would rather people eat cheese not made of animals than contributing to factory farming straight up... this article is kinda the "well, you are still a hypocrite in this aspect of your veganism" turns me off... we all do the best we can and no matter what, there will always be a negative impact somewhere on issues we all (vegans) care about...
I agree on the "all or nothing, you're a hypocrite" attitude... I've seen that more than once in the articles on that site. It bugs me when people (vegans included) are elitist. I'd prefer to think I'm part of a welcoming community. But the article did pique my curiosity about palm oils.