I freaking hate Daiya.
Posted by OrangeCreme on Jul 12, 2011 · Member since Feb 2010 · 36 posts
I went to an all Vegetarian/Vegan restaurant the other day, and got so excited because they had vegan cheese available for their veggie burger. Turns out it was my arch nemesis, Daiya! I was so disappointed, and tried to look discreet as I scraped it off my burger...
Daiya mozzarella is the most disgusting vegan product I've ever had. I was wondering if anyone else felt the same. A lot of vegwebbers seem to love the stuff, but I think it's terrible, in any flavor. Period.
I'm in the :)>>> Daiya camp, too. My mom's family (Italian) eats so much cheese it hurts. :P I got the Daiya mozz for english muffin pizzas, and the cheddar for nacho goodness.
as for sauce...jar sauce is for emergencies. I shall have to post my sauce recipe, maybe.
I don't mind the taste at all, but did anyone else notice that it sticks to your teeth like FREAKING GLUE???
And delicious.
did anyone else notice that it sticks to your teeth like FREAKING GLUE???
yup gross! one of the reasons i don't dig it so much
Daiya Mozza: Blech
Daiya Jack: YUM (vegan nachos call my name)
Daiya Mozza: Blech
Daiya Jack: YUM (vegan nachos call my name)
pepperjack is white not orange daiya loving weirdo!