Body Fluids--subject to vegan scrutiny--yes or no?
Posted by Capture on May 31, 2009 · Member since Jul 2007 · 3981 posts
Should human body fluids be identified as vegan or not?
Example--vegan woman ingests the semen of an omni man. How is said semen classified--is this a vegan taboo? Is the semen not-vegan or is it perceived differently then other products that may or may not contain animal proteins.
Are omin body fluids the same as say a cheeseburger? Yes or no and why? If there is any known credible research--post that too!
Discuss (nicely please!)
hmm... i have no research, but, personally, i wouldn't worry about it.
perhaps if ones cares very deeply about not ingesting any type of animal protein than they may have issue with it (though there may be the same types of proteins in semen anyway... i'm not sure), but in terms of exploitation/consent/non-harm AR type stuff (or any environmental reasons*), it obviously wouldn't be a problem.
*actually, if you are a vegan for environmental reasons you have more reason to swallow since otherwise you would either use water/paper product/towel that will need to be washed and use water. mhmm.
yeah, i'll stop.
There are two aspects to this:
1) Semen is vegan because it's given freely by the other person and because it's like fruiting bodies. The body makes it to give away.
2) Is semen vegan if the semen producer consumes animal products? I'd say it's fine; however, meat changes the flavor, so meat does have an effect on preference. I don't worry about it. I mean, it's coming out anyway. I think to say that semen isn't vegan if the producer isn't vegan then you wouldn't be able to engage in any activity that produced it. ??? :'( :(
I think the question of sperm being vegan was shaolinbunny's first post. I went to look for it, but I can't find it.
I think the question of sperm being vegan was shaolinbunny's first post. I went to look for it, but I can't find it.
i know lime green made a thread about it once, but it was more light-hearted.
I think it can be equated to breast milk. Comes from our species and causes no harm to anyone ingesting or producing it for others. I think HH once said breast milk is vegan because not breast feeing causes harm. Personally, I'd rather swallow breast milk. :-X
Yep. Our bodies produce semen and milk in order to be given away to another person.
I'd say, technically, no, it isn't vegan. Strictly speaking. It's an animal "product." But is it ethical? Of course it is. I don't think whether or not it's vegan really matters. Unless people have some weirdo purity thing about anything non-plant going into their bodies. The question is irrelevant; there is no way you can compare willful giving/consumption of human ejaculate to a cheeseburger. Those are not even remotely similar. The question is also convoluted by the fact that there is no other analogous situation--there are no other instances where we can assert that an animal WANTS us to take its body fluids. I think semen is rather outside the classifications of "vegan" or "not vegan." It doesn't really matter. Is there an ethical advantage to abstaining from semen? And does ingesting semen contradict the underlying ethics of veganism? No and no.
Also, think of the moral inconsistencies; if swallowing semen is not ok, then neither is swallowing vaginal secretions or exchanging spit. Or breastfeeding, like others said. Or throwing a jizzed-on tissue into the garbage. Like hh said, it's coming out anyway if you are engaging in sex.
Haha, what do you mean by research? You mean about the nutritive properties of semen? That's pretty easy to find by googling I would imagine. I remember reading that semen contains a lot of B12.
I also wonder how true the taste thing really is--I've never complained about the taste of omnis--all the ones I've tasted taste quite good. But I've never been able to compare with a veg*n.
Veg*ns taste much better! ;D
I also wonder how true the taste thing really is--I've never complained about the taste of omnis--all the ones I've tasted taste quite good. But I've never been able to compare with a veg*n.
I haven't either, kmk, but I remember it being stating emphatically from the last discussion. *sigh* Someday I'll date a vegan and report back. Of course, I'll have to know an irl vegan for that to happen.
i don't really think it makes a difference as far as body composition...all proteins get broken down into amino acids and nutrients get distributed to the cells...i don't think the body is distinguishing 'animal protein here' and 'plant protein here''.....our body just uses it up for processes like atp energy synthesis, etc...
I'm waiting for faunablues to jump in with something scientific....
oh, fb........
I also wonder how true the taste thing really is--I've never complained about the taste of omnis--all the ones I've tasted taste quite good. But I've never been able to compare with a veg*n.
I haven't either, kmk, but I remember it being stating emphatically from the last discussion. *sigh* Someday I'll date a vegan and report back. Of course, I'll have to know an irl vegan for that to happen.
a bit off topic (totally) but I've been finding lately that meat eaters just happen to know a LOT of vegans who are unhealthy (or have man boobs). why is it that only meat eaters know all of the vegans? and ONLY the unhealthy ones? ::)This one chic said she knew a lot of people who are vegan and they all had dull hair and bad skin. It make me laugh....I've come across this on FB lately, and IRL. Why as a vegan, can I hardly meet any vegans IRL?
I want the names and numbers of these lackluster pimply vegans....then I'll believe it!
Ok, carry on now. sorry!
I have a pimple. Do you want my number?
I have quite a few pimples. :^
I also wonder how true the taste thing really is--I've never complained about the taste of omnis--all the ones I've tasted taste quite good. But I've never been able to compare with a veg*n.
Take a look at this patent description:
Thanks everyone! Your comments and opinions have really helped me!!
Just for the record--I've been with both vegan and nonvegans and I actually gotta tell you--the taste thing--it's not consistent--one vegan was very lovely, another was seriously icky, and the omni...well...lets just say heaven resides in him.
Please carry on! I am quite enjoying your responses!! <3
I have quite a few pimples. :^
Hh and AC, I certainly believe that vegans can get pimples...but why does this meat eating girl know so many vegans in real life, whom all have dry dull hair and pimples? Heck, I just wish I knew some more vegans IRL and I will take them even if they have pimples. :> That was my point.
We were just funnin' ya.
eta: Word.
We were just funnin' ya.
Yeah, ANT.
Back to the point, -No.
This is a question that I was posed recently in relation to this discussion:
Since animal products are creating the various components of said persons semen; is the vegan-ingestee consuming animal components?
I think it is a given that since semen is created by a mammal that it is in fact an animl by-product if you will and that the ingestee would be consuming animal components--but you can't exactly break down like--well, if it's from an omni then X% is from their dietary lifestyle and Y% is from their own genetic make up etc., etc.
What do you all think?
To me, veganism is more about reducing suffering and helping the planet than anything else. I don't like thinking of it as an extensive list of NO NOs. I think its a moot point. Plus, I don't swallow ;)
But it is an interesting discussion! :^