Vegans Taste Better?
Posted by Skywalker7 on Nov 09, 2010 · Member since Jun 2010 · 89 posts
I was wondering if anybody can support or challenge the claim that vegans taste better from personal experience. Most information tells me that just as garlic finds it's ways through our pores, meat and dairy works through our bloodstream into our love juices and affects the smell and taste. That vegan cum is more sweet and fruity and that omnivores are more bitter and repugnant. Just curious
Nice dig there
Nice dig there
I was always told that I have a way with words.
It wasn't a compliment.
However, seeing as you're so interested, and as I'm an omnivore, perhaps Secondbase and I could arrange a blind taste test for you to experience this difference first hand?
You got the wrong guy, I respect everyone’s lifestyle and orientation but I’m more the type that would taste test your sister. :P
Hey, we wouldn't have to be physically present for the taste test, I'm sure a decanting could be arranged...
As for my sister, well... this is her partner, so, best of luck with that.
Lol, your sister is buff, I'm sure she'll make some guy happy.
i've actually heard this as well!
As for my sister, well... this is her partner, so, best of luck with that.
Lol, your sister is buff, I'm sure she'll make some guy happy.
Read things thouroughly. And if you are really interested in this topic, do a search on here since it has been discussed before.
As for my sister, well... this is her partner, so, best of luck with that.
Lol, your sister is buff, I'm sure she'll make some guy happy.
Read things thouroughly. And if you are really interested in this topic, do a search on here since it has been discussed before.
Or maybe you should be telling somebody else to type more clearly. The average take on that would be that he was saying this is her and that I'm being referred to as partner or buddy, you understand. I've seen crazier shit, trust me. And as far as backtracking through previous posts I find it easier to post a new thread, things and experiences change. Do you want to sue me?
Dudes who eat a lot of greens taste bitter. Dudes who eat a lot of fruit taste better.
As for my sister, well... this is her, partner, so, best of luck with that.
If he was referring to you as "partner", he would have used a comma, as seen above. And to be correct, it would have said, this is SHE, partner.
His sentence had no comma, so he was saying, this is HER Partner, as in, her huge boyfriend who will beat you up.
well..I def noticed a very pleasant difference when my boyfriend went vegan.
As for my sister, well... this is her, partner, so, best of luck with that.
If he was referring to you as "partner", he would have used a comma, as seen above. And to be correct, it would have said, this is SHE, partner.
His sentence had no comma, so he was saying, this is HER Partner, as in, her huge boyfriend who will beat you up.
Yeah, I see that perspective now, but how much easier would it have been to say, this is my sister's boyfriend, much easier and no confusion. I find that if I always expect postings here to use correct English, i wouldn't comprehend half the posts, most people type it the first way it come to mind so I've come accustomed to reading them that way.
Dudes who eat a lot of greens taste bitter. Dudes who eat a lot of fruit taste better.
Yeah like I've heard asparagus doesn't do the taste any favors. Maybe I should date a fruitarian. ;D
Yeah, I see that perspective now, but how much easier would it have been to say, this is my sister's boyfriend,? Much easier and no confusion. I have found that if I always expected postings here to use correct English, I wouldn't comprehend half the posts of them. Most people type it the first way it comes to mind so I've become accustomed to reading them that way.
"Partner" is not the same as "boyfriend".
Also, I fixed your grammar. You're a serial comma abuser so I'm really not surprised you mentally inserted a couple that weren't there earlier.
Yeah, I see that perspective now
I don't think that word means what you think it means. Your misunderstanding of proper grammar is not a perspective, it is you failing at reading comprehension.
Catski, you are right. Partner is not the same as boyfriend, he could of meant this is her business partner, her co-defendant, or her battle buddy from the military. The context that he wanted to use partner was in a romantic or "hooked up" sense and boyfriend would have gotten that point across clearer. Are you trying to impress me with your grammar or English skills with your revision? Do you think I give a damn about my comma usage and perfect English on a blog. I have no problem getting my point across. If this was a term paper I wrote for my masters perhaps I would be more concerned. Of all the dialect, slang, abbreviations, run on sentences, absence of any grammar at all, and creation of new words on this and the majority of forums on the net, you crawl out your hole to revise a post of mine?
Dmarkd, here are several meanings of perspective from the very link you pasted.
5. the state of one's ideas
7. a mental view
Regardless of how someone articulate their ideas, it can bring different perspectives or mental views from the receiver. I can say somebody is crazy and one person might envision a fun flamboyant person and another might envision a psychotic mentally unstable patient in a straight jacket and padded room. It's a matter of the mental view or the state of the ideas that are created by the stimuli of the communication. Perspective is relevant in the context I used it. Perhaps you do better at eating meat and admiring pictures of your sister's boyfriend than you do at attempting to insult my intelligence.
Your argument makes no sense - When I said "partner" you did not presume this was her business partner (a perfectly valid misinterpretation you pointed out). I formulated a sentence in a specific fashion, and you, as far as I can tell, have intentionally misconstrued it to attempt to insult my sister. These things are not the same. Even if it wasn't intentional, this does not involve perspective, it involves misunderstanding.
You're right though, it's awfully difficult to insult something which doesn't exist.
How did this thread turn into a discussion about a picture of dmarkd's or his sister's boyfriend. :D Mark, I expected your reply to be something like that and it's not strong enough to warrant an argumentative response from me.
OMG i thought the discussion was about how vegans taste?! not bickering over grammar... geese LOL
geese LOL