Body Fluids--subject to vegan scrutiny--yes or no?
Posted by Capture on May 31, 2009 · Member since Jul 2007 · 3981 posts
Should human body fluids be identified as vegan or not?
Example--vegan woman ingests the semen of an omni man. How is said semen classified--is this a vegan taboo? Is the semen not-vegan or is it perceived differently then other products that may or may not contain animal proteins.
Are omin body fluids the same as say a cheeseburger? Yes or no and why? If there is any known credible research--post that too!
Discuss (nicely please!)
sounds racist
so you're anti successful black women?
I was just flippantly responding to that and that. I really think everyone else got it.
Or do you think she was kidding? ???
I just think you are jealous of Oprah.....
well duh! But mostly because she is black. And successful.
We should all aspire to be successful black women some day.
We should all aspire to be successful black women some day.
I once heard a joke that went something like this:
Q: What's the difference between a black woman and a gay man?
A: 20 pounds and a bad hair weave.
I have always aspired to be a successful black woman.
We should have a thread devoted to those who want to bash oprah... I really can't stand her. Her head is up her ass as previously stated.
... and its worse how much people base their decisions on her! (Or at least a relative of mine does...)
{Edit: So I just saw that there is one!! haha, way to check 'new replies' before the boards... go me. }
We should have a thread devoted to those who want to bash oprah... I really can't stand her. Her head is up her ass as previously stated.
... and its worse how much people base their decisions on her! (Or at least a relative of mine does...)
{Edit: So I just saw that there is one!! haha, way to check 'new replies' before the boards... go me. }
Not to hijack this thread, but... There was an article in a recent issue of Newsweek about Oprah, which discusses how Oprah promotes dangerous medical advice. (My boyfriend gobbled this up because he HATES Oprah with a firey passion.) It also mentions how she usually has the same type of crap topics for which "trashy" shows like Jerry Springer & the like were made fun of, but because it's OPRAH who is featuring it, it's taken seriously & she's doing "groundbreaking" work. Article here:
Dalida--Just answer the freaking question and stop dragging out drama--it's getting pretty lame.
Sounds like startaurus with a new screen name.
Sounds like startaurus with a new screen name.
Sounds like startaurus with a new screen name.
Sounds like startaurus with a new screen name.
Sounds like startaurus with a new screen name.
Sounds like startaurus with a new screen name.
We should have a thread devoted to those who want to bash oprah... I really can't stand her. Her head is up her ass as previously stated.
... and its worse how much people base their decisions on her! (Or at least a relative of mine does...)
{Edit: So I just saw that there is one!! haha, way to check 'new replies' before the boards... go me. }
Not to hijack this thread, but... There was an article in a recent issue of Newsweek about Oprah, which discusses how Oprah promotes dangerous medical advice. (My boyfriend gobbled this up because he HATES Oprah with a firey passion.) It also mentions how she usually has the same type of crap topics for which "trashy" shows like Jerry Springer & the like were made fun of, but because it's OPRAH who is featuring it, it's taken seriously & she's doing "groundbreaking" work. Article here:
yes!! haha, I saw that too. Always checking out the stuff on Yahoo news. haha
Dalida--Just answer the freaking question and stop dragging out drama--it's getting pretty lame.
Sounds like startaurus with a new screen name.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't think this same thing this morning...
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
We should have a thread devoted to those who want to bash oprah... I really can't stand her. Her head is up her ass as previously stated.
... and its worse how much people base their decisions on her! (Or at least a relative of mine does...)
{Edit: So I just saw that there is one!! haha, way to check 'new replies' before the boards... go me. }
Not to hijack this thread, but... There was an article in a recent issue of Newsweek about Oprah, which discusses how Oprah promotes dangerous medical advice. (My boyfriend gobbled this up because he HATES Oprah with a firey passion.) It also mentions how she usually has the same type of crap topics for which "trashy" shows like Jerry Springer & the like were made fun of, but because it's OPRAH who is featuring it, it's taken seriously & she's doing "groundbreaking" work. Article here:
Ugh. Remember when Oprah was all over "The Secret"--that book about how if you think enough about that new car or new house you want, it will come to you? It was the biggest crock of shit. Pretty much embodies why I dislike Oprah.
Ah, Oprah is still invading two threads at once! She is omnipresent!
We should have a thread devoted to those who want to bash oprah... I really can't stand her. Her head is up her ass as previously stated.
... and its worse how much people base their decisions on her! (Or at least a relative of mine does...)
{Edit: So I just saw that there is one!! haha, way to check 'new replies' before the boards... go me. }
Not to hijack this thread, but... There was an article in a recent issue of Newsweek about Oprah, which discusses how Oprah promotes dangerous medical advice. (My boyfriend gobbled this up because he HATES Oprah with a firey passion.) It also mentions how she usually has the same type of crap topics for which "trashy" shows like Jerry Springer & the like were made fun of, but because it's OPRAH who is featuring it, it's taken seriously & she's doing "groundbreaking" work. Article here:
Ugh. Remember when Oprah was all over "The Secret"--that book about how if you think enough about that new car or new house you want, it will come to you? It was the biggest crock of shit. Pretty much embodies why I dislike Oprah.
Ah, Oprah is still invading two threads at once! She is omnipresent!
haha, let's just hope she doesn't start taking over ALL the threads... that would be some shhhht
Ugh. Remember when Oprah was all over "The Secret"--that book about how if you think enough about that new car or new house you want, it will come to you? It was the biggest crock of shit. Pretty much embodies why I dislike Oprah.
OMG! From the article, referring to "The Secret": The book that Oprah urges everyone to live by teaches that all diseases can be cured with the power of thought alone: "The question frequently asked is, 'When a person has manifested a disease in the body temple … can it be turned around through the power of "right thinking"?' And the answer is absolutely, yes." The book then offers the testimonial of a woman identified as Cathy Goodman. "I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I truly believed in my heart, with my strong faith, that I was already healed. Each day I would say, 'Thank you for my healing'." Goodman watched "very funny movies" to make herself laugh. "From the time I was diagnosed to the time I healed was approximately three months. And that's without any radiation or chemotherapy."
Strange that so many people "will" themselves to recover from cancer, AIDS, etc. - yet they don't get better. They must not be trying hard enough! What a crock.
Okay, sorry. Back to semen.
Ugh. Remember when Oprah was all over "The Secret"--that book about how if you think enough about that new car or new house you want, it will come to you? It was the biggest crock of shit. Pretty much embodies why I dislike Oprah.
OMG! From the article, referring to "The Secret": The book that Oprah urges everyone to live by teaches that all diseases can be cured with the power of thought alone: "The question frequently asked is, 'When a person has manifested a disease in the body temple … can it be turned around through the power of "right thinking"?' And the answer is absolutely, yes." The book then offers the testimonial of a woman identified as Cathy Goodman. "I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I truly believed in my heart, with my strong faith, that I was already healed. Each day I would say, 'Thank you for my healing'." Goodman watched "very funny movies" to make herself laugh. "From the time I was diagnosed to the time I healed was approximately three months. And that's without any radiation or chemotherapy."
Strange that so many people "will" themselves to recover from cancer, AIDS, etc. - yet they don't get better. They must not be trying hard enough! What a crock.
Okay, sorry. Back to semen.
I once willed planters warts from my foot away. But not because Oprah told me to.
OMG that fucking movie the secret-is that what it was called? I fell asleep twice trying to watch it and every time I woke up i hated everything about it. it might have been called something else but it was the same premise.
I should will semen into my life.
I wonder if I could will myself to produce semen on those days I'm feeling masculine?
Don't get me wrong. I believe in the "power" (or benefit, I guess) of positive thinking... But I think it's arrogant to think that if you "try hard enough" to will away your cancer, you can. Why does it work for you, but not other people? :-\ It just reminds me of when people who survive tragedies suddenly find God because "He saved me!" It's like... Give me a fucking break. He "saved" you, but let thousands of others die? Um, no. You were lucky. Be happy that you survived & go on and do positive things with your life - that's great. But you weren't specially "chosen" to not die.
Eh, I digress. That Oprah article also mentioned that when a woman with breast cancer wrote to Oprah to say that she had chosen to ignore the medical advice of her doctors to get radiation & chemotherapy - and instead use the principles in "The Secret" to cure her cancer, Oprah was alarmed & totally backpedaled... Saying things like, "The Secret is just a tool. I didn't mean it so literally."
OK, I was thinking of "what the bleep do we know" and it was horrible. i have not actually seen the secret. maybe they are similar.
with the warts, my doc said they were so deep i had to have them surgically removed. I set up the appt and was sooooo scared about it. By the time the date came around they were gone. I guess I scared them away! :o
I agree with you JC, and I was not trying to defend the Law of Attraction or whatever. I hope it didn't sound that way!
I'm going to sit here and think about being black and successful and see if it works! ;D
I'm going to sit here and think about being black and successful and see if it works! ;D
HA! I LOLed.
anything is possible if you try hard enough. You will become black and successful if you reach for the stars!
I agree with you JC, and I was not trying to defend the Law of Attraction or whatever. I hope it didn't sound that way!
I'm going to sit here and think about being black and successful and see if it works! ;D
Haha!! Good luck! And no - I didn't think you were defending it! I was just saying that I understand there isn't an explanation for everything, and maybe you DID "will" your warts away... Who knows? I just think it's scary to base your life around "attracting" good things, and then blaming people for bad things happening to them... Like, I've heard people talk about people dying from cancer & such by saying crap like, "She just didn't pray enough to make it go away." I don't know. I can't articulate what I'm thinking. But, no - I didn't think you were pro-The Secret. :)
Think about ME being black & successful, too. Or just successful. ;)
Isn't this the same premise as Christian Scientists use? I respect them--it seems to work wonders for those who believe in it.
I guess I missed something dramatic--how could a thread about bodily fluids be demoralizing? I'm just curious...