Body Fluids--subject to vegan scrutiny--yes or no?
Posted by Capture on May 31, 2009 · Member since Jul 2007 · 3981 posts
Should human body fluids be identified as vegan or not?
Example--vegan woman ingests the semen of an omni man. How is said semen classified--is this a vegan taboo? Is the semen not-vegan or is it perceived differently then other products that may or may not contain animal proteins.
Are omin body fluids the same as say a cheeseburger? Yes or no and why? If there is any known credible research--post that too!
Discuss (nicely please!)
Yes! I think that's great logic. Again, it's one of those things that omni's like to push buttons about. You're right, it's petty.
I have to defend my omni by saying that he asked out of curiosity--he really was not being petty or antagonistic at all about it--I can definitely see how some would be. In this case it was a reather interesting discussion that came up and I assure you that he hoped my ultimate judgement on the subject would be pro-semen *lol*
If someone seriously tried to use this as an argument as why someone was "not vegan" that would just make them a dick face! seriously! The lengths people go to in order to try and bring them down to their own level is just sick, twisted, and petty. Screw that. If that was the case I would have been like "see ya ass hat!" But I am thankful to say that is not my situation at all *woooo hooo*
lol. dickface. or rather, lack of dick in anyone's face!
I like your summary, cap. You should come in at the end of all of our debate discussions and summarize things.
Was the other thread closed because of someone baiting everyone else or for some other reason?
Closed due to excess douchebaggage.
Closed due to excess douchebaggage.
I'm calling shenanigans and giving an emphatic double boo over the clousure.
I like your summary, cap. You should come in at the end of all of our debate discussions and summarize things.
Haha! I'd love to HH--just give me a holler when you need me! :)
I wasn't propositioned by sb. :(
I wasn't propositioned by sb. :(
Yeah, I'm jealous too.
*throws panties at sb*
I wasn't propositioned by sb. :(
Yeah, I'm jealous too.
*throws panties at sb*
for realz, some people are just lucky I guess
I've actually looked it up too a while ago... sorry I'm late to the thread (I was planning on saying something when it was first posted, but too shy. haha)
I actually read that it does contain a lot of nutrients, but they are in such small amounts, you'd have to swallow ALOT!
FTR, I would be willing to share samples with many of the lovely ladies on vegweb!
I was waiting for your take on this, bp. In fact, I thought of you when I made my poll and wrote the option "I don't put semen in my mouth. Gross."
FTR, I would be willing to share samples with many of the lovely ladies on vegweb!
Can we book you for the August gathering? ^-^
I was waiting for your take on this, bp. In fact, I thought of you when I made my poll and wrote the option "I don't put semen in my mouth. Gross."
FTR, I would be willing to share samples with many of the lovely ladies on vegweb!
Can we book you for the August gathering? ^-^
SB is such a giver!
and does not have the consistency of egg whites or anything close to snot.
ummm... it does sometimes...
i'd say it's actually more like eggwhite/snot than semen sometimes. but i guess that's only a few days a month, anyway during ovulation, so whatever.
Ew. If it's like egg whites than is it not vegan by association?
do ya'll not pay attention to your cervical fluids? they are totally like egg whites around ovulation. that's all.
do ya'll not pay attention to your cervical fluids? they are totally like egg whites around ovulation. that's all.
No, I agree! It's just like, I didn't need to think about it.
I knew fluids changed cyclically, but I hadn't realized that it was timed to be around ovulation. Cool.
Oh, yeah. I notice a huge difference. It get sticky icky.
It gets this way so that the sperm have something slippery to travel on to fertilize the egg. Its a great way to know when you are ovulating, for either trying or NOT trying to get pregnant! If you have the sticky egg mucous (gross word) and you Don't wanna get pregnant, don't do it during this time!
When we were trying for Lyle we did it the first day I noticed the slippery stuff and it worked. 8)
Oh wow! Learn something new every day. :)