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I'm so heppeh!!

Last week when I was in town I was handed a 'free-coffee-with-purchase' card on the street, by a person from the 'Lotus Heart Vegetarian Cafe'. Now, I'd never heard of them before, though they're right off Cathedral Square in the centre of town (Christchurch, NZ). Today I had the time to check them out.

Oh my goodness!!!! It's a vegan sanctuary! Over half the things on the menu are vegan or easily veganisable. On the lunch menu alone there was a choice of 5-6 vege stews/curries on a choice of rice/mash/corn chips, with gluten-free bread on the side, in small/medium/large servings. I also could have chosen from vegeburgers, pizzas, or several items in the daily goodies cabinet.

The place is run by spiritual-meditatey people; followers of the teachings of Sri Chinmoy. It's a lovely light-filled top-floor cafe with lots of leafy plants, and flowers on the tables. It also has a gift shop. Their menu is soy-free, GE-free and much of it is dairy-free... they can make a decent coffee with rice milk. Mm-mm!!

I couldn't help but share my excitement. I don't know how long this place has been there, but I wish I had discovered it sooner. I want to go there for dinner on my birthday!! I want to take all of you!! Heheh, if only you were in NZ. Oh well. The difference between choosing the only accidentally-vegan thing on a menu, compared with this experience of choosing from a variety of delicious, healthy foods made by people who care, goes beyond my ability to describe how wonderful it is.....  :)>>>

I so share your happiness.  That is so awesome!  If I had a place like that around here I would probably never leave it :>


I know that feeling....same one I had a few months ago when I discovered a restaurant in Palm Harbor, FL called Consciousness Blossoms, also influenced by Sri Chinmoy's teachings.  It's been there forever and I didn't even know it!  Enjoy your new find!!



Awesome. We moved 5+ years ago and i am still looking for my veg friendly sanctuary :( One day!


what luck to find that card!
that is awesome, heliamphora.


That's great!! I love how vegan is sooo international now :) Tell them to open up a cafe in michigan!!!!


I know that feeling....same one I had a few months ago when I discovered a restaurant in Palm Harbor, FL called Consciousness Blossoms, also influenced by Sri Chinmoy's teachings.  It's been there forever and I didn't even know it!  Enjoy your new find!!

storm, is that near st pete? I think I may have eaten there when I lived in FL....but the location has escaped me!


How cool Heliia!

it must have been fate that you got that card!!  :)


How cool Heliia!

it must have been fate that you got that card!!  :)

Yeah, absolutely. It makes me wonder who/what else might be hiding in my fair city, keeping too quiet about their presence... Not knowing a lot of people makes it tricky to hear of these places. But happily, I work in a supermarket frequented by various veg*ns; even a couple of staff members are vegetarian. Now and then I casually grill them, and some customers, for information. Evidently there's another veg*n cafe that I need to investigate!  ;)b


storm, is that near st pete? I think I may have eaten there when I lived in FL....but the location has escaped me!

About 40 - 45 minutes north :)


There's a vegitarian Indian place near my work. I'v ebeen thinking of trying it for lunch sometime but I think I would feel like a dork sitting by myself for lunch. Does anyone else go out to lunch by themselves? Do you bring a book or something?


There's a vegitarian Indian place near my work. I'v ebeen thinking of trying it for lunch sometime but I think I would feel like a dork sitting by myself for lunch. Does anyone else go out to lunch by themselves? Do you bring a book or something?

Well, I tried this vege cafe on my own. I had nobody with me, so... I think my folks would be open to trying it with me, but I felt the need to check it out on my own, and form my own opinions. Now I want to bring open-minded people there with me.

Heh heh; I had a book in my bag (I always do)... but I didn't bring it out, 'cause the food and surroundings were interesting & new, so I wanted to sit and enjoy the food and look around. I hardly ever go out to eat, so it was important to experience it to the fullest.

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