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Alternative Baking Company

Hey Guys!

I know a lot of you know of this company but I just have to give it a shout out today! They sent me two boxes full of cookies for me to sample and they are awesome! Check out their web site or stop by your local WF and pick up a couple of these amazing vegan treats--you will not be dissapointed!

Hey, Capture... Because I am an Impatient Food Freak ;), I'm curious as to about how long it took between the email you received from ABC promising you samples & the time the box arrived at your door? Every day I come home from work, hoping the box will be sitting on my stoop, but alas... No luck yet. (And I'm pretty sure it's only been like three days.) I'm just wondering! :)

Hey Jessa! I think it was about two weeks--I actually forgot about it so when they came I was pleasently surprised! They sent me 8 cookies in two boxes--the shipping alone was $15!  I couldn't believe that would go to such expense for a customer--it was so nice of them! I made sure to send them a thank you and off course I shared the cookies and recyled the boxes!

I think about these cookies all athe time now--I really need to go buy some more!


Thank you! I actually do love forgetting about something I'm so looking forward to, so that when it eventually comes, it's that much more fun! :D Though I'm pretty much obsessed over trying these cookies, so I'm doubting that will happen in this case... ;)


I went to WF today and checked out the cookie aisle, to no avail.

Then I read baypuppy's comment about it being near the bakery, but I hang out by the bakery (last trip discovered vegan cheesecake, other cakes, and fruit/yogurt parfaits) and the lovely vegan baked goods are by The Chicago Diner, but no ABC....



I'm usually such a good impulse buyer too...  I need to focus more when I go to WF.

Thank you for the clarification/info baypupy... I never ask but I shall start.


that was at one in NYC. you can ask.... everywhere i've found ABC they are NOT with the other cookies on the "cookie wall"--they are positioned more in areas for impulse buying


Do you know if they're at the WF at Columbus Circle or 24th and 7th ave?


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I got my cookie samples today!!! :D :D :D :D :D (Okay, I might be a little too excited...) They promised to send some less than a week ago (!), so I wasn't expecting them so soon, but I came home from work today, and there they were--sitting on top of my mailbox! I saw that the shipping was $7, and there were only two cookies inside, so I thought that was a little silly, but you won't catch me complaining! :) They sent me the PB Chocolate Chip & regular Chocolate Chip. I ate about 1/4 of the PB one as an after-work snack & YUM!!! These things could be deadly!

I will definitely be searching out the other flavors!


They only sent you 2? They sent me 8! Hmmm...maybe they got overloaded with sample requests....

I got my Larabars today! they sent me cherry pie, apple pie, lemon bar and cashew! Yum!


They only sent you 2? They sent me 8! Hmmm...maybe they got overloaded with sample requests....

That's what I thought!! Hahaha. :) That probably is what happened... I was kind of surprised to see only two in the bottom of the box, but I won't ever complain about a free cookie (or two)! :D



Do you know if they're at the WF at Columbus Circle or 24th and 7th ave?

it was the columbus circle store


I went to WF today and checked out the cookie aisle, to no avail.

Then I read baypuppy's comment about it being near the bakery, but I hang out by the bakery (last trip discovered vegan cheesecake, other cakes, and fruit/yogurt parfaits) and the lovely vegan baked goods are by The Chicago Diner, but no ABC....


My WFs has them near the registers. There is a little display over top of a small fridge containing pasta & sauces. Ive also seen ABC cookies at Smoothie King, if you happen to have one of them around.



Anyone tried the Coconut Macaroon? I had one at a local vegan cafe and it was amazing! It's a seasonal flavor and is seriously TO DIE FOR! It kind of reminds me of the Samoas that the Girl Scouts sell but so much better! Oh how I love coconut! You MUST seek out this cookie  :D


Ahh I've been so tempted to try it everytime I see I have to get one!


Omg, CeltKat sent bookpapa and me two ABC cookies (Mac the Chip and Oatmeal Raisin) PLUS a box of Vitasoy Chocolate Banana soymilk for our anniversary. It just arrived today and I have had my half of the Mac the Chip cookie. Dear me. Save me from myself. If bookpapa doesn't get on the stick, he won't be tasting that one. And the Vitasoy is put-down-the-carton-and-step-away-from-the-refrigerator good.  :D 8)


Wow, that is awesome!  Good job Celtkat!  Yeah, the chocolate banana is nice and rich and yummers!  I have to find the chocolate mint.


Wow, that is awesome!  Good job Celtkat!  Yeah, the chocolate banana is nice and rich and yummers!  I have to find the chocolate mint.

Ha! What can I say? I'm a great daughter and I know my parents  ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D

The Vitasoy Chocolate Peppermint is my all time favorite. It's criminal how inconsistent the distribution of the ABC and Vitasoy flavors are!! I still haven't gotten my shipment of ABC samples  :'( :'( but I hopehopehopehopehopehope one of them is Coconut Macaroon!!! It sounds like a little piece of heaven.....


This is what my box of chocolate banana has in it:

Organic soymilk (filtered water, organic whole soybeans). organic cane juice (dried), organic banana puree, natural flavors, organic cocoa (processed with alkalai), organic soybean oil, salt, Irish Moss.

So, yeah, Irish moss and carageenan are the same thing. It's a thickener and makes for a better mouth-feel so I think most commercial soymilks have it in them.


The Vitasoy Chocolate Peppermint is my all time favorite. It's criminal how inconsistent the distribution of the ABC and Vitasoy flavors are!!

I can't wait until the Whole Foods her gets the Chocolate Peppermint. I think I'm going to stock up this year!

Haha. We have this same conversation going on in this thread:

I lovelovelovelovelove Vitasoy! It is seriously so creamy. I just found a bunch of the Chocolate-Banana, Strawberry-Banana, Holly Nog & Chocolate-Peppermint flavors at a co-op & I stocked up like an apocalypse was coming & I was afraid I'd have to live the rest of my days in a bunker, soymilk-free... Anyway, I have opened the Chocolate-Peppermint & Strawberry-Banana so far, and they are both incredible!!! :D

Also, I just tried a Double Chocolate Decadence ABC cooking today... Whoa. :o It is terrific. I left it in the other room so I wouldn't eat the whole thing, but I keep walking in there to have "just one more" nibble. ::) It was even better dipped into the Chocolate-Peppermint Vitasoy!


This is what my box of chocolate banana has in it:

Organic soymilk (filtered water, organic whole soybeans). organic cane juice (dried), organic banana puree, natural flavors, organic cocoa (processed with alkalai), organic soybean oil, salt, Irish Moss.

So, yeah, Irish moss and carageenan are the same thing. It's a thickener and makes for a better mouth-feel so I think most commercial soymilks have it in them.

Makes for a better mouth-feel?  You MUST be a beer drinker!  Carageenan is used to refine beer and wine for clarity, but mostly beer.  MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.


Awww, Camillus, I hate to disappoint you but I don't like beer at all.  :(  I DO like things with a good mouth-feel, though. ;D Creamy things have the kind of mouth-feel I like. MMMMMMMMMMMMM


I went to my WF's today...and *WAAAAAAA* They do NOT carry ABC cookies at my store!!!! I am so sad--I am highly addicted to the "mac the chip" flavor and I really wanted to try the pumpkin one--massive depression is setting in as we speak!  :'( :'( :'(

Did I read something about beer in one of the last few posts? Mmmmmm beer!



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