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Alternative Baking Company

Hey Guys!

I know a lot of you know of this company but I just have to give it a shout out today! They sent me two boxes full of cookies for me to sample and they are awesome! Check out their web site or stop by your local WF and pick up a couple of these amazing vegan treats--you will not be dissapointed!

man, why can't this all be available in canada...? poo poo.


Larabars are super tasty too!  I love Cashew Cookie and Cinnamon Roll flavors. :)

Sometimes they try to do promotions at races.  I think I remember they just showed up at a couple bike races (in the Boston area) and had a huge box of mini-larabars for everyone to take!  I was seriously one of the the only people taking them!

I don't know if that actually helps...


I received an email from them saying they would be happy to send out a sample box to me--I am so excited to try them! Is there any other yummy veg*n treats or companies that will send out freebes? I'm so poor I have no shame in asking for free samples!


I don't know if Uncle Eddies sends out samples, but you could email them and ask.
Their Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies are so good.

I love Uncle Eddie's Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies! Thank you for mentioning these. Alternative Baking Company makes a damn good peanut butter chocolate chip cookie too.


Yay! I just wrote to ABC telling them how much I love their cookies and within an hour I got a response:

Thank you for taking the time to write us, as we appreciate hearing from our customers. We are pleased to hear you enjoy our cookies so much. It is always nice to hear from enthusiastic people!

Again, thanks for writing and for all your support. Please email me with your mailing address and I will send you some delicious cookies. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact us at anytime. Have a wonderful day!

Take Care,


Woo Hoo, free cookies!!

Thanks for the idea, Capture!!  ;D ;D


Yay! I just wrote to ABC telling them how much I love their cookies and within an hour I got a response:

Thank you for taking the time to write us, as we appreciate hearing from our customers. We are pleased to hear you enjoy our cookies so much. It is always nice to hear from enthusiastic people!

Again, thanks for writing and for all your support. Please email me with your mailing address and I will send you some delicious cookies. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact us at anytime. Have a wonderful day!

Take Care,


Woo Hoo, free cookies!!

Thanks for the idea, Capture!!  ;D ;D

Hahahaha. I sent them a "fan letter," too, and I got back that EXACT same reply! ;D The thing is... I have never even tried ABC cookies, for two reasons: 1. I only saw them one time & didn't pay much attention (I never really like to buy store-bought cookies, as I usually don't like the flavor), and 2. I haven't gone out searching for them because they're so expensive! But I have heard so many great things about these cookies that I just can't wait to try them! I just haven't seen any in my area, but that didn't stop me from emailing them to tell them how amazing their cookies are... ::) I am shameless. I PROMISE I'm not a jerk--I really will buy some after I receive my free samples & it's proven that they're worth the money! ;)


;D That's great!!! I wonder if you wrote the truth, that you would like to try the cookies, but think they are expensive, would they send you free samples? I would think it would make more sense to send some to someone who's never tried them before then to send them to someone claiming they already love them!


;D That's great!!! I wonder if you wrote the truth, that you would like to try the cookies, but think they are expensive, would they send you free samples? I would think it would make more sense to send some to someone who's never tried them before then to send them to someone claiming they already love them!

I knoooooow! :D It totally would make more sense, but I was afraid if I told the truth, they'd think I was a cheap jerk who was rude enough to blatantly ask for free shit. :-\ So... I admit it: I lied. I said their cookies were amazing & to keep up the good work! I am so horrible! Why am I even admitting to this?!?! I am seriously not a liar (or even a fib-teller) under normal circumstances... It's just when I'm tempted with delicious, free, VEGAN food that it comes out, I guess. ??? Oh, man...


did you all use the comment thing on their website? or did you send a "real" email.

I just used the comment thing on their website. I also registered though...Seriously, in a blind taste test, I challenge any omni (or veg*n) to be able to tell which cookie is vegan. ABC cookies are TDF.



did you all use the comment thing on their website? or did you send a "real" email.

I just used the comment thing on their website. I also registered though...

Same here! :)

ABC cookies are TDF.


I like how I can tell that I am such a child from the internet & AIM-era because it took me literally less than 2 seconds of wondering, "What does TDF mea-- Oh... To Die For."

Hahaha. ;D


I actually had 2 or 3 emails with one of the customer service peoples before being offered free samples--but I was always very nice and they did send me a lot of cookies! It was worth the time investment! I'm eating a peanut butter cookie right now and it is f*ing awesome!!!!


I also only commented, and got an e-mail without the mention of sending me cookies.  Perhaps they are suffering from vegweb overload.


Guess I'll be trucking up to WF to check it out, as Capture and Jessa took all the free samples  ;)

Where do I find them, by the peanut butters perhaps?  Wait. Every WF is probably different.... scratch that.  I just know that when I wander, I buy more... and therefore spend more.... you know.

I need to try that list making sticking to the list thing.

0 likes many cookies come in a pack?


5, I think?
Which is everyone's favorites? I want to buy 1 or 12 boxes...


I ordered snickerdoodle and pumpkin spice. I can already tell the pumpkin spice will be my fave.


Mac the Chip are my favorite so far! They are super good! I really want to try the pumpkin ones--I'm gonna have to make a run to WF too!


I'm a huge fan of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip and Explosive Espresso Chip.  :) :)

Gosh, I don't know why I keep coming back to this thread.  Now all I want to do is eat cookies...


OMG, the pumpkin spice cookie is THE BEST EVER. I also love love love the snickerdoodle and Mac the Chip. The Explosive Espresso Chip was a little too rich for me, but it was still good (I'm just a freak). Seriously, though, you can't go wrong with any of their flavors. Oh oh oh! Their oatmeal raisin is MMMMMMMM too! Geez, I can't wait to get my samples! I think maybe I need to stop reading this post when I'm hungry  ;D


Hey, Capture... Because I am an Impatient Food Freak ;), I'm curious as to about how long it took between the email you received from ABC promising you samples & the time the box arrived at your door? Every day I come home from work, hoping the box will be sitting on my stoop, but alas... No luck yet. (And I'm pretty sure it's only been like three days.) I'm just wondering! :)



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